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Advanced Hash

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Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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17/05/2016 18:56
Just added to the Monitor:
Advanced Hash
Cloud Mining with an affiliate program twist! A-Hash is offering a unique 3-tier 5%-2%-1% program with the option of becoming a Representative and doubling that to 10%-4%-2%!
Hourly interest rates start at .15% and go up to .20% and your initial deposit can be withdrawn after 24 hours for a small 5% fee.
Reasonable rates and a strong Affiliate program should keep this one running for a while as it's only a week old.
Once again:
Advanced Hash
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
18/05/2016 23:58
Advanced Hash--

Paying onetime hourly earnings of 0.15%

The latest: Here
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
2 like this post 0 people
18/05/2016 23:59
Programs like this--you get in--get out with some earnings and call it a day.

The ability to get back your investment after 24 hrs is bonus.

Good luck and invest what you can afford to lose!
Traffic Value: $1,490.37731 Greece
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19/05/2016 06:44
I joined 6 days ago and its a great program! Good luck mriley!wink
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
21/05/2016 17:27

Good luck to you too--I'm still depositing a little each day

Did you apply for Representative Status? 
Just curious if you knew anyone whose done it.
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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30/05/2016 08:53
I have to say, that one worked for me. Deposited 0.03 BTC on May 17th. Total Withdraw by now: 0.03291764. Still more than 0.01 deposited.. that one was just for playing around, but it worked out smile
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
0 like this post 0 people
30/05/2016 11:17
Yes, it's still paying on time--and you can get your investment back (less a 5% fee) at anytime after 24 hrs.
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