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Security measurements

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Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
18 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 03:40
Looks that there is some bad guys trying to hurt our beloved MTV. Some are copying MTV and PV, some others are trying to make DDoS attacks and other kinds of hacks, looking for exploitations on the site to make money through cheating, some are trying to steal the money directly from our users, by hacking their accounts, etc.  

Trying to be helpful, I share some personal security checkups with you in order to keep you protected from troubles like those I mentioned above.

Avoid Scams
Stay away from fake sites trying with similar URLs of MTV or PV. Look for the your browser address and check if it says "Future Business Group Limited NZ" and look for the URL. The URL must start with https:// and not just http://.

Avoid Trojans and Virus
Also, scan you computer for virus, use Microsoft Network Monitor to see your connection traffic, check your processes and the command line of system processes like "rundll32.exe" and "svchost.exe". Look for the path of the executable file of the running processes and see where are they located. If they are on user AppData folder or ProgramData put an eye for what process it is. If you don't know a specific process search on google for the name. Avoid to be a victim of keyloggers, screen spying, traffic sniffers, etc.

Surf the web with protection
When you're just surfing the web, try to disable javascript and use Google Chrome or Tor Browser and make sure to disable Java and Flash if you're not using Google Chrome. If possible, try to use some browser extension like Avast, Norton or BitDefender Google Chrome extensions to add one more security layer against scams, phishing and hidden auto downloaders. In addition, use a good antivirus with real-time firewall and antiscam protection, which scans HTTP traffic for malicious and obfuscated scripts.

Make yourself hard to hack
Use strong passwords, with at least 16 characters, which would have no mean for anyone else besides you. Change your password with some frequency and do not save it on a file on your computer and don't use your MyTrafficValue password anywhere else. Never choose a password with only numbers. The more random and longer your password is, the better your protection.

Anyway, all of this are just some security measurements you can implement to stay safe and to avoid getting your MTV account hacked and your money stolen.

Keep yourself secure and happy earnings here with us!

Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
4 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:04
Thanks dude!
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
6 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:07
Do not use pirated softwares because are full of trojans and keyloggers and they can steal very easy your credit card and passwords.
 Do not use unprotected public wifi hotspots, friends PCs, or netcafe. Protect your network with strong passwords. Do not test how strong your password is on sites. Why? Because they colect passowrds in database and sell to hackers. Also don;t use password generators sites because they can have a database with all generated password, so your password is useless in hackers use brute force. When choose a passoword you always must have a combination of: Upper and lower case, numbers, symbols found on the keyboard; at least eight characters long, not contain your user name, real name, or company name; not contain a complete word from any dictionary (hackers use dictionary brute force attacks).
Also is a high risk if you use FB hackers can found and collect much info about you(your mother name, your gf/bf/dog name; your school/work place; date of birth) and use it to reset your passwords.
Do not save all your password in plain text documents, or write on papers then trow to trash, some hackers look in your trash for bills, bank documents, etc... Don't tell your password to anyone, even if they pretend they are site admins or call you, they can be scamers. Be paranoid ! grin
Traffic Value: $305.428 Russian Federation
6 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:20
And remember one thing - a good hacker can hack anything, despite all precautions cwy
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
5 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:35
Avoid suspicious site that have bad rating - Always use WOT(Web of Trust) extension this extension trusted and WOT is Partner of Facebook. Its works in Facebook like a charm if you have that extension. Avoid clicking any ads/banner, link in suspicious site. If you visited untrusted site with dubious reputation. Clear your all browser data like cookies, cache, etc.

Scan the newly installed app - If you download a application make sure in the Official site of app not in some sharing site. Avoid downloading app in torrent many of them scam, fake. After you installed the suspicious app first you need to know what is main process of app, check the registry setting, check the temporary files if there's some files of it, check browser if app install toolbar/extension/add-on/.

Never use hacktool/bot/keygen if not needed - 90% of this app dangerous don't install in your PC. Always separate your important account from infected PC. I recommend ESET Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus.

Avoid public wifi and proxy and free internet connection(hack) - First, it’s important to clarify the name of a free Wi-Fi network before choosing to join it. If the network isn’t password protected, it might be a good idea to stay away. Lastly, when using public Wi-Fi, try to avoid logging into sites or entering information like credit card information or social security numbers.
Traffic Value: $514.44527 Viet Nam
4 like this post 0 people
18/01/2015 04:57
Oh many of measurements were given. And one more, I think that you also can change your password weekly or monthly. 
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