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Ethereum faucet

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Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 14:59
If you want to stock up on some ETH, here is a great opportunity for that:

This is the highest paying ETH faucet right now.

Yes I know, right now ETH is not worth that much. But if you are already clickink BTC faucets, it doesn't cost you anything, if you click one more faucet.
Take this as an investment in your future. Can you imagine, if someday ETH will be worth as much as BTC is. You will be thankful you did that.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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07/04/2016 15:12
How much do they give for each request, and what is the minimum payout?
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 15:25
It varies. From 0.00001180 ETH, to 0.05 ETH.
Min. payout request is 0.05 ETH.

But I can tell you, from my experience, that I get a lot of 0.00014400 ETH and 0.00028640 ETH.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 15:55
Eth wallet ??
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 16:13
Open your ETH wallet at Kryptokit.
Fast and easy.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 16:18
Just remember to save your URL. Put it on your USB key as well, just for precaution.

Your URL is Your Key
Bookmark your wallet's secret URL to access your EthereumWallet in the future. Please note, this is your private URL so do not share it with anyone. If you lose this URL your ether will be lost forever.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 16:59
On average, I get 0.004 ETH a day. But that was when I started with this faucet, when you could claim every 10 minutes. Now you can claim every 5 minutes.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 18:02
Is it a online web wallet or i will have to download???
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 18:15
It is online wallet. You don't have to download anything. Don't worry.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 18:28
Unable to understand kryptokit the website. Help me please
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 18:48
Go here and move your mouse around that weird character in the middle and you will get your wallet address. If you want the password, mark that box ( Create Wallet with Password) on the top, before you create your wallet.

Hope you will be able to see this, before moderators delete it. grin
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 19:13
Done. Thankyou grin
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
07/04/2016 19:16
Thank you for becoming my referral.

And to warn you once again, put your wallet in bookmarks and save your URL also on USB.
Because I've learned this the hard way. I didn't save my URL and my computer broke down. I was unable to get any data from my disk, so my old wallet was lost, as well as all referrals I got till then.
So save your URL right now. Don't wait and say to yourself, oh I will do it tomorrow.

I don't want anybody to do the same mistake as I did. Learn from my mistakes, not your own.
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 19:23
Hope we both will make some good ETH .. how many refs u have uptil now??
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 20:11
Not much, because I've lost most of them. Actually I can't tell you the number, because you can't see that information. At least I didn't find it.
But I was receiving well over 0.005 ETH per day, from my referrals.

I must say, that the admin of this faucet was very nice and very helpful. I wrote to him about my problem. He said that he can't transfer my referrals to my new link/wallet, but he did transfer all of my ETH to new wallet and added few extra ETH for lost referrals.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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07/04/2016 21:08
When you will reach your withdrawal limit, the request payment button will appear in view balance.
Like this:
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/04/2016 21:25
Great faucet smile
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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08/04/2016 04:37
Here is the payment proof:
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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08/04/2016 08:27
I've got this high claim three times today already:
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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09/04/2016 12:16
It seems like the faucet is more generous during the weekend.
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