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FTQ Investment sales - OFFICIAL TOPIC

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Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 11:56
Round Invested Amount Due Created (d/m/y) More
49 $146.00 $271.56 02/01/2015 More

Sale price: $244.404

Zero Growth Estimation: 31 days
Modest Growth Estimation: 22 days

So, you will get the investment just at the right time. Hope anyone buys it. And this is a 186% plan!
Traffic Value: $891.41371 Turkey
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 12:01
My all investments for sale!! Very very cheap!!
Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Round
$7.00 $11.914 More $7.50 Round 56
$1.00 $1.702 More $1.10 Round 56
$3.00 $5.106 More $3.20 Round 56
$82.00 $139.564 More $88.00 Round 56
$10.00 $17.02 More $11.50 Round 56
$5.00 $8.51 More $5.50 Round 56
$3.00 $5.58 More $3.20 Round 55
$33.00 $61.38 More $36.60 Round 55
$15.00 $27.90 More $17.70 Round 55
$7.00 $13.02 More $7.80 Round 54
$55.00 $102.30 More $69.90 Round 54
$122.00 $226.92 More $149.90 Round 54
$2.00 $3.72 More $2.20 Round 54
$3.00 $5.58 More $3.30 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.20 Round 53
$7.00 $13.02 More $8.00 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.30 Round 53
$4.00 $7.44 More $5.00 Round 53
$4.00 $7.44 More $4.90 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.30 Round 53
$18.00 $33.48 More $21.90 Round 52
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.30 Round 52
$19.00 $35.34 More $23.30 Round 52
$22.00 $40.92 More $27.70 Round 52
$37.00 $68.82 More $47.70 Round 52
$7.00 $13.02 More $9.70 Round 52
Traffic Value: $1,843.08727 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 12:21
Original Investment
Amount Due
Round #
Sale Price


Round 48
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
4 like this post 1 people
24/02/2015 12:22
I really hope no one buys anything over Round 47.. anything after will not mature and will be swapped.

Just my public service to those looking!
Traffic Value: $1,227.89051 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:03
All for original price grin
Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$30.00 $55.80 More $30.00 24/02/2015
$47.00 $87.42 More $47.00 24/02/2015
$55.00 $102.30 More $55.00 24/02/2015
Traffic Value: $20,326.06559 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:17

Search for the nickname sodnik. All offers are between rounds 50-56!
Traffic Value: $2,042.21466 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:41
75% of original investment -- 333%

Original Investment: 650$
Amount Due: 1625$
Sale Price: 488$

Plan: 250%
Round: 51

(page 15 ->  Silicij)

Silicij $650.00 $1,625.00 51 $488.00 More
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:46
186% plan round 52

original investment: $20
amount due:            $37.20
offer price:               $24

I think mine is the lowest price ever grin

buy it please.
Traffic Value: $299.7196 Turkey
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:47
Round 53  186% Plan                                                                  Created (d/m/y)

$4.00     $7.44      More   Offer Price    $4.00      30/01/2015

$7.00     $13.02    More   Offer Price     $7.00      30/01/2015 

$3.00     $5.58      More   Offer Price     $3.00      31/01/2015 

$4.00     $7.44      More   Offer Price     $4.00      01/02/2015  

Round 54  186% Plan                                                               Created (d/m/y)

$5.00    $9.30      More   Offer Price     $5.00      03/02/2015

$6.00    $11.16    More   Offer Price     $6.00      05/02/2015

$2.00    $3.72      More   Offer Price     $2.00      07/02/2015

$4.00    $7.44      More   Offer Price     $4.00      08/02/2015

Round 55    186% Plan                                          Created (d/m/y) 

$7.00   $13.02     More   Offer Price     $7.00      09/02/2015

$10.00 $18.60     More   Offer Price     $10.00    24/02/2015

 Original price  from deepses .. !angel
Traffic Value: $33.8048 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 13:55
Selling for the same price ( $5.00 )

Original Investment: $5.00
Round: 55
Total Debt Ahead: $5,725,506.38
Current Daily Revenues: $34,758.19904
Zero Growth Estimation: 165 days
Modest Growth Estimation: 116 days
Traffic Value: $366.33482 France
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:07
One little question :
I bought a $1.86 investment from a user for $1.674.
I see 0.05022 were deducted as fee.
Who paid it ? Me or the user ? ermm
Traffic Value: $891.41371 Turkey
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:07

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Round
$7.00 $11.914 More $7.00 Round 56
$1.00 $1.702 More $1.00 Round 56
$3.00 $5.106 More $3.00 Round 56
$82.00 $139.564 More $82.00 Round 56
$10.00 $17.02 More $10.00 Round 56
$5.00 $8.51 More $5.00 Round 56
$3.00 $5.58 More $3.00 Round 55
$33.00 $61.38 More $33.00 Round 55
$15.00 $27.90 More $15.00 Round 55
$7.00 $13.02 More $7.00 Round 54
$55.00 $102.30 More $55.00 Round 54
$122.00 $226.92 More $122.00 Round 54
$2.00 $3.72 More $2.00 Round 54
$3.00 $5.58 More $3.00 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.00 Round 53
$7.00 $13.02 More $7.00 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.00 Round 53
$4.00 $7.44 More $4.00 Round 53
$4.00 $7.44 More $4.00 Round 53
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.00 Round 53
$18.00 $33.48 More $18.00 Round 52
$1.00 $1.86 More $1.00 Round 52
$19.00 $35.34 More $19.00 Round 52
$22.00 $40.92 More $22.00 Round 52
$37.00 $68.82 More $37.00 Round 52
$7.00 $13.02 More $7.00 Round 52
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:10
Cheap price to sell than Investment.
See the best offer provided.

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:11
round 54 and 55

Best price cheaper than Investment.

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:14
Yesnico: seller paid
Traffic Value: $366.33482 France
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:21
Thanks Justin123, that's what I thought / hoped. grin
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:32
round 54 and 55

Best price cheaper than Investment.

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $274.52334 United States
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:42
Page 32,Round 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 150$ for 370$...just secounds and it's gone! wink

Profa68 $198.00 $368.28 52 $150.00 More
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
24/02/2015 14:46
75% of original investment!!333%+ ROI!! 

$1,000.00 $2,500.00 More $750.00

$50.00 $125.00 More $37.50

$80.00 $200.00 More $60.00

$80.00 $200.00 More $60.00
Traffic Value: $1,975.48057 India
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24/02/2015 15:08
Round 49 and 50
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