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Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 00:20
Where's the link? The monitor link in the 1st page?
So I will be in this thread's team when I join?
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
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06/09/2016 00:21
Yes, I have got that many reffs, but they are either level 1 or max maybe level 2. (Edit: Some are just registered members, not even upgraded, so you can see the no. change in 24 hour grin )

When they reach level 5 only, I will get the payment.

If I have got Level 5 downline, I will only get payment from him when he upgrades to Level 5

Or, to make it easy enough, you will get payment from x level downline, when you are already upgraded at x level and your downline is upgrading to level x.
Where x can be 1 to 6
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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06/09/2016 00:21

Yes. If you join through the monitor link on first page, you`ll be placed somewhere within this team.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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06/09/2016 00:26
meworking, was this because you upgraded to all 6 levels without waiting that your ref were placed all over the place? 
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 00:29
Thanks vecors.

Now what is the "upgrade"
We have to pay again?
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
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06/09/2016 00:34

No, it doesn't matter if you pay in advance or if you pay at the right time.

But, if you pay late, you can miss a payment from your downline.

As I need to go out from home for quite a significant time per day, I upgraded in advance, but that is fine for me, as I have got that many donations to compensate that.

So, any more donations can simply be considered a bonus for me wink

And it is always better to upgrade in advance if you can afford it, and you don't have that much time to spend online.


You need to upgrade once with 0.03 BTC to be eligible to get spillovers from our team if you joined our team, and also to get your reff link and donations from your 2 level 1 reffs.
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 00:44
Alrighty then. Thanks.
Traffic Value: $2,036.3384 Peru
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06/09/2016 01:21
Still level 1 but I started to advertise it like crazy smile
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
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06/09/2016 05:57
Thanks @hopvscape advertising will help us all grin
I am confused hopvscape is my 1st level 1 ref and elvadas is my 2nd but elvadas got his ref before hopvscape though i am not sure if the ref of elvadas is referred by him or spillover of the system if it is a spillover then the next ref goes to hopvscape from what i can understand.So keep  up the good work team mtv grin
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 06:16
Hi everyone,

Can I use my non-blockchain wallet to send .03 btc to my upline'

Or do I have to fund my btc blockchan account?
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
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06/09/2016 06:32
@GeamerPaid,i think you need a block chain based wallet as they cannot verify transaction from other wallets or exchanges,so you should fund your blockchain wallet.
Btw who is your upline ?
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 06:35
OK then, thank you.
 I funded now, reflected immediately into my wallet, do I have to wait for it to be confirmed in the blockchain?
Traffic Value: $14,349.14464 United States
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06/09/2016 07:05
I just want to mention a few things about ZarFund. This is a long-term program and having missed a couple of stage 4 upgrade donations, I'm trying to take the long view of things.

First off, I'd say a good strategy is to upgrade to the highest level you can afford once you have the downline. So, if you have level 4 referrals and you can afford a level 4 upgrade, just go for it. It's better than missing a payment, because you never know when people will upgrade.

I thought payments would come in sequence, but I was wrong. I missed 2 level 4 payments and hadn't even received a level 3 payment.

Next thing is this is a monthly plan, so I hope every one sticks with it, and I'll do better next month. I'll be more prepared and I hope you all will as well.

Finally, I want to point out that the big money is in your level 5 and level 6 referrals. You won't get paid by them until they upgrade to stages 5 and 6, which means they're going to want to have 5 or 6 levels of refs below them.

The good thing is that teams fill up fast with the simple 2-by structure, and we're really only at the beginning. And we all benefit by helping everyone. That's why I'm writing this. Meworking is my level 6 referral and I want him to be successful and he only will be if all his downline is successful, too.

So, I'm really looking forward to a long-term earning strategy with this program. There has never been a member-to-member direct payment program with automatic payment confirmation that works. This program has solved all the problems inherent with m-2-m programs of the past.

Good luck to all and happy earning!
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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06/09/2016 07:40
A donation you submitted has been approved!


Submitted: 06-Sep-2016 10:31:23
Approved: 06-Sep-2016 10:36:01
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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06/09/2016 08:57
The site has a renewed fresh modern main page now. I have still no referrals anyway.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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06/09/2016 09:30
This is mine 3rd day without refs, so..
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
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06/09/2016 09:35
Same here..atleast i got few refs joined but noone upgraded ?
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
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06/09/2016 11:18
5000 members crossed happy
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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06/09/2016 13:30
This is how my downline looks right now (only active members). Most of you are there and you can see the blank spots. That`s why spillover takes some time to show at some of you.

Traffic Value: $3,861.65944 United States
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06/09/2016 13:38
Unfortunately many of them are not willing to donate. Spent my time writing them emails but only one replied.
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