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Traffic Value: $337.04468 Serbia
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02/11/2015 17:42
So, basically, except for the first question that we all know the answer to, they didn't help us at all... Of course having more CLD gives more profit in mining currencies, but the question is whether having more CLD means EARNING CLD faster.
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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02/11/2015 17:48

Tnank you!
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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02/11/2015 18:00
You have a point @FubuNs, they didn't really specified that, but on chat I saw some users stating that after they invested, (thus having more CLD) they could mine CLD faster
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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02/11/2015 20:44
Today News


02/11/2015 - 2

Issue with e-mail delivery for certain email servers has been fixed and impoved.
Now we are using mail server from Amazon.

Traffic Value: $621.87662 Malaysia
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03/11/2015 05:11
i was thinking of investing in this site and i also use the profit calculator to calculate my profit it takes 3 months to get back your initial deposit, what worries me is once i invested in this site and increase my CLD will this site last for 3 months or will it stop paying users in less then 3 months think twice before investing sad
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/11/2015 05:40
That's why I use the plan 50% reinvestment in cld and 50% withdraw the BTC.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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03/11/2015 07:18

What makes you think that MTV will keep paying in 3 months? Everything in oline business is risky, that's why you should only invest what you can aford to loose. Right now I haven't seen anyone with a failed cashout, and I confess that I don't know much about currency mining to judge the site's health, that is why I am only investing small amounts from faucets.
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/11/2015 07:52
Special offer for today to 20 hours of server time.
Who does not believe that cldmine pay in 14 days can vote NO, I will vote YES for the same amount. The only requirement is that you vote for min. $ 1 and max. for $ 5. I will vote with a maximum of $ 5 total.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 1 people
03/11/2015 12:09

What makes you think MTV will pay in 3 months?

1. Proven history for years.
2. Even in the lean months, they still pay.
3. Even with all the blocked/stolen funds, they still pay.
4. They have proven that they use a model to not give users more revenue than is coming in.
5. When so many owners/admin could completely just give up they are working tirelessly to right the ship. And, no, they aren't making more than they could elsewhere or even easier, most of what comes in goes to us. They don't pocket much for their salaries.
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/11/2015 12:13

Let's go to exchange immediately for CLD to speed up mining
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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03/11/2015 14:07
@ druth8x

I didn't mean to say that MTV isn't thrustworthy, it was just to show povelution that online investing has it's risks, of course some sites are more riskier than others. What I meant is that povelution has some money invested in here and he (like all of us) has no guarantees that the admins won't close the site and take our money, like CLD can do it some day. I'm not saying that MTV is going to do that, I trust them my money, what I mean is that we have 0 guarantees that our money is safe, we can only trust. Same happen with banks, of course.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 0 people
03/11/2015 14:28
Aw, ok, yes I think FBG is very safe, at least of the risks vs other online sites, esp the younger ones. Which is my main point. I could invest elsewhere, like this monitor site, but I'm not too confident about others, vs FBG, the trust margin is very wide.

Ppl keep bringing up banks.

I guess the US is a bit unique? THE FDIC I thought Insured most of the money (The standard insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category.) we have in our accounts. And, besides, whereas they give us a small %, the bankers are getting rich off us. They wouldn't run away. They do close/dissolve, from time to time, but we are insured, and they were insured, so no big deal, besides having to change banks. Banks here are safer than under the mattress, even in a very safe/fire/water/hurricane neighborhood. Not the case elsewhere?
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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03/11/2015 14:53
Here in Portugal it depends of where you have your money invested. If on a typical account, then yes it is insured by the government, problem is when people invest on "low risk" plans of banks. Few months ago one of the biggest banks in Portugal had its dissolution and those "typical accounts" were insured but not those risk plans. And even thos plans just yelded a profit of around 5% per year.

Regarding thrustworthy sites, I have to say that Poker AM is also very safe. It's online for about has long as MTV (althought they exist for around 10 years I guess) and I never saw anyone reporting a missing cashout.

Now I have some cents that I get from faucets invested in CLD, so far the money is growin, very very slow of course, but let's see how it goes.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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03/11/2015 18:51
Just to answer that same ol' question: More CLD means quicker mining of CLD?

I just added some funds, not much just 3.5$. I had 0.77CLD and now have 5.79CLD. The speed went like crazy so yes, more CLD means quicker CLD mining.

Just out of curiosity, in this moment, with around 5.8CLD my profit per hour in USD is 0.001872
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/11/2015 20:23
I have this moment about 46 CLD and my profit per hour is 0.01561634 USD
Traffic Value: $65.39712 Indonesia
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03/11/2015 20:24
i want to registration,,please sent me your masage to
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/11/2015 20:30
link for registration is first post or click here.
Traffic Value: $131.03535 Greece
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04/11/2015 00:04
@ expertx


I have registered in CLDMining as your referral. If you want check it. UN: HVanGarfCLDM. Thank you.
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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04/11/2015 04:08
Thanks, see you.
Traffic Value: $753.36959 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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04/11/2015 09:39
Special offer for today to 20:00 (8:00 pm)hours of server time.
Who does not believe that cldmine pay in 14 days can vote NO, I will vote YES for the same amount. The only requirement is that you vote for min. $ 1 and max. for $ 5. I will vote with a maximum of $ 5 total.
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