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More strict register/posting process

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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14/02/2014 16:13
Gotta love these spamming idiots. I mean if you want to "bring down" a site at least go somewhere else than a site's inner forums linking to a shitty scam review lol...

Anyway, mainly because this is so annoying, we should definitely look into making the register/posting process a lot stricter to prevent spamming like this. Off course after PaidVerts. But still... something like IP checks/MAC checks would definitely help a bit, but simply limiting forum posting privileges to people with traffic value would prevent this pretty much. I'm sure this was said before to limit users at 1$+ but with the value swap done now I'm sure we'll see a lot of latecomers like this guy trying to spam the forum, so having that implemented ASAP would be great.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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14/02/2014 16:16
IP ban would be a nice lesson for him...tongue

looks like 1 guy with multiple new accounts
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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14/02/2014 16:17
It would be easy to add this, 1 if instruction checking proven traffic value, for example if it's more than 0 then allows you to write, if not, some popup appears "contact support here"

IP ban won't work, as you can change ip easily.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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14/02/2014 16:18
actually I'd allow 0$ members to post but only with admin's approval
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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14/02/2014 16:25
Yeh Ips/macs can be changed easily, but I'm sure it would still stop many ( those who don't even bother to read the news etc. ) from spamming the register forms. Yeh a 0$ with admin approval wouldn't be bad either ^^
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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14/02/2014 18:22
We'll implement a traffic value requirement in order to forum post asap. Stop these childish games...

There'll be more than one person who pulls a childish strop every time they don't win in one of our games. Nothing we can do about it. Just human nature, some people can't take responsiblity for their actions.

Needless to say, i've banned the offending accounts. And that Portugese guy has forfeited what remains of his account.
Forum - Brainstorm - More strict register/posting process
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