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12th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
0 like this post 1 people
12/10/2014 17:34
Good dan1989.

Now that you found my BAP bring them back to me and 10K BAPs are yours.
Traffic Value: $117.44941 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 17:35
wow i got a$1ad a$0.25ad and 2x $.025
not bad for someone who just got in to group 4smile
Traffic Value: $915.64947 Bangladesh
0 like this post 1 people
12/10/2014 17:35
single 5 cent today.....
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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12/10/2014 17:46
Jo look into this purchase of my downline..

Purchaser: handful417

Campaign Status: Pending

Purchase Date: 09-10-2014

It's been 3 days but the person haven't received the BAPs and the ad still haven't been approved.

Also, I didn't receive any commissions for the purchase.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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12/10/2014 17:46
Check what happen to your BAP with the link I gave you.
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
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12/10/2014 17:52
It was a joke. I lost $950 worth of them in games.
Traffic Value: $163.37965 Bosnia and Herzegowina
2 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 17:53
Got 1$ ad today , thanks Jo ! grin
Traffic Value: $115.33786 India
0 like this post 1 people
12/10/2014 17:53
Unlucky every time...cwy Today only two ads 0.05$ & 0.025..shocked Oh god please look upto me once.....angel
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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12/10/2014 17:58
Are we getting ddosed again? It's all very laggy right now and i'm being logged out once every 2-3 minutes (I can't explain the 2nd part..)
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 18:03
Me too. Site is very slow and getting logout frequently.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
0 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 18:05
can we add a feature in the future so we cannot put all titles and text into CAPS...should be easy to add this css or the PHP version of it to avoid all this CAPS posts
[code]text-transform: capitalize;[/code]
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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12/10/2014 18:39
as usual I'm unlucky for games of chance sideways
I received 2x 0.025c but it does not matter 
otherwise it's good for small groups wink
yes the site is very slow in this momment we'll see in a few hours
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 19:00
You're unlucky? grin
I didn't get any ad : P

And that's lags make me little worrying... sad
Traffic Value: $1,079.62867 Hungary
0 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 19:06
No ads here,why? sad
Traffic Value: $33.9906 India
0 like this post 3 people
12/10/2014 19:10
i don't know why 0 ads today not earned anything here today feeling very bad
Traffic Value: $321.77353 Denmark
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12/10/2014 19:14
Whats up with servers ?
I have been trying to view the few adds I got for the last 4 hours, and each of them is with error when time runs out.
Now im about to loose most of them due to timeout on the adds.

Jo - Are the servers being attacked with DoS storm ?
Traffic Value: $2,293.16914 Netherlands
1 like this post 6 people
12/10/2014 20:16
Just 1 ad today... no wonder Paidverts has many inactive members..
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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12/10/2014 20:22
weekends is extra whatever u get and its stated infront that this day woud mainly be for smallers to get a little extra random wise.

Only thing i really am anoyed by indeed is the server lagg last few days and especialy ALOT today.

i wanna gamble but havn't dared to touch any game today due this lagg. 

Because gambling when site laggs out every min or 10 min or so is just no go.

u doing ur bet schemetics and u lagg at like 4 times upping ur fcked and lost.
Simple Sure u can lose on other ways 2...

But this is extra losses. wich pushed me and prolly others to to stop gambling.
Same lagg reason made me rage yesterday and just 1 bet push 10k into casinowar due i lagged after upping 7ish times and losing.
sure its my choice to bet high after lagg
Dont get me wrong not begging for 10k baps back.
Just saying it pushed people that stop just due the lagg when they other wise woud keep playing and in time indeed lose more.

However idc losing in casino but i do care when i lose it due lagg or whatever.
And u can say lagg doesn't chance the outcome no.
But what u expect us to do refresh? until its back in the hope not someone else just refreshed sooner and gone with ur win.
it difference the outcome as it woud have been feeling it in a way unfair when lost like that.
And not completely your own fauld giving a extra badtaste wich normaly shoudn;t have been there.
Because really
Idc losing.
But i do care the way how.
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 20:43
Hey, I didn't get any and I'm not complaining cwy

I just want to say that I don't like random issuing(from today) haha grin
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
12/10/2014 23:21
We're looking into the laggy site...
I think its something to do with our database. It's now 120GB in size. We need to do more to partition it, or whatever is required to keep the database server from consuming all its resources all the time.

Issuing 1-2m ads per day is taking its toll!
But the programmers are on it; and we can purchase whatever hardware they require. But this is almost certainly a software scaling issue.

* And share transfers aren't being approved temporarily; we're investigating that again for the same old bug that's been plaguing us for years.
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