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War clicks - Bug reports

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Traffic Value: $11,838.29378 Italy
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22/08/2017 07:05
An info that is missing and is very useful for calculating if a Country could break the line the following day is the Initial Enemy Base Health in the Country invasion screen. Now there is only the Health left.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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22/08/2017 07:22
I will check those and and some other mentioned issues from the earlier posts a bit later in the day. Have some other things to deal with first.

Edit: US chat should hopefully work now. There's absolutely no logic why it stopped and why what fixed it fixed it. Hopefully it stays this way. Let me know if it stops working again.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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22/08/2017 09:17
We've also pushed an update that improves BC saving of bought units.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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22/08/2017 09:29
Here is the bug earlier mentioned:
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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22/08/2017 10:27
OK. BS double DPC are a complete waste then, just like Auto Clickers...only if you don't want to wear out your mouse. I won't bother asking for my wasted 17th double DPC back then.

THE US base 40 cert did go back to 100% many times yesterday.

YES, we had to redo 39 at the start of the day, but everytime someone new helped with 40, previous progress was lost and there's was the new progress.

Was there any compensation for that lost progression? OH, that's for a bit later, not exactly sure what you will give me, but meh it's a partial day where most big users hadn't come back anyways.

YES, we are now on base 45 10.836/47.986, so I'm waiting to see someone else reduce that number to see if it seems fixed.

I left a chat message in US chat for you Andraz.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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22/08/2017 10:44
BS double dpc is not a complete waste because it doesn't come with double fuel consumption. During it lasts you literally double your dpc. The problem is that it costs much BS after a while.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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22/08/2017 11:05
"because it doesn't come with double fuel consumption"

I was under the impression this wasn't the case.

As they do get expensive, just like 10% fuel, I will wait to test this out, until I feel that extra bit would be useful...not sure when, save if I'm about to fall below 3rd place.

So, we did complete base 45, but now we have -39.796/12.774 on base 48.

What sort of bug is this?
Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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22/08/2017 11:52
Our base also currently showing -8017887/6338596

Today in morning also it was showing Minus - and as soon as i started clicking, it explodes and showed me next base during which it also wasted couple or more important second between exploding and showing new base... and it might me case that in previous attempt, instead of finishing last base it was excepting clicks even in minus. kindly review. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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22/08/2017 11:53
The minus has been fixed, some display issue after latest update. It will show correctly as soon as someone destroys the base.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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22/08/2017 12:04
Indeed it seems fixed and we are now 53.742/77.281 for base 50.
ETA: Now 53.560, aka someone somewhat new did 1 chance.

I hope we get back some top players back to the US, cause at some point these break the lines will be too big, even for 24hrs, AND our gold will run out.
Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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22/08/2017 12:15
Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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22/08/2017 13:13
@Maniek and others who experienced this, i have almost (80% sure) confirmed that continuous clicking after the destroyed base reaches 0, for now, is what seems to be causing the clicking/dmg block.

I changed my pattern of attacking to avoid clicking until the new base comes up totally, fully drawn (while the game prepares next base) and so far didn't have that problem. Then i tried non-stop clicking another chance and it froze again at some point.

So while this is researched, i suggest everyone to avoid unneeded clicks.
Traffic Value: $1,935.26409 United Kingdom
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22/08/2017 13:52
@mbipbux  it may be a reason why is this happening today but yesterday I was clicking continuously and nothing like that happened...

Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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22/08/2017 19:49
If i buy 2X and 3X DPC will i have 6X DPC in country invasion?
Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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23/08/2017 05:12
can we have some chart in invasion where we can see countries with their current base numbers ?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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23/08/2017 06:05
Can we have Total Damage done today?

This way it is easier to tell if we have the power to destroy the boss base the next day, even if that is all we do.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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23/08/2017 07:33

"We've also pushed an update that improves BC saving of bought units."

It failed. :-(
I lost a huge amount of PP. 77>  I bought than i converted the rest, than pushed the save button, after 30 sec i pushed again to make sure. Than to warzone, than back and my units were gone like my PP i saved 2 days.
Traffic Value: $459.892 Pakistan
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23/08/2017 10:34
new trainers added <3
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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23/08/2017 20:56
So, I had just deployed 10hrs earlier when I spent 180 Gold on 2 full sets of the new trainers.

And, when I hit under 24hrs, aka shortly, I'll already be at 1+1=2.

Which means, another day and I'll be at way more than 1+2=3.

However, then if I deploy, I'd lose the 2 full sets, so my gain rate would slow significantly, even though I would have more current contractors, if I don't reup and buy those contractors again.

The 8 others are insignificant (biggest is 0.028, then 0.0059 etc)
With a total 6hr gain rate of 188.62

I am trying to figure out how much a 1+X=X I should aim for, b4 deploying.

I think the math is something like this:
8.7 is 150% of 5.8 which is 150% of ~3.9 which is 150% = 2.6

2.6 goes into 8.7 ~3.35 times which does that mean the answer is 1+3.35 = 4.35 and I'd be getting the same gain rate after I get back up to these units/old upgrades bought after a deploy?

188.62 is 150% of 126 which is 150% of 84 which is 150% of 56.

56 of 188.62 is ~3.35x.

Which again matches the thought I have that w/o the Gold Upgrades, I'd be getting a 6hr Gain rate of ~56 and yet I am getting 188.62, so I need to wait until I get 1+3.35=4.35 b4 deploying, if I don't want to immediately spend Gold again. (Actually, 56 IS 1 of the 3.35, so just 1+2.35=3.35?)

Is this the right math/ thought proccess?
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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23/08/2017 21:01
Sound about right Druth8x. I am not sure when i will deploy again. I figure maybe by the end of week i should get to point i have to deploy or bribe. since the sell price went away for bribe i might just deploy when i get happy with my pending contractors.
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