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WarClicks promotion & Branding - game lists

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
25/05/2017 17:50
We've been added to one of the bigger free game sites and are already receiving significant amount of plays for basically no work.

But it can be so much more significant if we get to rank higher (the site has 3.5mil players monthly) for which we need your help - it takes just a minute to upvote/rank us smile

Unfortunately we can't reward you for this as they don't support it, but doing so you can help us get bigger and grow faster!
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
4 like this post 0 people
14/06/2017 01:41
Wow we number one on alot of the voting sites now. the ones we havent taken over yet we in the top 5. Good job everyone.
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