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Hourly Auctions
#13902 won with $1.00

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Banner Auction Ads Campaign Statistics My Ad Campaigns

ID: #13774
Name: MTV-WagCom68
Banner Image:

Bid History (5)

Auction Bid Outcome
16th Feb $12.00 Win! 1st - Top Spot
15th Feb $10.00 Win! 3rd - Bottom Spot
13th Feb $11.00 Win! 2nd - Middle Spot
11th Feb $12.00 Win! 1st - Top Spot
10th Feb $10.00 Win! 3rd - Bottom Spot

Clicks & Views

This displays a breakdown of exactly who viewed and clicked on this ad.
"Impressions Value" is the equivalent cost of purchasing those same views as targeted ads.

Peak Net Worth Impressions Impressions Value Clicks
Guests -- -- 25
< $2.00 -- -- --
$2 - $30 -- -- --
$30 - $250 -- -- --
$250 - $1000 -- -- --
$1k - $14,500 -- -- --
$14,500+ -- -- --
-- -- 25
* refreshes every 5 min