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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Paidverts - banner impressions

Paidverts - banner impressions

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Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
0 like this post 0 people
19/05/2014 05:52
ID 728 125 clicks
BA-14479 250/250 1000/1000 21/500 Active
BA-13709 250/250 1000/1000 31/500 Active

Not quite sure if the banners are proportionate to the clicks. Maybe receive more banner impressions or less banner positions available.

I noticed 5 out of 6 were fillers or in house marketing.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
19/05/2014 09:08
We are waiting to install two upgrades to PaidVerts regarding banner impressions.

1) To add extra banner impressions to your bulk ad campaigns.

2) To buy banner impressions outright, as their own advertising option.
Forum - Brainstorm - Paidverts - banner impressions
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