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Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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12/04/2016 09:49
Hello everybody!

I would like to present to you AdGainBucks!

This website is not only a Rev-share but it's PTC as well, so members will be able to earn money even without buying any advertising packages.

The most important thing about the system is that we don't add random money in people's e-wallet like cheaper scripts do, what the system does instead is to put only money in member’s e-wallets that the company actually has in the account and that is ready to be paid.

This is how our system works:

Members buy packages; packages must be qualified in able to earn money.

By qualifying I mean that you just need to set your website campaign (using the package website hit credits).

Once you do that the package is ready to go, and if we have enough advertising in the system you might make a profit.

The second part of the script is the clicks calculator, and you will understand how the bonus credits works.

Every package has bonus credits, those credits are the ones that are used to earn money.

The click calculator script checks all the active packages that still have bonus credits left, then it makes a pool with the total number, in the home page there will be a section where it will show how many clicks need to be done by clickers (clickers are the people that watch the advertising) and once they reach that number the script will assign to member’s wallet a commission per every active package that previously, the click calculator got a credit point.

After that the script automatically will calculate again on how many clicks need to be done by clickers before the next payout will be generated by the system.

I know, this sound quite complex, and it is developing wise, but the system itself is very user friendly, because it is all 100% automated, the user will only have to buy a package, set a campaign and then your package is ready to go.

We are a rev-share that shares 90% of its profit, so for you to make a profit out of a package it's important to have 2 things.

The first one is to have people willing to watch advertising, the second one is a community that keeps buying packages.

It's very important that you understand that a rev-share company shares its profits and doesn't generate any profit outside from the platform, if any rev-share promises to you any guaranteed money, stay away, you might face a scam company.

Now that you have a better knowledge about the system I will talk more about clickers. Watching advertising is not mandatory, however you can earn money with it.

Depending on which membership level you own you can earn up to $0,04 per every click. I checked online and we can say proudly that we pay one of the biggest rates in the industry.

As I mentioned before, free members (members that don't want to spend money in the website) can earn money easily too. One example is by watching other people advertising, but as well we have an amazing referral program.

The first way that you can earn money by referring people is by having a commission in their package's purchases, any time a referral of yours buys a package you will get 5% from it.

But that's not it, from people that your people will refer to the website you will get 3% of their package's purchase, and you will get 2% of commission from the people of the people of the people you referred to the website.

This is an example on how it works: You refer John to the website, John is your first level referral and you get 5% from his package's purchase, John refers Sam to the website and Sam is your second level referral and you get 3% from his package's purchase, and Sam sponsor Jack to the website, Jack is your third level referral and you get from him 2% commission on his package's purchase and this will happen every time they will buy a package.

Imagine if you sponsor for the website 10 people, and those 10 people will refer 10 people and the sum of that will refer to the website 10 people each.

In that case you will have 10 people in your first level, 100 people in your second level and 1000 people in your third level.

Let's say that those people buy 1 package of 5 dollars each and you will get 5% from every person in your first level, 3% from every person in your second level and 2% from every person in your third level.

It means that you will get in commissions: $2.5 from your first level, $15 from your second level and $100 from your third level.

In this calculation, they bought only 1 package each, and they bought the cheapest one, but you will make more money every time because they will buy more packages.

Those are the details about our packages:

A Long-term PTC/ Revenue Share System Designed For The Members:

Silver Package - As a Silver Member Earn Up to 117% - Cost $5 / Package!

Golden Package - As a Golden Member Earn Up to 125% - Cost $10 / Package!

Diamond Package - As a Diamond Member Earn Up to 136% - $20 / Package!

** Minimum 100 Package Required to Qualify To Higher Pack Levels!

More Revenue:

Silver Package Comes with 15 Bonus Credits

Golden Package Comes with 32 Bonus Credits

Diamond Package Comes with 70 Bonus Credits!

Each Package Comes with Bonus Credits as Above The System Debits 1 Bonus Credit From Your Package and Every time Somebody watches an Ad Through The PTC System. You Get Money Credited to Your Account!

Silver Package Completes Cycles in 15 Days!

Golden Package Completes Cycles in 32 Days!

Diamond Package Completes Cycles in 70 Days! Advertising Credits: 1000 to 4000 Banner Impressions 10 to 40 Website Hits As Per Ad Packs! About referring that's not it, we introduced for the first time in the industry a way to make money from your referral's clicks too deep 3 levels, your earning with that will depends on what membership you own but you can earn up to:

1st Level referral $0.002 / click

2nd Level referral $0.0012 / click

3rd Level referral $0.0008 / click

This will be a very good way to make money for free people, if you sponsor active people that watch a lot of advertising, you can end up making a lot of money every 30 to 10 seconds.

We spent a lot of time to develop the system, and now I’m sure you understand why I say that this is unique and a real business. I hope you will join us and help us grow!

All this info is available here as well as the admins
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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12/04/2016 20:01
Soon to be added: 

- Advcash
- New $1 Package;
- New design;

This will be a reference on Revshare + PTC market
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
2 like this post 0 people
12/04/2016 20:38
vecors I have joined under you and i'm currently testing the site,already earned 2cents in surf  for 2 ads so far so goodsmile

Well I do wish adgainbucks success and long term stability.And I hope it doesn't die out like allot of other rev share out there,the main problem with rev-share site's is they depend heavily on new members to invest,which is bad,I believe you need other sources of income as well to help maintain a rev share business.

Well for AdGainBucks to be more famous it definitly need to get big promoters to stand out in the crowd.
I think AdGainBucks is unique in it's own ways and hope for more good news to come.A business stability is a number #1 priority.I also believe AdGainBucks can be something big with good management and
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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12/04/2016 21:07
Just wanted to add this.I do like AdGainBucks surf and earn earning, 1 cent per ad love it! and it's a unique high paying surfing.But if on the long term it might not be sustainable for AdGainBucks I would prefer if they lower it to at least $0.005 an
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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12/04/2016 22:04
Thanks for your feedback wink

AGB system was built in order to be sustainable. Admin took whatever all other programs were doing wrong, and did the opposite. The way the paid ads and commissions are distributed was well thought and completely sustainable. there is no reason for anything wrong to happen, it`s only on our (members) hands to keep it profitable by buying Packs and clicking ads.

And the 3 level referral system both for packs and ads is amazing. It can really boost anyone`s earnings, if as a free member!
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
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13/04/2016 14:00
Vecors are you the Admin of the site?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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13/04/2016 21:55
No, I`m not admin. But I`m close to him wink

I will invite him to come here and say Hi.

Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
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14/04/2016 13:00
Seems really interesting.  I signed up as well.  I would like if the owner comes here to speak from time to time.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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14/04/2016 13:02
One important thing when buying packs:

After the payment it opens a page for you to insert the link of the page you wish to promote.

It is crucial you do not skip it otherwise your packs will not be active. If by any chance you miss this page, go to "Advertise" (Top menu) and choose "My website campaign" it will ask you the link and they become active!
Traffic Value: $9.15 Italy
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14/04/2016 15:08
Hi everybody, this is Gennaro Avitabile, the owner of AdGainBucks.
I thank you all for the interest on the company.
You can find on AdGainBucks website the facebook group, from there you can add me if you have any question!
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
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14/04/2016 15:26
It's nice to have the owner of the business here.  There's a question to start with, to give people to understand what is it about, what makes AdGainBucks different than any other revshare business? What will motivate people to prefer AdGainBucks than any other revshare program out there?
Traffic Value: $9.15 Italy
4 like this post 0 people
14/04/2016 15:40
Unfortunately, lately, the word revshare is getting a negative meaning.
The main reasons are two.

Obviously, the first one is that many revshare admins stopped voluntarily to pay out their members in order to keep for themselves whatever amount of money they generated or at least partially, scamming very badly people.
The good news is that not many admins did that so far, and at least those people that scammed in this way didn’t manage to get all the found for themselves.

The second reason is the biggest one and it’s the platform many admins are using.
The majority of revshare companies are using the same script, it is a very cheap script which add on people’s balance random number of money.
That’s why those websites soon or later fail.

First of all it’s important to know that with a 1000 bucks, those admins can afford to get, the script, the design and whatever else they need to get a website done.

What makes me laugh is the fact that many people ( and yes, i’m talking about leaders quite big as well) promote and write things like “ this revshare is going to change the revshare industry” .

In reality what is going on is a kind of admin war, where the only thing they change is the pay plan itself, but they don’t do any change to the script, because they are not allowed to do that, because this cheap script is encrypted, so any kind of change is doable.
Maybe i’m wrong to say war, probably the right word is race, because for what i can see now, whoever make the biggest % of possible returns wins.
Is  quite ridiculous now what those admins offer in order to get many signs up quickly.
For instance, programs that offer 300% money back from 1 buck after only few days!

The problem is that all those company are the same, because they use the same script.
It’s like a tuning car,  you can change the way it looks but the engine is always the same unless you are able to improve it, but admins are not allowed to do any kind of changes to the script, so they are running the same website with a different design and a different payplan %, but they don’t offer anything new!

Those are the reason to avoid those companies, and it is a fact that they stop working after few weeks or few months, even though few of them manage to keep going even for long time just because their members trust them and they don’t withdraw any money.
The problem here is not that the revshare business model is wrong, the problem is that those cheap scripts are design to add random money on people’s balances.

Here an example:
Let's say one of those company sell 100,000 dollars of products, because the script are running on their website just add random amount of money they end up owning to people 500,000 dollars available to withdraw, and that’s why those company fails.
Another thing, the repurchase rule is not a way to make this not happening.
The repurchase rule is something very clever only if you are running a legit script.
A legit revshare calculate any amount to share based on sales not based on nothing.
If for instance i sold $100,000 worth product then my script have to first of all detract the company earnings, then the referral program money then the earning from clicks and referral clicks after all of that, I can pay the sharing.

Here’s the BIG DIFFERENCE, we don’t add extra money in people’s ewallet, we give to people what we can pay out!
That’s why it can last for many and many years!

One more thing about this topic, some people when they write me they ask me about what’s the daily % i can earn with your company.
And that’s a very difficult question to answer really.
Because the PTC share changes depending on what membership level the clicker owns and same for the referral click earnings.
And of course I need to sell enough product in order to generate more shares.

So If you are in a real company is very difficult to talk about fixed daily returns.
Bottom line, the difference between a legit company and a scam company are:
The scam company give random money to people’s balances.
The legit one instead share only based on the company sales.
A good way to stop loosing money online is to stop joining those scam websites.
Don’t think about where the majority of people goes or who gives the biggest % as return.
Think about the long term and start working with legit companies.

In our case we spent over 20,000 dollars in this project and 9 months and I can ensure you that we are not the only one that wanted to do things right, so focus on legit from now on.
Those scam website (95% + of the total revshare companies) spend less than a month and less than a 1000 bucks to have everything done, plus admins are always the same with different names and they keep promising to people things they can’t afford to promise.
If legit company spend more time and money it’s for a reason!
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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14/04/2016 16:53
adgainbucks : Well I do agree with you in some part.And you did open my eyes also about the script part.

Finding a legit revshare is not a easy task,since 95%+ of online businesses are nothing but scam or ponzi's.I'm always on the look out for a legit or stable revshare out there....but with not many luck of course since they go scam or bankrupt mostly/sooner.The thing I don't like much about revshare is that they are too dependent on members to invest,if members stopped investing the program go caput,which is ofcourse bad in my oppinion.I think if you have extra outside revenue of your rev share business then your rev share might even last longer than just keeping on depending on members investment all the time.
Traffic Value: $9.15 Italy
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14/04/2016 17:10
Hi Revoltchka,

Thanks for your reply.
Here's another problem, a revshare is not a hedge fund company.
There are no investments involved.
If somebody want to invest his money should go for bonds, forex etc etc.

If you join a revshare you got to know that earnings are related to copmany sales.
But that's the point of any legit revshare.
You offer a service and you give the opportunity to get cash back, but that's an opportunity.
Even in real investments nothing is guaranteed (most of the time).
Scammers don't want you to know about how the company should work, so they talk about ROI's in a business model where the company itself is not allowed to invest it's members funds.
In my previous post I explained how other admins are managing their websites, they get cheap scripts (that add random money on people's ewallet), they try to get a very good looking pay plan and their job is done.

Those people ruined the business, because it's easy to create a website where you earn 40% daily for 3 days, but then what happen? they fail.
Not because they can't afford to pay that, but because in their scripts there are no checks between actual sales and the money they give back to users.
Guys, stop making those scammers richer and richer every month, because behind those websites there are always the same greedy and scammy people, that laugh so much about your losses.
Do I say that because I want you to join me? Yes and no, yes of course because I want to see my company grow, and no because I know what does it takes to make this business legit, and it requires a lot of time and money, so whoever has a legit platform deserve to have the 100,000's of members that instead those scammers have.
I hope I replied to your question dear 
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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14/04/2016 17:20
adgainbucks: well most members only invest in revshare for a profit mostly.since allot of people are looking for ways to earn money.
Traffic Value: $9.15 Italy
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14/04/2016 17:28
If they do that for the money and not for the product they should anyway join the legit one, so they won't have fake money in their ewallets...
Traffic Value: $9.15 Italy
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14/04/2016 17:30
For instance in my website every time you get commissions from your referrals are pretty much guaranteed money.
Because we always have money to pay when we generate commissions.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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15/04/2016 12:55
Thanks the admin for his words wink

I`m really enjoying this program and I can see sustainability in it, as well as an admin that knows what he`s doing and not here just to grab some dollars and run away.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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15/04/2016 13:17
I think more payment options are needed like Pm,btc.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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17/04/2016 22:41

Advcash might be next. It will allow people to use Payeer and Bitcoin with it with decent fees and their own card.

So far, I have cashed out 3 times and they are ALWAYS instant.

I know the amounts are small, but they are just for promotion (and proof) purposes. It would be stupid not to compound pretty much everything as it has already proved to be a stable and well built revshare!

Join here and enjoy $0.01 ads! grin

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