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Earnevery30minutes Revshare

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Traffic Value: $2,025.34279 Belgium
3 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 14:35
I'm VERY glad with the problem listing, I have never more instant payouts in my Payza accounts of now with SUPER earn every 30 minutes!
Dont forget to join guys, its gold!
Traffic Value: $2,025.34279 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 14:37
53 adpacks now and upgraded my account to 45 minutes!
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
1 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 15:01
Nothing to do there without depositing, so I'll pass
Traffic Value: $2,025.34279 Belgium
1 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 15:24
Play the game Cinderella, its FREE!
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
3 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 15:32
I have bought 2 adpacks of $1 without depositing money  smile
Traffic Value: $2,025.34279 Belgium
2 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 15:36
Only 2 for free?
I 50!
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
5 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 17:00
Its funny that this is at the problem listing but people keep joining.grin 73 adpacks till now. This is rocking!wink
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
3 like this post 0 people
15/06/2016 19:27
Just bought a $20 ad with adclicks + adpack comissions. Then I started to "do the math" and i notice i reached $5 clicking ads in 15 days xD
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
4 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 06:57
And the site is still at the problem listing!!!blink
Payment No 6

+ 4.95 $
Date: 16.06.2016 01:53:28
ID: 1*******8
Details: P37253421 ? P3*****1
Amount: 4.95 $

History of transactions 

Thank you, payment service 
Traffic Value: $2,025.34279 Belgium
3 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 09:22
Hahahaha..........................I think I'm gonna join ALL the sites in the problem listing!
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
1 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 09:34
I think that this shows the problem with the monitor listing reports. Admin should ask from the creator of the monitor list to confirm if the site is a sc@m or not.Or in any case they should invest if the report is true or not because people pay to buy premiur listing and losing money this way.
Traffic Value: $18.78983 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 11:37
u should create a ticket about your listing.
Traffic Value: $9.72879 Philippines
3 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 12:17
i just purchase another $1 addpack to far from payout  yet but i still believe to this lol i just hope i can earn more and not loss
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
4 like this post 0 people
16/06/2016 16:44
@Malik7 the last time i send a ticket it took more than 2 weeks to get a reply (i had a problem with topmine at the monitor but this wasnt MTV s fault). My premium days are close to end because another user bought premium listing for this one so i think it was useless to send a ticket.
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
4 like this post 0 people
18/06/2016 22:40
And the site is still at the problem listing!!![img=20x20][/img]
Payment No 7

+ 4.95 $
Date: 18.06.2016 15:20:44
ID: 1*******9
Details: P37253421 ? P3*****1
Amount: 4.95 $

History of transactions 

Thank you, payment service
Traffic Value: $16,958.9514 United States
1 like this post 0 people
19/06/2016 22:19
How much have you guys made from just viewing ads alone?
I Have only purchased ad packs so far and have not tried the ads and do not know if it is worth the time. Input from the more people the better!
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
19/06/2016 22:36
+- $5 since the start smile @sforzani
Traffic Value: $16,958.9514 United States
2 like this post 0 people
20/06/2016 00:36
Limited sample of my earnings so far since joining.
Maybe this will give users an idea of what a paid user can make. So far the time for ROI is great so I would get in now while it is still early. I have been reinvesting all my payments once I reach one dollar.
$10         5.76    6/8/2016 21:19
$1           .576    6/8/2016 21:20
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
1 like this post 0 people
20/06/2016 20:38
New site design, new plans... They suddenly changed max free plan to 2% daily, really bad. Those who bought before they change will be affected on profit? (10% less than before)
Traffic Value: $16,958.9514 United States
4 like this post 0 people
20/06/2016 20:53
It looks like they changed things around but I think it is for the better. With these returns this program can last much longer and actually becomes more appealing to me. I would rather invest in a program that tries to be realistic with payments instead of running itself into the ground paying out way more than is coming in. I still plan on investing an additional $200 next week.
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