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Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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08/11/2015 06:33
First you pls check the website, its not like other rev sharing website, they have many other projects,100% sustainable,they are launching new social network site,product selling website,search engine websites,etc.. so they are earning income from outsource and share of people who buying ads packs on startrv.
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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08/11/2015 07:21
@boyjack - How much have you invested total till now in StartRevShare? .... Also, are you giving any kind of Ref commission back to your refs who are your downline (like how @expertx is doing for his refs in CLDMining website), especially the ones who are joining under you from the Monitor listing?? hmmm
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
0 like this post 1 people
08/11/2015 08:20
I have many referrals around 100 reached, and am using my referral commission for buying ad packs, am not promising to anyone giving back referral commissions, because am using only STP payment processor and You can earn money very fast, if you deposit $50 you can make $75 within a month and its very fast growing website, around 13K members joined within in a week,have any other websites like this growth? and even no paypal and
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
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08/11/2015 15:30
"Started instant payout, received 3rd cash out"
My payments are not instant, are yours?

BTW, already $70 cashed out. But with this huge profitability i don't think they will last too long. Let's see what happens.
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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09/11/2015 11:17
temporary they stopped instant payout, but I received my 4th payment in
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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10/11/2015 04:09
Great news Payza will be added soon.grin
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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10/11/2015 05:55
Okay I'm really interested in investing into this. I'm thinking $100 in Bitcoin now after some planning. Should I go for 20 beginner Ad Packs, 10 Bronze, 5 Silver, 2 Gold, or just 1 Platinum? And I get 5-6% Daily correct? So it could take a few weeks to make back the investment? Any ways to make faster earnings?
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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10/11/2015 18:30
Yes you will get 5% daily earnings,
and not need to surf ads to earn money.just buy pack only.
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
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10/11/2015 18:45
does it accept paypal?
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
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10/11/2015 19:00
No. StartRev does not accept PayPal.
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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10/11/2015 19:04
As per the latest news, pazya will be added by next week , paypal will be later.
Traffic Value: $804.38371 India
1 like this post 1 people
10/11/2015 19:05
 Who told you that this admin has outside income like startpeeps?

First analyze then post or it will backfire soon.
Startpeep is a disaster and startrev will be soon.

Do u know, they use an unverified PM account to take funding?

Creating a rosy picture is very easy but to sustain, its too much difficult.

Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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10/11/2015 19:12
Latest news(yesterday) from the owner, Jens Steyaert

Hi Everybody,
I hope you had a great weekend! smile emoticon
Well i have a couple of updates for the SRS community, here they are:
-> Increased support team and cashout team
I'm happy to announce that we have hired a couple more people who will take care of support and cashouts. The api for automated cashouts has issues and still needs work to be integrated, but cashouts should be really fast from now on. Bitcoin cashouts are made twice a day in the morning and evening Brussels time and bitcoin deposits are checked 3 times a day. Our new support staff needs to be trained some more but later this evening i will add more info in our knowledgebase (didn't have time yesterday) and instruct them on other issues.

-> Payza will be included soon
Because the cc option was too much of a hassle as it's not automated we will provide the option to make deposits adn withdraw using Payza. My business account is verified and i submitted the info to get the website approved friday and it takes 2 business days so i hope to get the news that we can add it to our sites soon. smile emoticon I'm sure this will give a great boost to SRS as many people have been asking me about this, so yeah look forward to see how that goes and i'm sure your earrnings will remain consistent too. smile emoticon

-> Startpeeps revshare will launch in about 2-3 weeks! -> I talked to our main developer yesterday and she has confirmed that the revsharing system for Startpeeps will be able to launch by the end of this month! So in short how it will work:
- Users will be rewarded for their social activity by various metrics. There will be a login bonus, bonus for likes on your posts etc. Ads will be displayed around your content and we will share part of that ad revenue with you, plus part of the revenue of the other sites in our network!
- Depending on these metrics, we will credit your Startpeeps balance once a day, so every day when you login you will earn more money, that's it. smile emoticon
- You can earn $1 for every referral you bring to Startpeeps and we'll have a 3-tier affiliate program, so you'll earn 10% of what your direct referrals earn and 5% on your second and third downline! So inviting people will boost your earnings a lot!
- Cashouts can be made when your balance reaches $25 through the same processors available on SRS.

That's it, an easy way for you to earn more money and an external revenue share to pay members on SRS by doing what you already do every single day. smile emoticon
-> Special offer to create an extra income stream launching soon!
Now that Startpeeps has an approximate launch date, we will start promoting it heavily soon. Startpeeps is an invit-only platform and requires a username or referral link to be able to sign up.

As i explained, we'll integrate a 3-level affiliate program so you can earn 10-5-5% of your downline. Just imagine you have thousands of people in your network who earn you just $1 a month. That's a completely passive income stream of $1000's without having to lift a finger!
So what's the offer? We will promote YOUR affiliate link and add referrals to your account automatically forever! 
We will promote Startpeeps a lot and turn the 15K userbase we have now into 1.5 million users in a matter of months. This will give us huge leverage to promote all our other sites in the network and grow external revenue every single day.

How will we promote to get you referrals? (referrals will be divided evenly amongst people who get the offer using a special script)
-> A link on the SRS platform
SRS gets thousands of new unique visitors a day, so that's a great place to get tons of daily referrals by adding a link on our homepage.
-> A link in the SRS welcome email
We get 100's of new sign ups on SRS every day, and the majority signs up for our social network as it benefits the entire concept, so another easy way to get you referrals!
-> Numerous marketing campaigns
To attract the masses, we will launch tons of targeted marketing campaigns. These marketing campaigns will run forever so an evergreen source of new daily referrals for you!

So that's it, we will launch this offer tonight but there's only 1000 spots available and will end the moment Startpeeps launches. I will post an update when it's ready and add an attention bar on SRS linking to the offer so you can't miss it.
This offer will not only help ourself, but earnings will be fully used to pay members on SRS so you'll also help the community. smile emoticon

Have a nice day and talk soon!
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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11/11/2015 05:22

startpeeps is disaster?,this website is started on Aug and the affiliated programs started last week only.
Mr.Jens Steyaert, he is the owner of this website and they have many other new projects.
Startpeeps, startpeepsmarkets ,startpeepssurffunding, startcouponcode,startsearchengine,

First you analysis about the truth then post.
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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12/11/2015 05:35
Payza has been added as payment option to add funds to your account or buy ad packs.
Traffic Value: $2,675.2214 India
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19/11/2015 20:41
My cashout is pending for last 4 Days...I have used Bitcoin as a Payment Processor...I have also send a support Ticket but no responsesad

Are there any issues??
Traffic Value: $621.87662 Malaysia
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22/11/2015 14:12
anyone knows whether this site is till paying ? 
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
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22/11/2015 16:35
Why don't these new copycat "Revenue Sharing" websites last even 1 Month???!!! ... What's wrong with them?? cwy
Traffic Value: $8,225.67952 India
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23/11/2015 04:39
Your pending withdraw  cleared? All bitcoin pending cash withdrawals processed.
Traffic Value: $2,675.2214 India
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23/11/2015 05:28

Yaa Finally I received my cashoutgrin
Had made the request on 15th and received today...
Also a reply from the support for reason of such long waiting...

All the pending withdrawals are being worked on and will be paid shortly. In case you missed today's update from Jens:

Hi Everybody,

Hope you're having a good weekend!

Well as you know we've been dealing with many unfortunate issues the last 10 days or so, and the reasons are fairly simple:
-> Scammers trying to steam money so cashouts are slower as we need to verify every account from now on.
-> A buggy script that causes tons of issues which we can't solve ourself as we rely on the developer of the script.

So both issues will simply be solved when the newscript is ready. If any issues pops up, don't be alarmed, we are aware of it and working on it. We cant do more than that i guess...

Either way, we are less than 3 weeks old so it's pretty normal issues pop up. We didn't build this site however for people to make money in less than 3 weeks and play the dumb game that's being played on other revshare sites. And that's what i want to talk more about now.

We will soon be introducing our own cryptocurrency that will be used as our own in-house currency for all our sites. I know that Bitcoin will presumably always be number one, but there is no other coin out there that has a clear goal, a solid plan to increase the value of te coin through the power of the community.

So once i have more info about specifics which our developers are working on i'll post more info about this amazing concept that help you all make a lot of money. To give you an idea, we'll be launching our own payment gateway for our coin so everybody will be able to accept payments using it...

Ayways this is just an update, i've been on the road for couple of days so will check my mails now. Questions can be sent to the support desk.

Have a nice day!

Hope this site moves forwardsmile
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