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Ticket pending for 7 days approx.

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Traffic Value: $10,065.50805 Uruguay
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21/02/2024 08:26
Hello, making this post since I think the ticket is bugged, I think the first time it was opened by @slosumo, he didn't receive a notification of that ticekt or something like that.

Now, even though I was the last one replying, it says 'Last Reply By slosumo' while other tickets say 'By You' when I was the last one writing.

The ticket number is Support Ticket: #287725.

PS: Previously I asked the same question in ticket Support Ticket: #290934 And got ignored with a generic response. That's why in total is like 7 days.

And before others 'drain out the wallets' withdrawing, I'd like to withdraw a part of my balance smile
Forum - Misc - Ticket pending for 7 days approx.
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