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MTV Subsidiaries Brainstorm

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Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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23/07/2014 18:04
Hey everybody,

so now that the server and traffic issues are mostly fixed, and MTV Portfolio is full of money, I think it's the right time to brainstorm about new subsidiaries for MTV Network grin.

I know Jo wants to build a bitcoin gaming platform, which is a good idea.

I think though that it would be refreshing to build something different than gaming platform.

I don't have any specific idea at the moment, but it could be great to gather all our ideas together here.

You know Fiverr?
I think we could build some program based on this structure.
Basically, people sell any online service for $5 (they can add extra features which cost more $$$). The customers buy the service for $5, and Fiverr keeps $1, and the seller gets $4.

It's a very successfull and huge site.

I'm sure we can think of something similar which would definitely distance MTV Network from HYIP World.

Looking forward for your suggestions guys grin
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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23/07/2014 18:25
There are hundreds (if not thousands) of Fiverr clones, hard to stand out (without a decent angle to attack it from). (Doable; definitely something that could be expanded on. tongue)

Something to really extract the potential out of the games we already have (and continue to build) should come next imo. (A crypto-coin based casino would be pretty good; no licensing hurdle to deal with.)
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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23/07/2014 18:29
I always liked penny stock auctions, but I think it never works as subsidiary businesses. But maybe we can implement some super-simple version to MTV, for sure some people will play as they will have close to it (the same with games now, we don't have serious gamers, people only play because they have money already on accounts etc).

How it's suppossed to work? There is "Auction" tab in the left menu, then few items inside (not much). Like some SSD disk, iphone and maybe some other cheap gadget. The idea is: the lowest unique bid wins. 
For example ticket costs 10cents each, half of it goes to portfolio, half to prize pool. User can "guess" item price with 2 decimal places. For example I buy ticket and set price to 3,58$. Some other guy set price to 0,01, there are also other bidders. Assume situation that 0,01-3,57$ prices are bidded already for at least 2 people.
If prize pool will reach item + shipping costs, auction is closed. Then some automated script looks for lowest unique bid, if this is 3,58$ I won. Then I pay 3,58$ for stuff and wait for DHL tongue

I would make it like this:
-super simple design and backend stuff, as we don't have much programming time
-only few items, maybe 3 at the begging, as our memberbase is not big
-some cheap items, as someone will win relatively fast, and can share his "succes story" around the web.

I am not sure if I am clear, but this sentence - "lowest unique bid win" is simple.

What do you think? I think it's far more interesting than for example lotto, and it won't generate negative profits. We "only" need people to participate in.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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23/07/2014 18:31
I wrote down an idea in this topic:

It's an idea for an daily offer site. Everbody needs some stuff from time to time and if we take the memberbase that MTV and PV has into account, I think it could generate some profit for MTV plus everyone would profit because they could find stuff there with a discount. 
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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23/07/2014 18:33
creating  a mobile app?

i like the idea about lowest unique bid win !

this principe is not new !

but its work very well if you have a LOT of active member !!
but i think all this stuff need to be outsite of MTP (like PV)
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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23/07/2014 18:45
I think the 'Gaming Investment Plan' is a great idea.   It  would most definitely entice me to gamble more--A LOT MORE, knowing I can play and "not lose".  I personally know a few people who would probably join up and play just for this.
Also, the addictive super-complex slot machine sounds exciting.  I really hope these two will be coming soon.

Other stuff to consider: Conditional Prize Tables for Games and the BAP Marketplace where users can sell their BAP to other users at a discount while MTV takes a nice cut on every transaction.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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23/07/2014 19:04
ideas I think we have all tongue
I like the idea of kamil333 I always liked the site penny reverse 
have could offer prizes dematerialized linked to PV / MTV because I think it would be too complex to offer physical products  such 
1000 BAP / a $ 10 coupon / shares ect ... 
otherwise I was an idea created a quizz   or entry would be pay eg 10 BAP (but it takes a lot of work, such as writing thousands of questionsLOL

but anything is possible on PV / MTVwink
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