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100% Game Loses Value

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Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
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19/04/2023 14:41
Dear Admin Please Update 100% Game Loses Value.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
19/04/2023 17:24
@Nadeem I'm not sure what you mean exactly - we have a new cashback event that starts tomorrow & last until end of April, and the last one we ran was from 23rd to 31st of March, which was already paid. Here are the details of the cashback which will begin tomorrow:

Starts: 20-04-2023 00:00:00
Ends: 30-04-2023 23:59:59
Basic cashback: 100.00% up to $5.00
Extra cashback: 20.00% up to $1,000.00
Minimum wagering requirement: $300.00
Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
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20/04/2023 02:26
ok thanks brosmile
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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26/04/2023 19:28
How to check how much I have wagered and if I am eligible for the cashback?
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
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27/04/2023 01:21

If you go to the Wagering Competition's page, there's one line that shows how much you've wagered.

You will get the cashback only if you're at a loss.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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27/04/2023 07:40
So If we lost the money last week we can't request anything back? sad
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
27/04/2023 09:42
Unfortunately we don't have cashback specific wagering requirements available to be seen from each member separately easily, but to be clear, the cashback is separate from the wagering competition (your plays count towards both during the crossover time period, but the cashback's time period is 20th-30th, and wager comp is 25th-30th.

So @dtworker, if you lost anything after 20th (AND made at least $300 total in wagers), that will count towards the cashback. You currently don't appear eligible for the cashback, as I assume you either didn't wager $300 in total from 20th, or were overall profitable, or made your bets before 20th.

*I just checked and your bets were indeed last made on 19th on Coin Flip, so those do not quality.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 1 people
27/04/2023 12:10
I am talking about loseback. Please view my last week's progress, I made many bet's lasts week at MTV and PV site, the crucial day was 20th April, nearly 300$ perfectmoney wager, but before that day and after it I made many bets as well. I don't know how it doesn't count for the loseback. It is somehow hard to believe and frustrating that I cannot request anything back because I made all those bets in good will, something that would satisfy me and give me new hope to continue like that, like some one-time loseback. If you could somehow appreciate my request that would be nice of you.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 1 people
01/05/2023 09:04
so sad just to let you know it is hard to believe that such great company can't do anything to help the players out
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
03/05/2023 07:58
@dtworker I was talking about specifically about cashback.

Again, you made no bets on 20th, you made these plays on Coin Flip on 19th (and even on that day it wasn't $300+ in wagers):
Plays: 242
Total bets: $176.93772
Total payouts: $131.5797

So my initial response was correct, and unfortunately you didn't qualify for the cashback.

We can't make exceptions to any of our event rules, either publicly here in forum or privately in tickets. If we do, then people will start abusing this and feel unfair if we do exceptions for some members, but not for others. So we have to maintain a 100% strictness to event rules policy.

* I notice you made $51 bets on 27th - so in total $51 bets during the cashback event, which wasn't eligible for the cashback either.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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04/05/2023 16:54
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 0 people
23/05/2023 13:44
Hi, could I now request the 100% loseback value of my wagering? I would like to continue this game, now I have wager over 300$ so please consider this to grant me 100% loseback of my lost balance. I would so much like to play this wonderful games. Thank you.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
24/05/2023 13:26
Cashback event last from 22nd-31st May. The cashbacks will be paid a day or two after it ends as usual.

I just checked and you are eligible for it, so you'll just have to wait until then and when we pay it out to everyone smile
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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24/05/2023 17:40
Hi slosumo,

thanks for the fast answer. 

I will play a little bit more, but could you calculate out how much could I get the cashback?

 What is the hidden formula behind it?

I have played using my PV and MTV balance, not really sure how much I have lost.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 0 people
01/06/2023 19:27
Hi slosumo,

have I got the loseback or have I won the contest? How can I check that?
Forum - Brainstorm - 100% Game Loses Value
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