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Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
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03/01/2019 21:00
Online Stock Exchange

Virtual Stock Exchange where you can earn money by investing in stocks or make your dream project a reality by offering a stocks of your own!

If you want to get profit from risk free investments, you are at the right place!
Our average investor received monthly 154% ROI! That means if you make 100$ investment, you can cash-out 154$ after 30 days.
- yield calculation: every day.
- All your investments are secured.
- All your information is strictly confidential.
- Minimum investment just 3$!
- Many different ways for members to make money!

This looks like a very promising program.

Anyone can join, free sign-up, no membership! Minimum investment just 3$ and minimum cash-out just 7$!
You can invest in shares, which are offered by different projects and offer different ROI (Return On Investment). The cheapest shares can be bought for 3$ and the most expensive I found is 657,80$! And some shares bring you 0,10$ daily dividends (the dividends change over time, depending upon projects performance)
Beside investing you can also promote your own project and issue your own shares - so that the other investors can buy them and you get the so needed money to make your project a reality!

You can also earn money without investment at all: 
- Earn money performins simple jobs (you can earn from 0,03$ up to 1,20$ simply posting in forums),

- you will get 0,02$ for each visitor that visits the site with your referral link,

- you will get 27% referral commision from every purchase your referrals make.

Accepted payment options: PayPal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Litecoin

A lot of marketing materials available - banners, banner rotators, Text Ads, HTML teksts - everything to help you promote.

Online Stock Exchange VOTE!
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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03/01/2019 21:25
How well have you investigated this?
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
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03/01/2019 21:36
I investigated as much as I was able to. 
Did not find any sites or forums where anyone would claim the site to be fraudolent.

Since the withdraw is only available after 30 days of the registration, I was not yet able to withdraw any money, but I certainly plan to and of course to post here the payment proof as soon as I get the money.

Since the site accepts the payments with PayPal that certainly gives it a level of confidence.

But of course the following still applies: Do not invest the money you cannot afford to lose!

But I am also quite convinced people can afford to invest 3$ to try the site and earn some money. 

Also a very important argument: you can earn money even without investing at all! Just promote the site and perform the jobs from the site and you can earn money fast!
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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04/01/2019 09:57
I've made a 1,22$ since last night. Some more and it'll be for a lowest priced stock. Then I'll see how it goes, or maybe add a few pennies fresh aswell.
Traffic Value: $420.31646 Germany
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04/01/2019 13:26
If this is legit, it seems like the perfect place for a forum user who wanted to sell his idea to MTV
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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04/01/2019 13:47
I usually don't interfere with these topics too much, but since people are considering whether this is legit or not: Obviously it won't be.

27% refcom, 154% returns in a month, 30 day cashout lock?
It might be a legitimate PROGRAM, but absolutely no legitimate stock exchange.
Traffic Value: $264.40909 Turkey
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04/01/2019 14:41
Have to agree with Mark. such a high yield suggests HYIP. Minimum deposit 3 dollar but minimum payout 7 dollars. How long will it take for 3 dollars to turn to 7 dollars?
Traffic Value: $4,413.72567 Czech Republic
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04/01/2019 16:33
Well you know,, if you deposit 10usd you are above that minimum cashout rightaway,, but still. wait for month to withdraw? anything can happen in a month with such a high-profit-short-term thingy
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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04/01/2019 19:58
Well, you can't invest from balance, so that's that for now... Still thinking about adding pennies. I did get a ref though, who already made a purchase.
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
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05/01/2019 18:00
That 154% in a month I think is just a miss-advetising. 
The actuall dividends are much lower and they also change upon a specific project results.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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05/01/2019 19:48
I've been asked to be regional representative, hehe.

But, Martin, have you found/is there a way to invest with account balance or is a must-do to deposit fresh?
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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06/01/2019 06:57
This one caught my attention as well. 
but looking at the projects you can invest in they seem fake or staged, with no proof they are a real business. 

As for the ptp earnings, are we able to withdraw before the '30 days after registering '?
We have had a few programs that had this ability before "omni-cash" and a few more that were pretty fun.
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
06/01/2019 14:45
@Vixthra: No so far they did not respond to my question why I cannot re-invest my earnings on the site, so I had to make an extra deposit to buy more shares.
I did want to test the PayPal payment method anyway, so I would be able to tell others here that PayPal payment really works. Any Yes it works.
Perhaps we cannot reinvest because it has not passed 30 days since my registration, but we shall see that in about 2 weeks.

@passive: the withdrawals depend on the fact how many "points" you have on the portal - look at the "Statistics" --> "Quick Statistics" section on the portal and you will see how many points you have and depending on the number of points:
0 - 99 points: cash out once in 60 days, cash out fee: 6%, max withdraw per month: 10$
100 - 199 points: cash out once in 30 days, cash out fee: 5%, max withdraw per month: 30$
200 - 299 points: cash out once in 5 days, cash out fee: 4%, max withdraw per month: 540$
300 - 399 points: cash out once a day, cash out fee: 3%, max withdraw per month: 6000$
more than 400 points: cash out once a day, cash out fee: 2%, max withdraw: unlimited.

I am currently at 253 points, but I still get the message that I can only withdraw 30 days after registration.
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
06/01/2019 14:48
Referral contest: 

Dear  members,

We are glad to inform you that a contest, which has the first place prize $50.00, has been started.

The winner of of this contest, will be user, who brings most number of active referrals (the active referral is a user who has made purchases, at least, for $1.00).

If you are already bringing users to us, you do not need to apply for the contest, you are automaticaly included by now.
If you are not invite referrals, just start it, and you will have chance to win $50.00

You can see the contest results at:

The contest ends 2019-01-23
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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06/01/2019 17:23
Ah right, PayPal. Forgot about that. I'll try it with some shares then in a while and see what happens.
Traffic Value: $421.19413 Serbia
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06/01/2019 22:01
Uhm... is there any connection between Online Stock Exchange and this site?

I bumped into it on PV...and for a moment I thought it`s one and the same site, but then again it`s not. Or is it?
Traffic Value: $174.1098 United States
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07/01/2019 02:59
I've seen like 10 of these sites that offer the same things but with different domain names. the one I tried I was able to cash out. the site I used was
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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07/01/2019 17:11
wow the same programs and people are on there

Thanks for confirming. we should not play this game.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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13/01/2019 11:25
@Martin, this is neither a "legitimate" program, but a pure sc@m.

I was using some spare advertising amunts on this, made some refs, but a lot more views. EVERY SINGLE view got declined, supposedly being "non unique".
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
0 like this post 0 people
13/01/2019 16:52
but if it is temporary paying, will it be paying long enough to make a profit?
you do see, it does have our attention, and we even took the effort to look into it.
show us some withdraw proofs, please?

( we are all playing with the 7% game, knowing full and well it will stall eventually.)


as for the unique traffic: what is your acceptance ratio?
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