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Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $29.45778 Brazil
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26/11/2015 01:19
 The limit only applies to $ 0.01 and also applies to 30 BAP?
Traffic Value: $1,190.2111 Russian Federation
2 like this post 6 people
26/11/2015 01:23
Why ppls buys the BAPs?
After the limit removal, RPs will be at a higher price: maybe at 300-500 BAP for 1 RP. IMHO.
Traffic Value: $235.8845 Spain
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26/11/2015 01:26
[Edited by The Moderating Team: Please utilize English in the main forums. If you would like to speak your native language, use the language specific topics. Thanks.]
Traffic Value: $29.45778 Brazil
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26/11/2015 01:31

Comprar barato y vender caro. Yo lo haría


I think it will be as opposed as ever, when the RP drop, the BAPs also fall.
Traffic Value: $1,190.2111 Russian Federation
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26/11/2015 01:34
I advise all to sell your BAPs untill 27th nov 12:00 (server time). But maybe i'm wrong in this case.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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26/11/2015 01:38
Someone sent me an interesting thought:
1517 people voted so far.
If they all invested $50 in PV or FTQ there would be $37,925-$56,977 in Dev Funds.
That's about 4.5-6.75 months [plus revenues] time to figure and develop more external revenue sources to get this company really rolling.
I'm game.
First in, first out.
cool smile

Remember, last queue had over 2 MILlION in it.
[granted, there was a lot of inflated worth there]
$50-$60K ain't nothing.
We can do this.
Traffic Value: $14,436.60075 Turkey
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26/11/2015 02:19
Yes, applies to both.
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
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26/11/2015 02:23
Traffic Value: $241.30768 Algeria
Undo1 like this post Disagree1 people

25/11/2015 22:19
I have an idea to revive the RP market: any put up of RP bids or for sell will be cancelled automatically after 24 hours from posting it. so the market will get refreshed and everyone will get a chance to sell and buy again

this is a very simple but very good idea and I thought well and I completely agree, this idea will make the market is fresh every day without thousands of blocks and where everyone has the same opportunities for buying and selling, first come first served

Is there any reason to not implement this? because this is one of the best ideas for the market and I see no logical reason to not start.

also occurs to me and this is more like an experimental idea that you can try and see what happens, remove the options to put orders in the market and only able to sell and buy in bulk without automatic orders, logically this would be a temporary but can Move a lot the market, I am in favor of the orders of the market to make it more automated and comfortable but now we can do without those amenities and have a merdado purchase bulk sale that moves at the speed of light with supply and demand without stop change.

Later when the situation improves we can to reactivate the market orders and even put stoplost I even leverage options and forex.

(because no copy of the forex markets that already have experience in these things and do the same rules they have in those markets if they work they should then work also here)
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
4 like this post 2 people
26/11/2015 02:27
MichaelKline I have already put in about $20,000 out of my pocket into this site and looks like I won't get a dime back let alone my investment... Why would I put in another $50.00? 
Traffic Value: $95.15524 Venezuela
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26/11/2015 02:34
I voted Yes. In the grand scheme of things it's the best for the business.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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26/11/2015 02:38
I can't advize anyone on what would be a reason or not for making an investment.
All I can tell you is that I will be investing.
Despite three swaps, I have only made money through a swap.
Whether this is because of smart investments or sheer dumb luck, I couldn't say...
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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26/11/2015 02:43
I think I gave a good reason. Hahaha. Eventually you have to look at the facts and realize enough is enough when taking a loss. You have better timing because I've watched your value grow. If I would've gotten in when Brainy did, then this would be water under the bridge because I would've had my original investment back so these losses wouldn't matter. 

And to the person that always dislikes my post, you are just mad because you recently invested several thousand and the limit being taken away is about to do to your account what mine has already had happened. Maybe you will learn some consideration for people who put a lot into something and believed in it and then got screwed since you will be going through the same soon. smile
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/11/2015 03:39
Sometimes you have good ideas, and I like your posts...sometimes your ideology is flawed.

It's not at all about the $9,900 I transferred from my bank.
If, in the end, I lose it, sobeit, I knew that going in.

However, if we all think that we can't even put 0.25% ($50/$20,000) MORE NEW cash into the site, just to try to get this site rolling again, then our 100% is really lost and we can all pack up and go home.

I truly believe this site can be revived, and that it's not throwing good money after bad, but even if it ends up being the case, 0.25% more can't be that much to you, esp when you could very well get 100% (or much more) back.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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26/11/2015 03:53
The problem is that when I joined, there was a wave of excitement here. Money was being made. Paidverts was the big thing because of the kind of ad issues that people were constantly getting. That is why I joined. Where is the excitement to get new people? To get the kind of money we put in out of our pockets? I don't see that need for people to want to get involved. Obviously, I am sticking around to see if I get anything back, but I'm focused on what I do have control of and how I grow my cash and eventually this will be in the rear view, but 20k is no small piece so of course I want to get it back. If money started flowing in because there was more excitement then a little game than yeah, that is different. 
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
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26/11/2015 07:34
You've got some point, but look at it from the other side.

Let's say that someone buys a dog. In the beginning he takes care of him, feeds it well, play with it, take a walk, but then it all ends and the dog suffers.

What you see then is a dog, once happy, but now waiflike, starved and simply scared of anything. Should you kill it to have at least a little profit or take care of it?
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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26/11/2015 07:48
Bartosh: In that case, I would consider making bosintang soup pinch
Traffic Value: $247.08853 Philippines
4 like this post 6 people
26/11/2015 08:30
Do not remove the $0.01 limit!
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
12 like this post 0 people
26/11/2015 08:56
I might be re-thinking about my vote.

Taking in consideration that the main goal in my opinion is to rise the RP price so that users may ROI up their investments well the current situation might not help that in any way.

Releasing the RP minimum price will make users undercut each other therefore lowering the RP price in seconds. I believe that in this matter everyone agrees. So giving space for the price to go down might find an equilibrium freeing also unsatisfied users that want to go out at any price and giving the change to believing users to buy RPs at lower price.

I myself was a little bit freeze in what concerns investing more but with this kind of opportunity i might get myself some new funds. Just some $100 could make a difference. This kind of cheap RPs from a proved making money products might be a chance in a lifetime.

I believe that the price will go down at least to $0.0025 or 7-9 BAP. $100 would give about 40k RPs. Or 700k BAP would give about 100k RPs. What a bargain...
Traffic Value: $27,232.49886 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
10 like this post 2 people
26/11/2015 09:49

  • To prevent a market crash via manipulation we have limited the minimum price to $0.01 (30 BAP minimum when selling for BAP) per royalty position

Considering that now market is manipulated to stop manipulation (it sounds funny but is true),
it would be best that you remove your manipulation of the market and let the crowd dictate the price.

Crowd should dictate the price, not the administration.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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26/11/2015 10:21
Well, it does look like the crowd has spoken...almost 85/15.
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