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Replacing fast track eta

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Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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29/01/2014 19:17
I have an idea to reaplce fast track eta, as it really confuse people. One day they see for example 25 days, and then after like 3 worse day, this time increase to e.g 70 days and they think something is wrong, better to cashout and run away.

People actually don't see any improvement, so my idea is to replace it with progress bar.

It should be easy to implement, it's enough to divide investments before yours into 100 equal pieces. For example there is 10 000$ in fast track queue, and someone invest, after each 100$ fast tracked, he see 1% more on his progress bar.

I think it would be really nice addition to this whole program simplification. People would actually see that queue is moving and their money is closer!

What do you think about it? smile
Traffic Value: $108,789.63106 Poland
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29/01/2014 19:23
good idea. Definitely it will look much better than "days"
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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29/01/2014 19:24
That's a neat idea, but the problem is that the progress bar won't move until it's that round's time to be fast tracked (as usually it all happens in a matter of days), or you get a random fast track.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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29/01/2014 19:36
Perhaps a visual representation of a queue would be nice then, a queue that shows their position moving forward every day, so the time-stretch effect is blurred.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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29/01/2014 19:37
Yeh, perhaps a (amount invested before you)/(total invested amount) could be a better representation,?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/01/2014 19:46
That might work.
But the days eta thing should work a bit better now. As 100% of revenues are being fast tracked. So its a real simple calculation to see when you'll get paid.

Before was confusing. Eta says one thing. But the fact micropayment you received suggested 100* longer.

On Monday you'll see the fast track queue take shape. Then i think it'll become very clear.
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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29/01/2014 19:52
My current fast track eta (I am first in queue) - probably it's bug, but it really never worked properly. 

Maybe we can left Estimated Repayment Time in fast track quque, but in the plan site ( put this progress bars?

My main point was, that fast track eta sometimes grow to enormous numbers because of few worse days. Progress bar always go forward, as we fast track few investments every single day. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/01/2014 19:55
Yes. That's true. As more debt piles on you move closer to the front of the queue.
Traffic Value: $1,758.39114 United States
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29/01/2014 21:07
There may be problems with the estimation calculations. I will revisit that as soon as there are more results to test with. I should be able to provide a more realistic value based on actual daily results.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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29/01/2014 21:20
Yea, let's fix the basic bugs and refinements first... Then we can play with this calculation a bit.

As with the 7day rolling reserve, we know exactly how long it'll take to pay the next few people in the queue. Then everybody else; can be estimated on the back of that known minimum.

But Kamils visual display, whilst kinda meaningless - does show investors what they want to see. (Ie. their relative position in the queue, compared to the whole)
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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07/02/2014 15:06
Something like this could work:
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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07/02/2014 15:21
Or something like this: Click
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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11/02/2014 13:51
Programming Notes

1) The current round being fast tracked. The lower ETA value should always be 1.

2) All other incomplete rounds in the fast track queue. The lower ETA value should be 8.

3) Progress bar calculation:

i -- Round Currently Being Fast Tracked = Front of Queue!

ii -- All other rounds: 1 - (total debt in active rounds ahead / total active debt) *100

eg. (using the figures in the screenshot)... Round 2 would show:
1 - (8947 / 20598)*100 = 56.56%
Forum - Brainstorm - Replacing fast track eta
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