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Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
28/05/2018 13:33
Monitor listing:

Bit Ltd, is a financial organization build up to provide a source of passive income for the investors round the globe. The company has been performing it's financial operations for the past 10 years in an offline environment at (Hampshire, United Kingdom) and serving the investors with the best returns in the market. Vario Bit invests in the Crypto Currency and mining of Bitcoin, as well as other resources of income that includes but not limited to Land, Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds.

3 plans:
110% after 7 days
5% daily for 30 days
4% daily for 45 days

342 days online and paying

(88 M. Invested)
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
1 like this post 0 people
28/05/2018 14:41
Game on?

have you made a deposit yet? 
Traffic Value: $1,973.61162 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
28/05/2018 18:30
Yes i did.. i will see how it works smile
But i am not big investor..investing money which i can afford to lose if smth happen
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