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Traffic Value: $6.61805 Algeria
1 like this post 2 people
05/11/2015 18:10
cashout PM pending 11/10/2015 to 05/11/2015 My money was not received until today........
Traffic Value: $14,436.60075 Turkey
2 like this post 1 people
05/11/2015 18:14
No the site is not going down or shutting down. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on when to cash out.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
14 like this post 1 people
05/11/2015 18:15
I think many people who are cashing out either see better short term opportunities and/or they were only here for the HYIP type of the site.

The former I have no problem with, as they will come back when we are rolling again, whether the RP is still 1c but only a few hundred thousand for sale, or 1.5c, 3c 5c, 10c, remains to be seen. We will want them back with more money anyways.

The latter are not compatible with the sustainable site going forward anyways, so as mean as it may sound, "good riddance". We aren't a HYIP, we are here for the long term to make money the sustainable way. If things take years, so what.

There are others who are scared and they just want their assets, whatever price they can get for them, in their pockets, just in case their fears are real. Many people have been burned and will continue to be burned, so while I really feel safe here, I can sympathize, even empathize (though in my case it was cash4surf poorly managed, not HYIP, so basically just time, not $)
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
10 like this post 2 people
06/11/2015 00:43
Current times for: 06/11/2015

PM: 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 18 Hours, 57 Minutes (+1 day)
STP: 1 Month, 1 Week, 2 Days, 10 Hours, 57 Minutes (+1 day)
 1 Week, 2 Days, 10 Hours, 13 Minutes (+1 day)
Bitcoin: 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 19 Hours, 26 Minutes (+1 day)
Neteller: 2 Weeks, 2 Hours, 15 Minutes (+1 day)
OKPay: 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 3 Hours, 12 Minutes (+1 day)
Payeer: 1 Week, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 57 Minutes (+1 day)

Last Paydays - Nº of Payments made:

02/11/2015 (4 days ago) - 103 payments made ($2,204.55)
STP: 02/11/2015 (4 days ago) - 2 payments made ($100.04)
Payza: 04/11/2015 (2 days ago) - 48 payments made ($1,546.32)
Bitcoin: 04/11/2015 (2 days ago) - 34 payments made ($3,544.64)
Neteller: 04/11/2015 (2 days ago) - 63 payments made ($1,287.75)
OKPay: 04/11/2015 (2 days ago) - 18 payments made ($627.92)
 04/11/2015 (2 days ago) - 221 payments made ($872.9)

Ok, I have been out almost the entire day, I'm tired and my head hurts, I barely made it in time for the update, I was almost done with the update and accidentally closed the tab, so I had to do it again... "One of those days" I think grin

Anyway, @druth8x, I think many/some users find helpful the "(±X day(s))" in reference to the previous update, so I think it is better to keep it, however I was trying to figure out how to include what you proposed, but I think it may be confusing for some people to have both, or maybe I'm too tired to think well... whatever, if you have any idea and want/can make an example (maybe based in an update), it would be appreciated, if you think it is worth it of course tongue

Well, I'm going to bed early today, goodbye happy
Traffic Value: $227.22621 Serbia
1 like this post 0 people
06/11/2015 01:59
i request cashout on STP 25$ a month ago i see onlu 2 payment on STP 100$ could you see my request please
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
06/11/2015 02:11
@krimi, I checked for you. It is pending:

krimi $25.00 $23.50 $1.50 1 Month, 3 Days, 19 Hours, 35 Minutes

My guess is that you will receive payment within a week from now.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
5 like this post 1 people
06/11/2015 23:33
Current times for: 06/12/2015

PM: 4 Weeks, 17 Hours, 55 Minutes (+4 days)
STP: 1 Month, 1 Week, 3 Days, 9 Hours, 55 Minutes (+4 days)
1 Week, 3 Days, 9 Hours, 12 Minutes (+2 days)
Bitcoin: 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 18 Hours, 26 Minutes (+2 days)
Neteller:  2 Weeks, 1 Day, 1 Hour, 15 Minutes (+2 days)
OKPay: 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 2 Hours, 13 Minutes (+2 days)
Payeer: 1 Week, 2 Days, 11 Hours, 59 Minutes (+2 days)

Last Paydays - Nº of Payments made:

02/11/2015 (5 days ago) - 103 payments made ($2,204.55)
STP: 02/11/2015 (5 days ago) - 2 payments made ($100.04)
Payza: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 48 payments made ($1,546.32)
Bitcoin: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 34 payments made ($3,544.64)
Neteller: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 63 payments made ($1,287.75)
OKPay: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 18 payments made ($627.92)
 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 221 payments made ($872.9)


This isn't the new day/server reset yet, but as it was my turn to show, I figured I had time now/close enough.

All are Red, which just means that it's been a bit too long since the last payday. On Payday, I really hope to see some Green, at least on most, if not all, and ideally for a day or two at min on most.
Oddly enough, they all got basically the same amount of time worth of payments as each other (well PM/STP did, as did the others with each other) last paydays. That is just coincidence, could be a bunch of different numbers, for instance if STP only has 1 day, and Payza has 4 days, the number will be different.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
3 like this post 0 people
07/11/2015 00:15
"Current times for: 06/12/2015"

Wow, druth, time flies grin

Ok, I have an idea, let me see if it works.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
4 like this post 2 people
07/11/2015 00:33
Current times for: 07/11/2015

PM: 4 Weeks, 18 Hours, 51 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+5 days since last PD)
STP: 1 Month, 1 Week, 3 Days, 10 Hours, 51 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+5 days since last PD)
1 Week, 3 Days, 10 Hours, 7 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+3 days since last PD)
Bitcoin: 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 19 Hours, 20 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+3 days since last PD)
Neteller: 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 2 Hours, 9 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+3 days since last PD)
OKPay: 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 3 Hours, 6 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+3 days since last PD)
Payeer: 1 Week, 2 Days, 12 Hours, 52 Minutes (+1 day since last update) / (+3 days since last PD)

Last Paydays - Nº of Payments made:

02/11/2015 (5 days ago) - 103 payments made ($2,204.55)
STP: 02/11/2015 (5 days ago) - 2 payments made ($100.04)
Payza: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 48 payments made ($1,546.32)
Bitcoin: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 34 payments made ($3,544.64)
Neteller: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 63 payments made ($1,287.75)
OKPay: 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 18 payments made ($627.92)
 04/11/2015 (3 days ago) - 221 payments made ($872.9)

PD = PayDay

So, it looks good or is it too confusing?

I think that way we can keep both, since I think some users find helpful the first one, as well as the second one.

I don't know, tell me what you think happy
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 2 people
07/11/2015 01:08
Why do ppl want +1? Ofc it's +1 if the second list doesn't show an updated payday (1 day ago).

So, I say remove it, it really serves no purpose as it's redundant.

My number isn't days since last PayDay, either.
It's what the oldest says vs what the oldest was the update (usually about 12hrs) b4 it was paid. Meaning, if it's red, that means the "within 7 days" has extended, yet again. Hopefully on the update after payday, they all are Negative, meaning more than 24hrs were taken care of, hopefully a few days. Payza for instance can often start out at green/negative 4. B/c it goes from 1.5weeks to 6 days.

lol, yes, I'm still not used to non US date format...I added one to the month when it should have been the day...US format though I would have been right.
Traffic Value: $4,901.41824 New Zealand
2 like this post 1 people
07/11/2015 04:09
Regarding the date format, do you think it would be more clear to use the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 3 people
07/11/2015 04:18

I'm even less familiar with that format.

I know what month it is, so I should have got that, but I had r/l issues that had me preoccupied, and so I didn't pay even one bit of attention, just c/p add 1 to what would be true in default format, then move on to the main part of the the post, and don't bother to check the date for errors b4 hitting submit.

Let's not blow this up bigger than it really is. It's such a small thing. In fact, since posts are time stamped and I mentioned regarding the time of day in the main part of the post, if anyone caught that and was confused, they would get clarification.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
0 like this post 5 people
07/11/2015 04:36
I too would rather see dates in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD, as it makes them easier to read and this is the format most stored dates are in, since it is naturally sortable.

(Used by most date-related string storage formats, followed by a 6-8 digit string representing the time (w/wo microseconds))

Seeing the date in the complete opposite format is completely confusing and illogical to me. Not only that, in most cases, when the year is shown last, the month is first, not in the middle.

April 1st, 2015
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
4 like this post 3 people
07/11/2015 05:05
Why do we even have the year in this type of post anyways?
Heck, even the date, b/c of time stamps, is not needed.

I def don't like reading unneeded info.
Which the year first format places an emphasis on that unneeded year.

As far as MM/DD vs DD/MM...I'm not sure which is more used....I know in the US it's MM/DD, but I don't want to usurp the rest of the world for US bias.

Just did a search wiki provided some info:
Color      Order styles Main regions and countries Approximate population in millions (rounded to full 10)
  Cyan DMY Asia (Central, SE, West), Australia (24), parts of Europe (ca. 675), most of Latin America (570), North Africa; India (1240), Indonesia (250), Nigeria (170), Bangladesh (150), Russia (140) 3295
  Yellow YMD China (1360), Koreas (75), Taiwan (20), Hungary (10), Iran (80), Japan (130), Lithuania, Mongolia. Known in other countries due to ISO 8601. 1660
  Magenta MDY Belize, Federated States of Micronesia, United States (320) 320
  Red DMY, MDY Philippines (100), Saudi Arabia (30) 130
  Green DMY, YMD Albania (3), Austria (9), Croatia (4), Czech Republic (11), Denmark (6),[sup][1][/sup] Germany (81),[sup][2][/sup][sup][not in citation given][/sup] Hong Kong (9), Kenya (45), Latvia (2), Macau (1), Nepal (50), South Africa (54), Slovenia (2), Sweden (10)[sup][3][/sup] 287
  Grey DMY, MDY, YMD Canada (40) 40

Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
2 like this post 2 people
07/11/2015 09:26
Marc need to give some explanation about cashout delay...make it clear as possible...this is serious problem..
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
07/11/2015 10:55
You can follow cashouts here. Just click on a payment processor:
Traffic Value: $2,368.44924 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
3 like this post 1 people
07/11/2015 12:11
4 Weeks for PM

DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
1 like this post 2 people
07/11/2015 13:02
Ok... I was just kidding about the time druth posted, not a big deal indeed ermm

I changed the format from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY since that's the format used in MTV, and one of the most used around the world.

But anyway, druth, call me an idiot, but I still don't understand quite well what you mean, do you mind doing an update in a PayDay, so I can finally (hopefully) understand?

Anyway, I said the first list was helpful for some members since there were a couple of comments saying that, but I really don't have any trouble doing one or another (or both).
Traffic Value: $232.44589 Romania
8 like this post 1 people
07/11/2015 13:08 are doing a great job, nothing is confusing, for retard people maybe, tnx for your work!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
1 like this post 6 people
07/11/2015 13:41
It's actually more confusing to use DD/MM/YYYY since there are some other countries that will interchange the day and the month. It would be best to go for YYYY/MM/DD.
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