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Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 01:01
Slosumo i might been wrong on the light tank. Going back and looking to achievements i think i got one or more that triggered the bonus cause i brought more light cannons with no problems.

I will keep a better eye out for achievement bonuses from now on. Sorry about that. cwy
Traffic Value: $4,285.58185 Slovenia
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25/02/2017 01:05
i bought 4.2Q upgrade, but the score shows that i had total collected only 3Q.... probably some bug?
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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25/02/2017 01:12
Still trying to figure out how people are joining the Q group while I need hours to make a q (playing from the first day, still just 20k pending contractors) gulp
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 01:25
carvalho you should be getting close to joining that group.  My secret dont always deploy as soon as you get double your army contractors. I sometimes go triple or more. Right now i am 161k contractors. I will stay there for awhile i am sure since i just passed that point on pending about a hour ago. 

With that idea you build up contractors which boost your earning faster. The rest you have to figure out on your own. LOL.

Timoo Yeah i think the score thing is glitched cause it got my totally collected on my profile is alot higher then what it shown on the  leader board.  What showing there does not even reflect my current earning going from my last deployment to now.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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25/02/2017 01:29
It feels like my pending contractors are going up too slowly, it was less than 8k today (and I was online for many hours)
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 01:48
Yeah i think they did some adjusting to it. Mine seem to slow down if i am building my PP up. But if i am buying units or upgrades it goes faster. This might be another intend programming thing.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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25/02/2017 06:34
There is no intended "slow down of progress" while you are idle/away from the time. The only thing that might make a difference is if you're not away, you're probably buying some units/upgrades along the way that make you gain more.

But if you had i.e. 100 of each unit and had the game open for 10 hours and done nothing, or just went away for 10 hours and came back the gain should be the same.
In fact, keeping the game open might even result in slightly less gained, due to client side lag, but the opposite should not happen. If it actually does, it means the issue is not fully resolved yet.

Would be great if some of you who say they have this issue log your progress (PP, unit count and pending contractors) before you close the window/go AFK and when you come back, and report if there's a difference.

** even here doing 2 tests 1 after the other might result in differences as the bigger units might not cycle the exact same number of times.

When it comes to general progress and contractor gain the slow down was intentional as said on that day, but it was done with a bit of "breathing room" to ensure we wouldn't have to do a reset of score again if it turned out it was too fast. We will adjust the progress along the way, i.e. by adding more upgrades to buy on points where it gets too slow. Something you can't adjust if the progress is left loose from the start.

We did make various basic predictions and simulations but it's really hard to simulate a "real play" exactly and get the "feel of progress" that way. It's why we are playing on various test accounts to identify these points and make adjustments on the way.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 09:55
Thanks Slosumo. You all did great with the pending contractors as far as i can tell. I will keep a eye out on my numbers for a few test for you.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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25/02/2017 10:41
So, it's intended that I don't get any Pending Contractor while I'm off? silly
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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25/02/2017 11:07
Not at all - you should be getting them.
Could you perhaps try and log your progress before going off, and getting back as described above? Did you really not get a single new contractor?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/02/2017 13:38
"saving" is still an issue.

Heck, just while it is counting it sometimes goes down, like it adds way too fast and then autocorrects or something.

But, also, the reverted save is not where I was ever back in time. AKA say I went to 200 1st on jeeps then 100 on choppers, I'd revert back to 197 jeeps and still have 100 choppers, for instance. (This exact scenario is probably not what I did, but something like that yes.)

This happens, when going to war zone & closing tab/window.

I really like to know that when I "leave", whether it be 5min or so for war zone or hours for the game, that I had the next bonus saved that I was trying to get to.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 14:38
Druth8x i was having that problem alot I started the process do something wait a couple minute refresh, do something else wait a few minutes refresh it seem to work alot better at catching everything i do that way. But i noticed if i go a hour or more with out refreshing  it seem to lose progress sometimes.

Slosumo first test set. as of a couple minutes ago. was taken 4 hours ago. Closed game. still logged in.  So i think the stats are pretty well in line with what i would get if the game was open.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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25/02/2017 15:52

I went offline 1 hour and got 0 Pending Contractors, and it decrease dramatically while I'm on the warzone either.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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25/02/2017 16:37
Ok i am convinced the contract pending rate does not change if you playing or not. here the results 2 hours after my last post. added more units so any real major increase it because of that but from what i am seeing it pretty standard.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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25/02/2017 21:19
Again:  1 hour away and the same number of pending contractors / still increasing very slow while I'm on warzone.
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
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25/02/2017 21:55
The office is already aware of this bug. Thank you for reporting it!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/02/2017 02:51
NOT A BUG (I think)

I can't seem to click fast enough in the 30sec to even defeat one ship (out of 3) in the defend your country screen. The "enemy" heals all the way back up, even if I leave the tab open until the next random interval.

I assume this means that I am supposed to "buy" something?

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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26/02/2017 03:06
druth8x looking at your profile i would say you need more upgrades on the battle zone side.  So you can raise your DPC. I would take my power points and convert them to Battle stars and get said upgrades which will speed up your progress on missions.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/02/2017 03:28
OK. Thanks. Took me a bit to see where that convert option was and as such, I think I'll do so tomorrow after I accumulate a lot more PP for today as well as have a new set of defend country plays to work with.

I'm still getting comfortable with the basics of WZ.
We are given 4 each server day Auto Clickers, right? Use em or lose em, each day.
Thus, at the very least, we should use 1 when we are at 100% fuel starting the day, at the very least earlier on in the progress.
I know GOLD is rare, and something that is sold, so I know that some parts of this game you should only use when best to use it and can take full enough advantage b/c you know what it is and such, hence why I'm wearing out my finger/mouse clicking.

BTW, hint to others, there are many parts of the WarZone that are daily, so even if you are still confused, don't just stick with BootCamp as you really should take advantage of some of the daily tasks only found in WZ.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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26/02/2017 03:33
Remember that it does not change a lot after some point druth8x! If I convert with 5q PP I get around 16k, with 100q around 16.1k BS, focus on upgrading things as much as possible. 
I used all my gold buying contractors upgrades, you will have to do it sometime later, so better be on the start to make it faster grin

By the way, buying the WZ upgrades might be easy to you druth, I still think you will make a table looking for the smallest DPC's price. smile
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