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The BAP Ads Problem

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Traffic Value: $39.33428 New Zealand
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22/11/2023 01:01
mine are still doing exactly the same as every body elses  says on the top about in place of and when it wont do it when on normal page or dashboard says you have done all your baps for the day yet only one succeeded. and 7 left to do and cant do.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
1 like this post 1 people
22/11/2023 10:51
I've just tried all types of ads, on several devices, browsers, and with both captchas. And it's all working fine, on all of them.

I can also see in general as many ad views as usual. So if anything, it's definitely not a "issue everyone is experiencing all the time.".

So if we're to help you to figure this out, can you please provide more information, in this exact format:

What Browser are you using (with version)?
What captcha are you using?
Are you having the issue with Regular ads or Activation ads (or both)?
Are you able to view any ads at all, at various time in the day, or not at all (never able to complete a single ad within the day)?

Thank you!
Traffic Value: $250.69457 Tunisia
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22/11/2023 11:44
screen record

Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
8 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 13:04

Both firefox and chrome.
It is not a matter of captcha, the ad doesn't load at all.
The page loads with a 404 error message, and when you click the captcha nothing happens.
This only happens with activation ads, while regular ads are ok.

You can do only one of the activation ads, all the others are corrupt.

1. Activation ad ....

And i click the captcha it goes like this, and stays there ....

Traffic Value: $1,843.08727 Romania
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22/11/2023 13:12
Same problem as above, only one activation ad works, after that it's bugged.
Traffic Value: $117.30287 Poland
2 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 14:35
Cache and cookies cleared.
Does not work on Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Checked at different times of the day. Changing the captcha does not solve the problem. The link address Is "this ad inappropriate? - report it" does not work either. The only problem is activation ads BAP.
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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22/11/2023 14:36
I have the same problm as stra mentioned.
Traffic Value: $1,660.45381 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 16:56
Same problem !!!
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 18:04
Is there anyone who doesn't have this problem?
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 18:38
Must have something to do with the fact that the activation ads are pointing to:
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
7 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 18:43

Take a look here, you can see that Activation ad #1 is visited 4000 times last couple of days.
Last time ad #2 was visited is Nov 20th. Ad 3 till 8 are not even mentioned here.

So, it is a global problem.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 19:31
Very clever Hoppa61.
Traffic Value: $1,660.45381 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 20:25
i have the same problem
Traffic Value: $168.79526 Argentina
0 like this post 0 people
22/11/2023 23:31
Same here. 77 baps lost yesterday, 77 baps lost today
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 00:09
Same thing today 23th November.
Traffic Value: $39.33428 New Zealand
0 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 01:04
I have tried all of my browsers and all have come up with exactly the same senarioes  cleared cache and all no difference at all and as above is what i get after the first one
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 07:39
We just deployed a fix for this - things seem to be working well on our end. Would appreciate some confirmations from you all just to be sure!

Thanks for the headsup and the extra info - helped me find and fix the issue quickly.

Unfortunately these days we don't have the staff/capacity to easily revert/refund such issues for everyone affected programmatically - so if you feel you've been significantly damaged in loss of BAP or not being able to view any cash ad etc., please submit a support ticket with as much information as possible, and they'll provide an appropriate refund - please allow for up to a week for those to be processes manually.

Thank you!
Traffic Value: $39.33428 New Zealand
1 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 11:06
for me it is now working correctly so what they did, did the trick  Thanking you very much  had trouble for two days so lost some bap   14 in all
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
1 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 12:38
Fixed for me, thank you Slosumo.
What about the 154 (77+77) lost BAPS?
Traffic Value: $117.30287 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
23/11/2023 12:41
It works for me. Thank you!
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