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FTQ Investment sales - OFFICIAL TOPIC

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Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
3 like this post 3 people
24/02/2015 15:23
Just a reminder for no one to buy higher than round 47. 48+ will be converted at the debt swap.
Traffic Value: $1,975.48057 India
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 15:34
<3winkThanks bro   teejwinktongue
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
4 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 15:37
just a reminder for mind your own business
Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
1 like this post 1 people
24/02/2015 15:45
Traffic Value: $1,975.48057 India
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 15:46
I think round 49 and 50  safe...
Traffic Value: $1,975.48057 India
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 15:49
O no I miss this offer 333% profit.sorry bro just fun.
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:08
round 54 and 55

Best price cheaper than Investment.

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:11
My 186% Power Plan Investments
Total Invested: $71.00
You have been paid $0.00 of $132.06 due.
You are the 1035th biggest 186% Power Plan investor to date!

Show my investments as a list / round by round summary

Investments earning until 186%
Round # Amount Balance Paid Progress To Front Of Queue Details
54 $1.00 $0.00 of $1.86

54 $43.00 $0.00 of $79.98

55 $27.00 $0.00 of $50.22

Traffic Value: $639.14432 Colombia
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:13
ROUND 55-56

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$3.00 $5.106 More $2.40 24/02/2015 Cancel
$3.00 $5.106 More $2.50 24/02/2015 Cancel
$5.00 $8.51 More $4.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:16
Cheap offer round 54-55

List of your investments pending sale
Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $157.6803 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:24
I am selling my round 52 Investment of 18$ for only 20$
Another investment of 7$ for 8$. Please buy I need money urgently
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:24
Well, compared to all the other "great" opportunities from round 50+, I'm offering you 425$ for 199,99$, round 48 so you could even get that investment before debt swap comes!!!
Details about this offer on page 2:
il051 $170.00 $425.00 48 $199.99 More
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:26
I am offering you the cheapest price offer you can even get when the debt swap happens between march 30 to april 2nd.
Round 54 and 55.
Will be completed the offer within time.

List of your investments pending sale
Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:28
I need money urgently so I am selling this offer
round 54 and 55

$1 for $0.80
$43 for $40
$27 for $25

All in the FTQ pages.
Traffic Value: $157.6803 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:28
I am selling my round 52 Investment of 18$ for only 20$
Another investment of 7$ for 8$. Please buy I need money urgently
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:31
I am offering you the cheapest price offer you can even get when the debt swap happens between march 30 to april 2nd.
Round 54 and 55.
Will be completed the offer within time.
Be first to grab the offer.

 List of your investments pending sale

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $157.6803 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:35
I am selling for urgent response
$18.00 $33.48 More $20.00 24/02/2015
$7.00 $13.02 More $8.00 24/02/2015

Traffic Value: $157.6803 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:38
I am selling for urgent response
Payment Due
More Sale Price
$7.00 $13.02 More $8.00 24/02/2015

Traffic Value: $274.52334 United States
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:41
Page 32,Round 52!!!!!!!!  great oportunity !!  pay 150$ to get 370$!!!
Profa68 $198.00 $368.28 52 $150.00 More

I'm going out from PV someone here you have it cannot go lower than this by MTV default...
Traffic Value: $157.6803 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 16:57
I am selling for urgent response
Payment Due
More Sale Price
$7.00 $13.02 More $8.00 24/02/2015

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