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Massive Panic Over Pending Cashout Requests

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Traffic Value: $282.32434 United Kingdom
2 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 20:39
There is massive worry, especially among our newbies, over cashoout requests that have unusually lasted more than 7 days.
Please Jo, I suggest you send out a mass email in this regard explaining the reason for the delay so that our newbies don't just begin to say all sorts negative things about us out there.
Please do this ASAP, and safeguard our image.
Traffic Value: $142,703.83456 Slovenia
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06/07/2014 20:47
i agree. newbies screamin negativities all over the place alredy
Traffic Value: $6,467.88006 Germany
3 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 21:51
That only helps if they actually read the mails, which most people don't seem to do grin
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
4 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 21:58
hm they even don't bother reading FB post about the problems before commenting and asking why site is down, i don't know what helps to get people understand because talking seems not working
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 22:22
We'll catch up with everything this week... I'm just hoping the website will be stable from now onwards. Worry about user sentiment and ignorance thereafter!
Traffic Value: $142,703.83456 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 23:19
hm they even don't bother reading FB post about the problems before commenting and asking why site is down

yep, so sad about this sad
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
8 like this post 0 people
06/07/2014 23:33
What's really funny... is I post something on my facebook wall. And then people reply in the comments to that post, asking the same question the wall post specifically concerns / answers!

But I wouldn't worry about any panic... as soon as they see PayPal cashouts rolling, the website online again, and their normal daily ads. Everyone will be happy as larry in 48-72hours I'm sure.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
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07/07/2014 04:57
@ Jo, yes it is a shame that many people do not read... Readers are leaders, unfortunately, we can not square this into their minds. As for me, I always read your newsfeed and every other comment below. I had wish some people give a second thought before they express their bad manners online excaim  How can you care so much about money and forget about your reputation... which is more valueable question Only the wise few, know the difference angel 

Thank you Jo, for always making an effort to keep us informed. I understand the success of MTV is your number one priority and all that... but it is truly remarkable how you and your team make it an effort to stay tuned here in the forum, on whatsapp, FB and what have you...  should I add twitter in the list grin... I guess that will be asking too much rightquestion I hope you give it a thought and consider a twitter handler for the business. There is a huge targeting group we are certainly missing out there. Moreover, as we are considering increasing our workforce, I think it will equally make sense to delegate some of these tasks to others as this will increase the respond time on some of the issues. Just my 2 cents though...wink

Keep up with the great work mate, you and your team rock cool smile

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