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Traffic Value: $4,059.19374 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
16/08/2024 11:32
It’s been 7 days now since I have generated the request of cash out
Traffic Value: $0.1485 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
26/08/2024 06:30
The website is user-friendly, with all necessary information easily accessible.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
12/09/2024 00:15
I just got one ad in PV.
The achievements ad, $0.0035.
No regular ad issue.
I have 1365 BAPs.
Traffic Value: $6.95759 Hungary
0 like this post 1 people
12/09/2024 16:31
You are made payments today and  I haven't got it again, can u tell me your fake reason?

Date    Type    Method    Amount    Details
09/06/2024    cashout    Payeer    -$1.06    Details

Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
12/09/2024 21:40
No ad issue until now in PV for me.
It is the second day in a row with no ad issue.
Today i didn't even get the achievement's ad, that i got yesterday.

Until now.

EDIT: I just got today's ad issue.

Thanks but what about yesterday's?
Traffic Value: $6.95759 Hungary
0 like this post 0 people
12/09/2024 22:24
    kejdi    $11,007.43755    Litecoin    $184.838    -    2024-09-12 16:00:25

He's post was deleted from this forum, I'm requested the payment before than kejdi , and he is got it.


Previously u are lie to me, that the reason the Payeer. You are paing to others from Payeer today dude.
I requested only $1 and haven't got my payment , not the 1st time that it is happened , and nearly enough for me. It is Paidverts.
I"m clicked almost 65k ads at PTChare, it is sure that the it is the tiop 10, and u always want to scammed me. SHAME.
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
2 like this post 0 people
13/09/2024 18:32
Hey stra!

Thanks for the note, I'm showing that all 14 groups received their ads, but indeed for some reason the first group some users didn't get it.

I'll send some extra ads today



Thanks for the note! Cashouts are taking longer as we're having more withdrawals than deposits. Also, notice that some users deposit cash from a different payment processor and request a cashout from Payeer, leaving the wallet with low reserve.

We're paying the withdrawal based on the date of request (and sometimes depending on the amount).

The user you're referring to created the withdrawal request on Sep 5th using Litecoin as the payment method (hence the LC on the picture below)

Your withdrawal is from the 6th and on Payeer, for which we are having a low reserve. As soon as some cash flows in, we will be able to keep sending the payments, but we do ask for a little patience as we are in that season of the year when the activity is low throughout our websites.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
13/09/2024 18:41
Thank you very much Orlan.
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