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Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
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19/05/2016 19:16

Link - Monitor Link

Deceided to share and monitor here another revshare, so other users can make some profit aswell  LOL
(joke, but serious)

Im comfortable with this program, thats why im also promoting it.

Admin is French marketer, Antony Cauche (look fb)


$10 Adpacks, With 130% ROI
Daily earnings around 3-4%
Max withdraw 250$, 7 days a week
Commissions: Level 1 - 12%, Level 2 - 3%
Free membership – Ad pack Limit is 20 (200$)
Elite Membership - $15 per Month – Ad pack limit is 3000
Processor Exchange is 1%

Program Starts tomorrow, 20.may at 2 pm (mtv server time)

I will be in with 500$-800$ will post picture once I deposit funds.

My offer for last 3 days(promoting online) was 12% rakeback and it got me 31 referrals so far.  cheese

Here my offer will be  20% rakeback on your deposit  grin

That means deposit 100$, get 20$ back from me, so you are in with 80$ and earn 130$ , thats 162% ROI

If you prefer 50-50% rcb lifetime also let me know.
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
20/05/2016 13:34
Program starts in 25 minutes ! 

I have just made deposit of 750$ with payza and now waiting to buy Adpacks.

2800 members joined for now, over 113.000$ deposits made (picture below)

Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
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21/05/2016 21:47
Made another 250$ deposit, to round it to 1000$ grin

Also total deposits have increased alot since yesterday, up to 234.000$

Earnings % last 24h : 3.8%

Also nice to see that got some members from this forum that joined me smile

Already have send RCB to members but 2 of them(from mtv) still havent answered me on email about processors details for RCB (if you are reading this, check emails!)
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
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25/05/2016 19:25
Day 5

Members: 3330, Total deposits: 286.000 $ , Total cashout: 5720 $

Daily earnings: 4%
My account stats: 125 shares (1250$) grin

Also first cashout (received it 2 hours from request)

Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
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28/05/2016 23:15
Day 8

Im at 147 shares (1470$)

Surfing is required now, so you need to surf 4 ads daily to qualify for earnings

Such a good ratio between deposits and payouts !   smile

Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
01/06/2016 19:37
Day 11

So stable !

Dont miss the train $$ wink
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
02/06/2016 19:46
What a surprise today, career plan has been made !

Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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03/06/2016 01:19
Waiting for another "Rakeback program" to join tongue. Is it still active? If so, your user number/name there is 190 - rogcis? (just to be sure)
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
03/06/2016 19:50
lemao08 - yes, you can choose 20% of deposit or 50-50% rcb...yep im 190

i ll email you once you register with details/strategy/rcb
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
08/06/2016 20:23
Admin removed 15$ monthly membership so now its free to buy as many packs as you want.

my stats: 184 shares ( 1840 $)

Just need to receive some more total share earnings and will soon hit the first "BABY" career plan and will win 100$ free smile

Also i have requested cashout today and received it in 4 minutes grin

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