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Promoting buying shares to Paid verts members

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Traffic Value: $16,300.80416 Netherlands
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04/05/2014 17:01
Members from Paid Verts should be promoted to use their Paid Verts balance to buy shares.
For intsance: Use your PV balance to buy MTV shares...For every 10 MTV shares you buy from your PV balance directly,you receive 1 free MTV share bonus.
This is nice to persuade the PTC members from PV to participate with MTV

To keep the balance par value you should return 9 shares from every 10 shares if they want to sell their shares within 1 year after buying.

Traffic Value: $16,300.80416 Netherlands
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04/05/2014 17:06
Selling 10 shares should be receiving money for 9 shares and 1 share should go to the MTV balance in case of selling within one year.
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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04/05/2014 18:41
Where will the bonus shares come from? As it stands all shares are assigned to accounts, and such a promotion would require creating at least another 380,000 shares just for bonuses. Doing such requires either a recreation of how much dividend is paid, or taking a % of everyone's shares to fund the bonus.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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04/05/2014 19:46
We can't create shares out of thin air. Not without adjusting the investment plans; and either reducing the rate of return, or digging even further into referral incentives.

But I don't want to do that.
As it's not a favourable way forward; something we'd only do as a last resort. Best to save that, and use it as a big safety net for the business, incase any externalities screw us over.

Shares don't really need to be promoted.
We'll promote our products; PaidVerts and the like. And with PaidVerts buying up the shares anyway; by promoting paidverts, you're promoting shares. So I don't think this is necessary.

Shares will sell themselves as the price keeps increasing; and as the portfolio grows & MTV's turnover increases.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $2,622.68265 Viet Nam
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08/05/2014 06:55
Is this possible to buy share by BAP, my friend has a lot of BAP but they can only buy 1-2 share a day, if we allow purchase share by BAP, share price will become higher for sure smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/05/2014 07:43
Buying with BAP is not really an option... It would be possible to allow a seller to sell their shares for BAP I guess (but they'd likely charge a much higher price if you're paying with earning potential, rather than cash)

But for the moment, and the immediate future; I don't think that's really an option. Bit complicated to build; and there are more urgent matters to focus our limited programming time upon.
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