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Shut The Box Overhaul

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
29/01/2014 13:06
Paul is prepped to rebuild Shut The Box right after he finishes Pyramid Solitaire;

New Competition Structure:


5% MTV Portfolio
5% Shut The Box Jackpot
5% Monthly Competition
85% Daily Competition

Daily Competition:
85% pays top 40% of scores up to 212.50%
(Each limit, separate competition)

Monthly Competition:
Your highest 3 scores each server day. Sum totalled for the month. Only $0.50 + $2 plays qualify.
Top 3 cumulative scores, win (50%/30%/20%)

Shut The Box Jackpot:
Anytime you fully shut the box. You'll share the Shut The Box prize fund, between all other instances where people have shut the box that day also.

$0.05 plays have their prize divided by 40
$0.50 plays have their prize divided by 4
$2.00 plays, win the entire amount.

eg. 3 people win, one from each limit:

$300 prize pool gets divided into three: $100 per winner.

$2 player gets all $100
$0.50 player gets $25 ($75 remains in the prize fund)
$0.05 player gets $2.50 ($97.50 remains in the prize fund)
Forum - Brainstorm - Shut The Box Overhaul
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