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CoinDig - FREE 25KH/s Mining Power!!

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Traffic Value: $47.4486 Kenya
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26/04/2016 07:18
How do i register? I can't see your link
Traffic Value: $47.4486 Kenya
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26/04/2016 08:08
It's ok i have signed up. Now explain how it works.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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27/04/2016 02:42

You invest in Cloud Mining Services --that how it works. 
Did you look over the site before you signed up?
Traffic Value: $779.184 India
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27/04/2016 04:57
What is minimum deposit in coindig.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
27/04/2016 10:17
The minimum is 10 KH/s / $3.50 / 0.00778 BTC
Traffic Value: $779.184 India
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27/04/2016 10:33
What you think this is long period site or not.?
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
27/04/2016 11:00
It's impossible to predict, but I'd say with the reasonable ROI (0.62% per day) and realistic referral program (5%) it should last longer than others that offer unrealistic returns of over 2% per day.

They also have their own wallet to be launched soon which they say integrates with PayPal which could be interesting.
Traffic Value: $779.184 India
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27/04/2016 12:31
Thanx for replay.
Traffic Value: $1,660.45381 Spain
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29/04/2016 19:04

are still paying??
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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30/04/2016 03:11
Like clockwork--I now have 172 KH/s which gets me about $0.36/day, which isn't bad.

If you buy Mining Power, make sure you go to the "Buy" tab and follow the instructions, and
don't use the "Deposit" tab without doing a "Buy" first.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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05/05/2016 11:50
Latest payout from CoinDig--Still paying strong! Automatic daily withdrawal once you're above $0.50/day (0.00111857 BTC)

Blockchain of transaction

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Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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07/05/2016 13:20
Still worth to invest? I mean, @mrilley, do you still think i can get my full investment (site paying for 3-4 months)?
Traffic Value: $18.50767 Serbia
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07/05/2016 15:17
Is the minimum is 10 KH/s / $3.50 / 0.00778 BTC 
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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07/05/2016 16:11
If i buy the 10KH/s i keep my 25 free KH/s?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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07/05/2016 16:33
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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07/05/2016 21:00
As Vixthra stated yes to both:

10 KH/s is the minimum which is VERY reasonable

and YES if you buy the 10 KH/s you keep the 25 FREE KH/s given to you at signup--so you essentially get 35 KH/s for $3.50, which you can't beat anywhere...
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/05/2016 21:11
10 khs for 3.5$ .. means 1 khs cost 0.35 ... so 35 khs cost 12.25$ .. that means 0.073$ per day (0.6% per day) .. means cashout 0.5$ in 7 days ... my calculation is right ??? As ROI is 167 days
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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07/05/2016 22:16
That looks correct! (although it's actually .57% daily)
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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07/05/2016 22:19
Not a bad deal grin
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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08/05/2016 02:13
A realistic (not too bad) deal smile
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