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Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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20/09/2020 23:49
The below compensation plan layout can be found here:

Seniority Pay Profit Sharing Compensation Plan

Income Streams

Downline Farm offers you 4 income streams:

   Referral Commissions

   Profit Sharing Pool

   Matching Bonus

   Commissions From 3rd Party Programs

Referral Commissions

   You earn  a 10% Retail Commission on all subscriptions and purchases made by  Affiliates personally referred by you.

   All member levels (Currently Free and Gold) earn the same percentage.

   There are NO qualification requirements whatsoever to earn Referral Commissions. - it's YOUR referral, YOUR sale, YOUR commission - Forever.

   Referral commissions are added to member's account immediately upon a payment being processed.

Profit Sharing Pool

   25% of revenue from subscriptions and product sales are placed into the profit sharing pool.

   Those funds are divided into the total number of shares earned by all members.  This determines the dollar value of each share for that month.

   EVERYBODY with an active Gold subscription gets to share in the pool, not just the elite, like other pay plans.

   Free members do Not earn profit sharing commissions.

   Profit Sharing Commissions are added to member's accounts on the 1st day of the month, for the previous month's earnings.

Earning Shares

   You get 1 share just for being an Upgraded Gold Member (which gets you started earning money even if you haven't referred anyone yet).

   There is an earnings Cap of $100 dollars per month on profit sharing commissions. Any commissions earned over $100 will be put into the following month's pool. This limit is essential to make the whole system work, which is explained under "Additional Details" at the bottom of this page. In the future we will increase this limit, $100 is just a starting point.

   You earn additional shares by referring members who upgrade to the Gold level in accordance to the chart below:

Total Active Gold Referrals  /   Shares Earned For The Month

0                    /                         1

1 to 2              /                        2

3 to 4              /                       4

5 or More         /                       5

Seniority Share Multiplier

This is our Biggest Breakthrough. It makes it virtually Impossible for Gold members to Not make money, and Automatically Grows your income Over Time.

All of the shares you earn are multiplied by a factor that is

Determined by Your Seniority as an Affiliate:

Seniority Multiplier Chart

Total People Who
Joined After You      /     Your Shares  Are Multiplied By:

250                  /                         x2

1000 to 3000          /                   x3

Each Additional 1000     /    Increase Above By 1


   If you have earned 5 Shares, and 250 new Affiliates have signed up after you, your Share Multiplier is 2, therefore you will have 10 total shares that month.

   If you have earned 5 Shares, and 4000 new Affiliates have signed up after you, your Share Multiplier is 4, therefore you will have 20 total shares that month.

   If you have earned 5 Shares, and 5000 new Affiliates have signed up after you, your Share Multiplier is 5, therefore you will have 25 total shares that month.

It makes no difference who sponsored the affiliates that sign up after you, they ALL count. Free members DO count for this calculation. This makes the Entire Company ONE BIG TEAM, all working together, top to bottom, to grow the Company Wide Profit Sharing Pool. A pool that EVERY ACTIVE affiliate shares in, from the Top Dog to the very Newest member.

Matching Bonus

   Gold Members get a 100% Matching Bonus on Profit Share earnings of your personally referred Affiliates. (EG: If they earned $10, You earn $10)

   Free Members get a 10% Matching Bonus on Profit Share earnings of your personally referred Affiliates. (EG: If they earned $10, You earn $1) - 10 percent seems like a low amount to pay for a Matching Bonus, but keep in mind that Nobody else pays matching bonuses to Free members. NOBODY!

   Matching Bonuses are based on your referrals' Profit Sharing earnings only, Referral Commission earnings are not counted.

   Matching Bonuses will be added to members accounts on the 15th of the month, for the previous month's earnings.

Commissions From 3rd Party Programs

   Because we are  PRIMARILY  a Downline Builder and Marketing System, and because we will be keeping our subscription price at an affordable level, you will not get rich from Downline Farm.  That is not our mission. Our mission, and our main service is to Grow Your Downlines In Your Main Affiliate Program. Whether or not that program has the potential to make you rich is beyond our control.

   If you do Not currently have a main program to promote, you should join one or more from our lists of programs.

   This fourth income stream should ideally be your biggest money earner. All members of Downline Farm will be encouraged to join our flagship program, AIOP, which is one of the most successful and affiliate-friendly programs in the business. There are also other income-producing programs in our downline builder which you can earn money from.

Additional Details:

**The earnings Cap (limit) placed on the profit sharing commissions is there to accomplish 5 goals:

   Make it easier to fulfill our "Everybody Earns" promise. If you have the top most successful members earning 90 percent of the commissions, that leaves nothing for the little guys. That is actually one of the biggest problems with other compensation plans.        

   Keep the value of each share high. Any money earned over the limit will be placed into the next month's pool, increasing the value of each share. The main purpose of our profit sharing feature is to get the NEW members earning fast, not to make anyone rich. This solves the undisputed #1 problem in the business: Attrition.  If your referrals start earning money quickly,  they are much less likely to quit.

   It encourages Top Producers to help their referrals, because once they max out the profit sharing commissions, their best way to grow their income will be by helping their referrals max out THEIR profit shares, and collect on those Matching Bonuses.  

   Encourages "Lazy" affiliates to work. With our pay plan it is possible for you to join, then do absolutely nothing, yet your income from the profit sharing pool will grow and grow. Once these "do-nothing" affiliates reach their earnings cap, they will have to actually do some work if they wish to continue to grow their income.

   It encourages your referrals to join your OTHER programs in your downline builder as a way of earning more money.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
4 like this post 0 people
21/09/2020 00:17
Literally the best feature about the site is that you can join today (maximum two positions allowed) and the site will start building a seniority downline under you. It doesn't matter who on the site gets the referral, all are counted towards your downline referral pool. I put on a second position on August 27th and already the site has put almost 70 positions under me. When the number hits 250, I get shares multiplied by 2 in the profit-sharing pool.

So, if you don't have money to upgrade, it is still best to join immediately. This will get you in the line of people joining after you. If you can refer other people, that is great. Even if you can't do that (and you can refer yourself once if you have a second email), you can sit as a free member and wait until a team builds under you. At some point, the instant commission you'll earn for upgrading will be more than the low-cost $7 per month upgrade.

So you would go from a free member to a profit instantly. All for doing nothing but joining, sitting, and waiting. The ultimate passive earner.

We also have a monthly referral and to promoter contest. So showing your referral page with your BAP ads, for example, could earn you up to $10 twice per month, even as a free member. If you get the most referrals twice per month that is two more payouts of $10. This is money you get as a free member or money you can use to upgrade and multiply your shares
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
21/09/2020 00:31
The listing can be found here:
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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01/10/2020 16:11
Total Members End Of September, 2020 = 6155
Value of each share for September, 2020 = $0.378567.
Total Members End Of
August, 2020 = 6061
Value of each share for August, 2020 = $0.356635.

What this means is if you had joined at the end of August, we would have already put 94 members under you. If you upgrade for $7 then you would have one profit share worth $.378567 for the month. When 250 join after you, then your seniority multiplier goes to 2. If you refer someone personally who upgrades (and you can have up to two positions so you can refer yourself), then you would have two shares (one for referring someone who upgrades and one for upgrading) multiplied by two which gives you four shares.

Even if you join for free and wait, you still get people placed under you. If you can't afford to upgrade, it is best to join (twice) and just wait until we can build a team under you. Set it and forget it until you can upgrade into  instant profits. If you can refer 5 upgrades, you will have 5 shares. When your downline hits 250 that will be multiplied by 2 so you will have 10 shares plus a matching bonus from your referrals. At 1000 downline, your share multiplier hits 3 so you would have 15 shares.

You can also see that the more free members you can refer early, the more potential you have of cascading earnings because as they get deeper into the seniority pool, it makes more sense for them to upgrade. Once we build a team of a few thousand members under your referrals, the chance of them upgrading straight to profit go up. All you need to do at that point is send them an email reminding them or offering to pay their upgrade. You get a matching bonus and shares for each one that does. You never lose your seniority position in the team pool.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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02/10/2020 08:47
What value do we get from the $7 upgrade aside from the share?

I am thinking, for this to work, some people will have to upgrade even without waiting for a team under them. So why would they?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/10/2020 13:03
You get a couple of extra slots (3 instead of 1 for free members) to promote your programs in the downline builder. You probably won't need them though as most programs are already there and you just need to insert your referral ID. Here are the features:


Free Members




$7.00 Per Month

Add Your Own Programs

1 Program

3 Programs

Level 1 Commissions



Profit Sharing Comissions



Matching Bonus on
direct referrals



Founding Member Status



Free Ad Co-op
We promote your link



Customize Your Programs



Random Referrals
From Admin Signups



Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
02/10/2020 13:20
At this point in the program, the site really appeals to promoters. It is still relatively small so there is a huge field out there. You get shares and commissions for every upgrade you can secure and they have a couple of lucrative contests that run twice per month. One is a hits contest that will give you $10, $5, and $3 for the top three down to $1 for being in the top twenty. If you just plug your referral page into your paidverts or PTCS ads when you are rolling over your BAPs, that should be worth some cash in the referral contest even as a free member and you should pick up referrals each month. Since your advertising here can be technically free, that ads up to free cash and free referrals at another site.

They also have a referral contest that pays $10 for the top referrer twice monthly so if you have enough traffic you can earn $40 per month just by advertising the site. That will more than pay for your upgrade (but you can also play as a free member) and if you can generate the hits to win the contest, you shouldn't have a problem building a nice referral base. I have been able to build a team of 24 members in just over a month in my second with a little effort. None have upgraded yet but I don't think any will quit either so they are future income growth prospects. I also have over 350 on my first position but I put more effort into that.

My suggestion for the site is to just roll any earnings you get into more advertising and your referral base should explode

You also never need to feel bad about other people bringing in huge numbers of referrals because those people will go into your downline
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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26/10/2020 20:43
You may have seen me promoting this banner. It works. Like crazy! If you are in the program and want something to promote then this is it. You can also send it to your referrals since we all benefit from team promotion to the one line

If you need a place to host, Imgur works. Fortunately, PV and PTCS let you upload the banner so you don't need to host it yourself.

The listing can be found here:
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/11/2020 19:11
Total Members End Of October, 2020 = 6286
Value of each share for October, 2020 = $0.347712.
Total Members End Of September, 2020 = 6155
Value of each share for September, 2020 = $0.378567.

As above had you joined at the end of August we would have now put 225 members under you and you would be close to earning your first share multiplier (x2)
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
01/12/2020 19:58
Had you joined last month we would have put another 100 teammates under you and upgrades would have gained the Christmas bonus!

Total Members End of November, 2020 = 6387
Value of each share for November, 2020 = $0.564482. (Christmas Bonus).
Total Members End Of October, 2020 = 6286
Value of each share for October, 2020 = $0.347712.

Promoting news

This banner works like crazy!

It won the referral contest with 22 referrals (a nice $10 bonus). The hits contest shows I only got 2823 hits (not all of them get recorded, I'll warn you on that) to my referral page. This banner produced many of them. So that is 22 referrals on 2800 hits. That is an incredible ratio. Most of the members sign up as free but as we build a downline under them, they will upgrade when it is cash positive. So this is like a saving bank for upgrades.

Listing is here:
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/01/2021 18:48
Another solid month of promoting for a small market site and another 100+ referrals that would be in your line had you joined. If you had joined with your two eligible positions when I first started posting at the end of August, you would have 431 members under you making you eligible for the first share multiplier. That's free potential building with zero work.

Total Members End of December, 2020 = 6492
Value of each share for December, 2020 = $0.359199.
Total Members End of November, 2020 = 6387
Value of each share for November, 2020 = $0.564482. (Christmas Bonus).

For me, I am already solidly in profit on my second position put on August 27th with just some effective promotion with the banner in this thread. That position has 3 upgrades already and has earned me $32.50 with my referral and promoter contest wins (it's not hard to get into the contest win column if you have the ability to generate any traffic). The best part is I haven't needed to do anything to sell the upgrades. The admin has a pretty good list marketing system that upsells the site on his own.

The link to join is in this thread. cool
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
02/02/2021 16:02
Not quite another 100 members this month but the site continues to grow. That's the important part

Total Members End of January, 2021 = 6588
Value of each share for January, 2021 = $0.357504.

I do need to offer a note of caution. He has suspended the referral contest. The promoter contest is still happening, so if you were to show your referral page, you could still make some money. The referral contest has been suspended though. I'm not sure if it has to do with me winning it every two weeks. Maybe that was embarrassing for them, maybe he just didn't want to give me the prize money. In my experience though, that has always been a red flag. I'm not sure what it means here but I still recommend the site. You can still make money from commission, profit sharing, and referrals and there is still the promoter contest.

If you are not sure, you still have the option of joining free (don't forget to get a second position) and upgrading when you are in profit so there is no risk and potentially something to gain.

For me, that $20 per month I was winning went back into advertising. That is one reason I was winning even if I was still at a loss in the net cost of the ads. I'm not sure I will continue doing that. I'm in profit on both positions so maybe I'll just let it ride once my current ads are gone.

So the first caution has gone up but I still recommend it. I hope to see you there. smile

Any questions, just ask.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
02/02/2021 16:56
BTW, the referral banner I talk about in the thread which you are free to use, this is what it produced:

Winner of the January 1 to 15, 2021 contest:
(with 12 referrals) Prize: $10.00

Winner of the December 16 to 31, 2020 contest:
(with 15 referrals) Prize: $10.00

Winner of the December 1st to 15th, 2020 contest:
(with 28 referrals) Prize: $10.00


Winner of the November 16th to 30th, 2020 contest:
(with 22 referrals) Prize: $10.00


Winner of the November 1st to 15th, 2020 contest:
(with 21 referrals) Prize: $10.00


Winner of the October 16th to 31st, 2020 contest:
(with 16 referrals) Prize: $10.00


Winner of the October 1st to 15th, 2020 contest:
(with 18 referrals) Prize: $10.00

Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/03/2021 21:46
This is a bit of a mixed month. Earnings were down a bit but the referral contest is back and we had good member growth. I guess more people are starting to promote, which helps the whole team. 161 for the month is pretty good. Hopefully, we will continue to compound our growth this year. I'm in profit on my two positions so I can afford to watch wait and turn my profits into more advertising

Total Members End of February, 2021 = 6749
Value of each share for February, 2021 = $0.312264.
Total Members End of January, 2021 = 6588
Value of each share for January, 2021 = $0.357504.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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03/03/2021 18:55
I got this note from the admin regarding February profit sharing:

I hope you are doing great today.

You may have noticed a smaller profit sharing commission than usual this month.

I'm writing to explain why.

February had 28 days, and it so happens that allot of our Gold member subscriptions are processed on the 29th, 3oth and 31st of each month.

So February missed out on those payments, but they have all processed now, in March, so that will boost the Next profit share commissions.

I just wanted to let our Gold members know.

There will be dips and spikes from month to month in your profit sharing commissions, for many different reasons.

But if you compare Year-To-Year, it will show an increase.

Of course, the Biggest increases will be when your referrals upgrade, and your biggest decrease will be when one of them cancels their upgrade.

So don't ignore your referrals. Contact them and offer to help them in any way you can.

There is something that practically NO Sponsor in MLM ever does, and that is to offer to help their referrals with ANY issue, even if it's not related to your business.

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

Thanks again for being such a vital part of Downline Farm,

Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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22/03/2021 03:49
Good news!

This site just added a forum. This should help with training marketers and helping people in general. I think you can only access it from the member's panel so you need to be registered to see it. If you want to see it you can join the site for free and then we will go about building a team under you while you learn smile
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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01/04/2021 15:44
Another solid month and a rebound in the share price. We are getting very close to putting in 150 members per month in the downline that could be under you. It seems like more people are promoting and the promoter's contest is getting more competitive. This should help to serve the whole site in the long run and every 'star' promoter we can find will compound our results.

Total Members End of March, 2021 = 6886
Value of each share for March, 2021 = $0.369533.
Total Members End of February, 2021 = 6749
Value of each share for February, 2021 = $0.312264.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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04/05/2021 04:44
Another month has passed and another almost 150 people joined who would have gone under you in the line in this no-risk opportunity. The contests are heating up as more referrers join. They have also introduced a bonus point system for showing your referral link on sites that are shown to be better at referring. This is logical and a good thing. It also helps people not to waste ad dollars on sites that don't work as well. Two points per page view at productive sites versus one for less productive.

There is no risk to join. You can do it for free and then upgrade when you are in profit. As a free member, you can promote to win contests and earn commissions while you wait.

I earned a total of $37 on two upgraded positions (you are allowed to have two and you can join under yourself and collect a commission from that. You just need a second email). That includes referrals, profit sharing, matching bonuses, and contest wins so once you get in and the line gets built under you, the income starts to become passive and automatic. I'm almost to the point where I don't need to do anything for my income to continue to grow. I can now focus all my earnings on advertising which will benefit the entire site. So my promotions will go under you also. cool hmmwhistlingw00t

Total Members End of April, 2021 = 7030
Value of each share for April, 2021 = $0.290761.
Total Members End of March, 2021 = 6886
Value of each share for March, 2021 = $0.369533.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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02/06/2021 14:43
Wow! What a month. 377 new members. I hope this is not anomalous but the start of a new growth trend. With our new forum, we are now helping to train people to refer and this is paying off, I think. The admin is also starting to bring in new income streams which are adding to the bottom line. We are just over 7400 members but if you were to get in now (with the two-position strategy) then those would be very lucrative if the site were to go to 50,000 members. I don't see why we wouldn't go there since all our growth building blocks are in place. We just need a few more promoting superstars and this should take off. They will find us.

Total Members End of May, 2021 = 7407
Value of each share for May, 2021 = $0.3563.
Total Members End of April, 2021 = 7030
Value of each share for April, 2021 = $0.290761.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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04/07/2021 22:47
It was another solid month for DLF. 180 new members.

There was also an incentive to promote even harder as there are now three referral bonuses this month instead of the usual one. So if you are tired of me hogging the winner's podium, there are other prizes to be won. grin

Total Members End of June, 2021 = 7587
Value of each share for June, 2021 = $0.32797.
Total Members End of May, 2021 = 7407
Value of each share for May, 2021 = $0.3563.
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