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Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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09/12/2018 18:45
Great start for this one!

Reached 9578 members in a few days since they started - 17 November 2018.
Unique in a lot of ways: you can earn by surfing other members sites in a Traffic Exchange, as an investor or by referring others.

Just added to Monitor:

So, to make it short:

Join, check your inbox for the verification email, verify your account.

You will get free 1000 advertising credits and free $2.4 (easy task, make sure you read the Tutorials) upon joining.

It is true that you earn 90% commissions as they say because they add up this way:

- Surf Pool 10%
- Team Pool 20%
- Group Pool 25%
- Global Pool 20%
- Group Manager 5%
- Sales commision 10%

The value of a Profit Contract is $29 and it will return $34.8 (120%) after 50 days or until you reach the max. 120% of the amount you purchase.  

This will make you eligible to start earning from more Pools and will also bring you 20000 advertising credits to focus on.

Make sure you have at least one active contract.
Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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10/12/2018 08:04
I'm registered on the web site and so far so good. A lot of potential in the program. Planing on investing even more. Good luck to all. 
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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15/12/2018 23:25
Wow! They are constantly improving! Almost daily.
Now they offer Quarter, Half and Full Ad Packages which makes them very affordable.

  • $ 7.25 with 10.000 credits
  • $14.50 with 20.000 credits
  • $29     with 40.000 credits

A reminder for those who already joined:
Until 24 December 2018 there are 2 Contests taking place: a Global Santa Referral Contest with $700 in prizes and a Group Referral Contest with $340 in prizes.

More about How It Works

Important, DO NOT forget
You need to claim your earnings from each Pool daily.
If you forget, the earnings won´t be added to your balance. You claim your daily accumulated amount by clicking just 1 Ad.

For surfing you are rewarded twice: with TE credits and with 1 Point which will earn you ($) commission in the Surf Pool. 
You can surf as much as you want. 
If you don´t buy a Contract, this is the only way you can earn besides from your referrals.

They offer multiple ways to spend your credits in order to advertise:

  •  PPC system Banner Advertising (Impressions Are Unlimited)
  •  Full Page Advertising in Frame
  •  Full Page Advertising in New Tab
  •  Full Page Login Ads
  •  Text Offers.

What you get is 24h unique, 10 seconds site views.
Your campaign will start rotating automatically after it gets approved by the support.

The Control Panel in the Advertising area is very easy to manage. You can add, edit or pause your Campaigns as you wish according to the Statistics provided in your Advertising Control Panel.
I got very good results. It was because I had a lot of credits or my sites were new for this market, I don´t know, but I´m pleased.

..and I´m also pleased because the earnings add up really fast. Here are some screenshots from my account:
Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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16/12/2018 06:57
 TEXT OFFER - Our New Ad Format is Live and it comes with DOUBLE CREDITS Promotion!
Till the end of 2018, Every Purchase will give you not 20000 but 40000 credits. Get Your x2 Advertising Credits Now and Submit Your New Text Offer! Please remember to like and follow our FB Page!
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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18/12/2018 21:40
New option to earn some extra money and advertising credits, added:
´´We hope you will enjoy our Newest Addition to the site, Paid AdFeedz Articles, and Your Own, Various Blogger Posts with Your Own AdFeedz Reflink on Banners an/or Text Links showing wherever you’ll place them among your article.´´

Rules, topics and all details about how to accomplish that are given inside the member control panel.
 I know this kind of task - if I may say so, is not suitable for everybody, but with mentioning it I just want to highlight they are serious about their business.

..and while I was writing this I won about $1 in Flip Game, so tonight I will cashout my first $40. grin Isn´t this great! For me at least.

Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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19/12/2018 23:13
Yes, $42 cashed out! tongue

So, I logged in today and found out they introduced Alexa Booster Campaigns.
CashLinks with forced view, 10 sec.
Beneficial for both: advertisers and earners.

If we focus on the Paidverts Referral Competition which is taking place right now...

´´Several days ago we started a 3.5 month referral competition for paidverts with a grand prize of $1500.
As of now, you only need 1 qualified referral to make the list!
Here you can find the current list: Click

You have until March 31st to put your name on the list and win a lot of money!´´

....I think Text Ads - 25 sec. exposure (15 sec. forced to read) and Alexa Ranking are a great opportunity to advertise and get some refs! 
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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25/12/2018 13:10
...relax during server upgrade:

Dear Valued Members,
Christmas is the time that touches every heart with love and care. Christmas is the time to receive and send blessings. It is the time to breathe the magic in the air. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from AdFeedz!

On this 26th of December 2018, we will welcome in the New Year by upgrading the server to increase hardware performance, this will allow for more users online and high traffic.

Adfeedz will be down for 24 hours for this upgrading and will be live again on 27th of December 2018.

Warm Regards & Merry Christmas

Ori Ginex
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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28/12/2018 22:02
Joined under you, let's see how this turns out
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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28/12/2018 23:41
Welcome on board!

Invest, advertise and click if you want, and you´ll be fine.

By the way, I made another withdraw of $11 yesterday.

Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
2 like this post 0 people
29/12/2018 13:39
they are back up with less than 24 hour server upgrade, I really like how this programmer is on point!

I had a bit too much fun with placing ads and accidentally consumed all my ad credits. so do learn to balance your ad flow. lol

Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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05/01/2019 21:19
Few changes as of today:

Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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07/01/2019 12:07
good to see you running this topic threetree ,just unbanned after one year forum bangrin
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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10/01/2019 01:17
There is a lot happening in AdFeedz, click the link below to stay updated.

Important Features and System update!
Traffic Value: $138.84594 Slovenia
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10/01/2019 16:29

So, I have a quick question. I've been a free member for a while and then 2 days back I purchased the profit contract for 29 $.

The "terms" state that the contract will be valid for 60 days or until it reaches 120 % of initial buy value. Now the way I read this is which ever of these two conditions fill out first, right?

OK, now, here's where I have a bit of a problem. For the contract to reach 120% of the value in 60 days would mean that I need to get 0.58 $ per day from all three pools available. Yet in these past two days I've received only 0.058 $ from Group pool and 0.036 $ from World pool. At this rate I'll get back ~ 3 $ in these 60 days, which would be far less than the initial investment.

Am I missing something here or is this a big ponzi scheme?
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
10/01/2019 18:26
Speak English, pls. angel

´´For the contract to reach 120% of the value in 60 days would mean that I need to get 0.58 $ per day from all three pools available. Yet in these past two days I've received only 0.058 $ from Group pool and 0.036 $ from World pool. At this rate I'll get back ~ 3 $ in these 60 days,..´´ - you´re right. 

But in this case rule no 2 applies: 
´´ until it reaches 120 % of initial buy value´´.

So, your math is right but on the other hand, you may earn $1 tomorrow. That % can vary a lot, it´s not increasing/decreasing according to some formula and we know that.

Let´s not forget that referring is also essential in every investment program.

´´Am I missing something here or is this a big ponzi scheme?´´
Your conclusion may be right or wrong as well. ermm
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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10/01/2019 19:05
I don't see any reasonable logic behind packs expiring after 60 days. I mean, at this rate it would be possible, but if it would happen, the program would be as good as d-e-d as it would consistantly throw users out, starting with the biggest buyers.

@sankyoy, as much as I recall close every program (if not all) that offers packs like these has somewhere written that it either returns XX or expires after XX duration. Though I never saw a pack actualy expire anywhere. Then again, all had enough money flow (even if it was fake).

In any case, I don't see it sensible to happen, as that would IMO kill the program anyway.

PS: Thanks for buying that adpack, means a world to me (insert heart emoticon or signs that in no way work)
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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11/01/2019 04:45
I bought a $29 pack and got paid a whopping 1.8 cents today grin

That's not going to be much over 60 days. This is looking like another scam. At least I got some advertising out of it. The ppc banners look like a good idea. Out of 400 impressions I got 1 click so that cost me 100 credits.

I'd be cautious putting money into this and any time an admin says you need to refer to make money beware. It costs money to refer and most people are not skilled at doing it
Traffic Value: $138.84594 Slovenia
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11/01/2019 07:25
I'd be cautious putting money into this and any time an admin says you need to refer to make money beware. It costs money to refer and most people are not skilled at doing it

What bothers me more is that you basically screw other people by referring them to such a site. Because the ones who come in last will be the ones who will be losing their money, since they won't be able to get any new referrals.

Well, best to wait and see what happens. smile
Traffic Value: $13,190.14905 Italy
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12/01/2019 01:52
My third cashout.
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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12/01/2019 16:28
why are you all treating this thing like an investment. 

Ad feedz is an advertising platform, 
and if you sell some ads, you earn a commission.

That commission depends upon your team sales ( team pool) as well as the whole company sales ( global pool) and personal sales ( 10% commission)


Making use of these ads is the important part. As well as not letting all your ad credits be consumed by useless advertising. 

( PPC has always been a worthy product)
but look at the other abilities they gave us in the most recent update.
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