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Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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29/06/2016 09:06
The reasons why I choose this is that the admin is on his real FB profile and he did take his time and money to design the inner page too. That's a symbol that he would try his best to keep it running. Another symbol of the mentality of the admin is that he has given a clause that the earnings could reduce to 3.5% if the sales go down a lot. Some
of you may not like it. But believe me, he wouldn't have given that clause if his intention is to grab some money and to run. The third reason is that he hasn't made any tall promises like having a non-existent external income and I noticed that he deliberately avoided a question on external income on the FB group. If it was a usual sc@mmer admin, that question wouldn't have gone unanswered. There really isn't any external income to any of the revshares currently exist.
1.No membership fee
2.10$ pack expires at 150%
3.earn 14% daily
Join here:
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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29/06/2016 14:41
I was about to open a listing for it xD Good luck, the program looks good
Traffic Value: $632.82371 Latvia
1 like this post 1 people
29/06/2016 14:45
Looks like a ponzi, I don't even have to see the website after the description...
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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29/06/2016 15:16
The site is paying .This is the best revshare existing at the moment.
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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29/06/2016 15:32
3658 members already joined only in 8 days.There is some potential in this program.
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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30/06/2016 01:28
here is my payment proof
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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30/06/2016 18:55
Here is another one.join guys's just awesome
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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03/07/2016 05:54
So if this pays 14% daily does that mean I can get back my initial deposit in just over a week? And then expires at 150% total?

But I also read on the website that 50% of my earnings are put into the repurchase balance. What does that mean exactly? Does that mean that half of what I earned can no longer be withdrawn and has to be used for the program? Thanks.
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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03/07/2016 06:45
Yes,50% goes to repurchase balance which can only be used to purchase positions.
Traffic Value: $59,525.25001 Philippines
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03/07/2016 18:05
They pay up to 14% daily.  Minimum is 3.5% daily.

Rate will be variable depending on how many members are repurchasing and growth
[removed] = function() {}
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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05/07/2016 05:35
this is another one .
my total investments 210
total withdrawl 190
my rio-190/210=90.47%
soon i will be in profit grin
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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05/07/2016 15:26
This is the update from admin of 1pack

Good Day 1pack Community,

We are having a special giveaway to 3 members with the most referrals in the contest! We will be giving away $150 to start your future with 1pack! The contest will START NOW and end on Saturday July 9th. Be apart of something that will be special and helping families gain the financial freedom they are looking for.

For those who have yet to join our Facebook group below, please be sure to join and add a friend to keep up with the latest news. In our Facebook you will see discussions, thousands of members proof of payouts, and admin that are here for you. Growth is key to our success as a community together, so don't let anyway that crosses your path miss the opportunity to be the next success story. Let's change lives as a family.

Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
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12/07/2016 09:03
One more withdrawal
My total investment 210
Total withdrawal 240
My Roi 240/210= 114.28%
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