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Coinplants harvest Bitcoin free

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Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
2 like this post 1 people
03/05/2016 23:46

Free 75000 satoshi for star Harvest
cash out request form 100000 Satoshi
Cash out time 0 to 3days
After Update 50% all you can make 20k+ day

Enjoy Harvest

Join pls

My link
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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05/05/2016 04:49
Thanks who join Coinplants . I have now 9 RF.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
3 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 08:28
Thanks who join Coinplants . I have now 19 RF
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
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06/05/2016 09:29
hey i joined under you but i don't know how to play the game.
can you help me?
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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06/05/2016 10:13

sheep bonus every 8 hours

Harvested fruits warehouse upgrade 3
Water warehouse upgrade 1
Wares & Seed warehouse upgrade 1
Ground sector buy when you has money . Harvest and buy more ground sector . 6/8 ground sector then cashout .
More ground sector and more harvest .You has to Harvested fruits warehouse upgrade 10-14 . 
sale goods immediately before dad .

Upgrade when you want .

Thanks for Join.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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06/05/2016 10:35
whats the use of dog house?
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
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06/05/2016 10:42
how to harvest plans?
whenever i click on empty field it takes me to warehouse.
in my warehouse i have pepper with a sell label.
I can't even sell pepper.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 10:46
Harvested fruits warehouse upgrade 1 or 2 . Now sell pepper..

Water warehouse upgrade 1
Wares & Seed warehouse upgrade 1
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
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06/05/2016 10:54
my harvestedwarehouse is at level 1 but still i can't sell pepper.
And i can't plant anything in the field and can't buy anything from says you need to upgrade or empty your warehouse.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 11:02
Pepper is 2 kg . you has to upgradeHARVESTED FRUITS 3 . Then sell and buy and plant .

1st is 10000
2nd is 420
3rd is 588
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
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06/05/2016 11:13
but when i try to upgrade warehouse it says that you need level account 2.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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06/05/2016 11:25
Plants and sell even your level 1 kg . There is requirement for level 2 ,3,4 .
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
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06/05/2016 11:29
shaheen19 i am not getting you.Can you post me FAQ link.
or can you be more clear with the instructions
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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06/05/2016 11:36
Guide  look at wright side ?
Sorry i am not good in english.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 11:44
I didn't find the faucet too good, but I can explain it to you.

Each building level can store 1kg (or 1l, for water).
Each seed weighs 1kg.
You can't buy more seeds if the seed warehouse is full. You need to sell them first.

Water the plants. If water drops to 0 in 1st phase, it will tick down the plant life (plant dies at plant life 0, but else lower life doesn't affect the produce). If water drops to 0 in 2nd phase the produce bar will continue, but you won't get any produce as long as there ain't any water.

Plant plants that produce in line with the level of your produce warehouse (right top). You can't collect more than the warehouse holds.
When you collect produce, click on the warehouse and sell it, else it will rot and you won't get any money.

Whole circle: Plant, water (as necessary), collect, clear, re-plant...

Collect the produce ASAP, else you will get robbed (I have no clue how the guard dog should help, it was useless for me).
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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06/05/2016 12:27
Another useful note: In the shop when buying seeds, click on the arrow/graph image in top-right to see how the produce value has been moving lately.
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
2 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 12:35


Big help for me . I am poor in English.
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
2 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 12:36
@vixthra thanks for this wonderful info.
but my question is still:how can i plant seeds?
when i click on empty field it takes me to warehouse and there i have pepper.i click on pepper but nothing happens.
do you know what can i do?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 12:38
@jatind, if you are playing from mobile (or tablet maybe too), the 1st seed spot in warehouse doesn't work. If you get another seed, you should be able to plant it.
Traffic Value: $351.03204 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
06/05/2016 12:43
maybe you are right it is nof working properly on my mobile.
i can't see FAQ ANDother options in the right corner i only see 4 dots.
plys i can't buy seeds it says your warehoise is full you need to empty it or upgrade it.
can't sell peppers and can't upgrade cause it requires account level 2.
btw thanks i will try it on my pc
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