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Search Trade - Search and Earn Bitcoins

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Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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05/06/2016 14:37
Search Trade Listing Link:

Hi everyone, I would like to introduce Search Trade, a Singapore-based startup. SearchTrade distributes the revenue generated by the site with the users. The main currency used at the moment is bitcoins. Getting rewarded for using a search engine is not entirely a new concept, but they include some unique features such as keyword investing and app creation.

You can earn from the site with the following ways:

Perform Searches - "Search Miner"
The easiest way to earn from the site, you get paid bitcoins when you perform a search. You can perform 40 paid searches a day with the limit of 10 searches per hour.

At the time of writing, the payout rate is 100 satoshi per search (4000 satoshi per day) and it should increase when they get more advertisers.

Keyword Investing - "Keyword Miner"
SearchTrade turns keywords into digital assets that you can own. By investing in keywords, you can earn residual income every time the word you own is searched. May not be the best investing option at the moment but it should get more profitable as the number of users grow.

Keywords can also be traded freely in the open market. This provide an opportunity to flip it for a profit.

App Developer - "App Miner"
App developers can create innovative search based apps and promote them on SearchTrade App Market. App Miners get paid in bitcoin whenever a user search in the App developed by them.

SearchTrade shares about a quarter of the revenue with their developers.

There is a 20,000 satoshi withdrawal cost so it make sense to withdraw only when you have accumulated a good amount.

Withdrawal is not instant right now and takes about 3 working days, but a full working wallet with instant withdrawal is currently in progress.

Referral Program
The payout of SearchTrade referral program is as such:

Keyword Referral percentage – 7.5%
First Buy Cashback percentage – 7.5%
Search Referral Earning – 10%

Do note the payout and commission is subjected to change.

The site is still at their beginning phase at the moment but as you can see, there is a lot of potential in this concept. You can refer to this thread for updates by the team.
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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06/06/2016 02:34
In my opinion, search trade is a great addition if you are a regular bitcoin faucet users. You get 1000 satoshi every hour up to 4000 satoshi a day. Best is you don't have to key in any captcha and no annoying ads blinking in your eyes. grin
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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06/06/2016 13:30
Search Trade also has their own Android App. It can actually be more convenient than opening a mobile browser to search for information. Your default search engine can be Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube etc. I believe more apps are under development. Feels nice when you are searching and getting bitcoins in return.
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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07/06/2016 16:27
Screenshot of future Search Result UI change. When advertising kicks in, the amount you get for doing search should also increase accordingly.

Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
2 like this post 0 people
07/06/2016 16:41
Interesting stuff.I'll make an account soon.
Traffic Value: $64.8481 Romania
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07/06/2016 19:51
Hi Crimson , can you please contact me on Romanian topic?
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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09/06/2016 14:56
@Crimson Yes it is indeed an interesting concept. Looking forward for huge development in the future. They update the platform every few weeks at this page.
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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10/06/2016 15:58
SearchTrade is growing slowly but steadily. It has just exceeded 15,000 registered members and over a million paid searches grin
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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11/06/2016 08:17
I registered.Very cool concept.But one keyword is worth over 200$.Any thoughts on the returns over time?
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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11/06/2016 15:55
Good question. In my opinion, it is not a good time to invest in keywords right now for two reasons:

1) High bitcoin price
Bitcoin price is on the rise for the past few weeks. Since the keywords are sold/traded based on amount of bitcoin, it is a better idea to invest in it when the price of bitcoin is low.

As an illustration, the price of bitcoin is about $580 right now. The cost of a 0.38 BTC keyword translates to about $220. If the price of bitcoin reduces to $300, the same keyword is going to cost only $114.

2) Low Search Volume
Since Search Trade is still in the starting phase, the number of users and paid searches a day is still low at the moment. Keyword investing is going to be a lot more profitable with higher traffic, since more searches means more potential revenue.

The most profitable keyword right now is #bitcoin. Based on the average daily revenue, it will generate roughly 0.1 BTC in a year. The initial selling price is about 0.4 BTC, which means the owner is likely to recoup only 25% of the cost. Of course this is just an estimate since traffic is on the rise every month, but it is unlikely for keywords investing to get a positive ROI in a year.

Having said that, you should invest in keywords if you believe that Search Trade is going to grow big in the near future. When that happens, you can probably sell your keyword away for a much higher price than your purchase price. This is kind of similar to property investing in my opinion, collecting "rental" while hoping for appreciation in the value of the keyword.
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
1 like this post 1 people
13/06/2016 16:30
Just 4 days from my last update on the paid search figures and as of today, search trade has gained another 100k paid search. Seems like volume is slowly picking up with few hundreds new member registrations daily. I believe when the number of members crossed the 100k mark, Search Trade is going to have huge progress grin
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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16/06/2016 15:52
Search Trade is a great addition to earn bitcoins when bitcoin prices are high like now. Most bitcoin faucets fluctuate based on the market rate of bitcoin but Search Trade is a fixed 100 satoshi per search. You just need 4 hours to claim the maximum 4k satoshi a day compared to multiple claim in other faucets
Traffic Value: $250.835 Singapore
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23/06/2016 13:27
Search Trade has surpassed 17k registered users and 1.3 mil paid search grin
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