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Mon 30th June - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 11:07
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Ok, today is in motion!

PV has bought a few random shares from the marketplace + its own shares that were listed at $0.115. It's also re-listed it's next block at $0.129 -- so that should free the way for the share price to jump up again at your convenience. And I also whacked $5k into the 250plan.

So that's PV all up to date with it's re-investments, on all 250,000 ad packs purchased to date!

I've improved the PV distribution values. I'll start rolling that out in a minute, and then post the numbers later on today.

Share dividends will be on their way momentarily.

And programming wise;
Paul is doing all sorts of odd jobs. I think we may finally have the PM bulk payments installed... And we're wrapping up the security issue from the other day ASAP - as that $100 bully is eager to get paid! LOL

If you lost a large amount of BAP with the downtime the other day, please open a support ticket stating roughly how much you lost. And i'll check & refund you manually - as we can't waste the programmers' time right now on that. So i'll sort it!

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 11:47
Shareholders earn weekly cash dividends, paid every Monday, based on the volume of new investment into our Fast Track Queue plans that week.

Turnover This Week: $40,000.00
Shareholder Cut (19%): $7600.00
Dividend Per Share: $0.0002

Dividends have now been paid on all turnover up to $ 160,000.00

Buy/Sell shares on our marketplace:
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 11:59
PV Ads are all in the queue, it may take an hour or so for you to all receive them:

BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

0 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 10725 …............... 0
1600 to 6400 …............... 0.065 …............... 235.43 …............... 4882 …............... 0.0482240885
6400 to 12000 …............... 0.035 …............... 126.77 …............... 1069 …............... 0.1185874649
12000 to 24000 …............... 0.065 …............... 235.43 …............... 999 …............... 0.2356656657
24k to 48k …............... 0.09 …............... 325.98 …............... 688 …............... 0.4738081395
48k to 96k …............... 0.08 …............... 289.76 …............... 453 …............... 0.6396467991
96k to 180k …............... 0.07 …............... 253.54 …............... 241 …............... 1.052033195
180k to 360k …............... 0.07 …............... 253.54 …............... 181 …............... 1.4007734807
360k to 720k …............... 0.07 …............... 253.54 …............... 102 …............... 2.4856862745
720k to 1.5m …............... 0.08 …............... 289.76 …............... 56 …............... 5.1742857143
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.1 …............... 362.2 …............... 38 …............... 9.5315789474
3m to 6m …............... 0.11 …............... 398.42 …............... 21 …............... 18.9723809524
6m to 20m …............... 0.095 …............... 344.09 …............... 8 …............... 43.01125
20m + …............... 0.07 …............... 253.54 …............... 2 …............... 126.77
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 12:17
That's a lot of money in shares revenues. Good to see that!
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 12:25
Whew, great dividends, thanks a bunch !
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 12:40
Turnover This Week: $40,000.00
Shareholder Cut (19%): $7600.00
Dividend Per Share: $0.0002


Statistics > Dividend history > It says $ 0.000453 per share instead of $ 0.0002. That doesn't match with the other statistics.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 12:58
I've sent that to the programmers; its only a display issue.
Traffic Value: $20,280.94579 Germany
0 like this post 1 people
30/06/2014 13:23
another display issue:

  • Dividend per share, per unit of investment turnover$0.00008

isn't it $0.00005 ?

and unit of investment turnover - what is a unit?
better: unit ($10,000) of investment turnover ??
Traffic Value: $0.04219 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
30/06/2014 13:52
Hi Jo! Did you send the bank wire payments today?
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
01/07/2014 00:04
Another great day today.

More than 5000$ in revenues. That growth on the site grin
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
0 like this post 0 people
01/07/2014 00:24
Bought some ads for tomorrow's big issue. grin
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
0 like this post 0 people
01/07/2014 00:42
Me tootongue
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
0 like this post 0 people
01/07/2014 03:54
Pistas rápidas de hoy han sido enviadas!

MyTrafficValue está aceptando BitCoin:

Ok, hoy está en movimiento!

PV ha comprado un par de acciones al azar del mercado + sus propias acciones que se enumeran a $ 0.115. También es re-mencionado es siguiente bloque a $ 0,129 - por lo que debería liberar el camino para que el precio de la acción de saltar de nuevo a su conveniencia. Y también me golpeé $ 5k en el 250plan.

Así que eso es todo PV al día con él es reinversiones, en todos los 250.000 anuncios paquetes adquiridos hasta la fecha!

He mejorado los valores de la distribución de PV. Voy a empezar rodando que en un minuto, y luego publicar los números más tarde hoy.

Compartir dividendos estarán en su camino momentáneamente.

Y la programación de sabios;
Pablo está haciendo todo tipo de trabajos ocasionales. Creo que puede tener finalmente los pagos masivos PM instalados ... y estamos terminando el tema de seguridad desde el otro día lo antes posible - como esos $ 100 matón está deseoso de recibir el pago! LOL

Si ha perdido una gran cantidad de BAP con el tiempo de inactividad, el otro día, por favor abra un ticket de soporte indicando aproximadamente la cantidad que perdió. Y lo comprobaré y reembolso usted manualmente - ya que no podemos perder el tiempo de los programadores ahora en eso. Así que yo lo arreglaré!

Jo sonrisa
Los accionistas obtienen dividendos en efectivo semanales, pagados todos los lunes, con base en el volumen de inversión nueva en nuestra Vía Rápida Cola planea esa semana.

Facturación de la semana: $ 40,000.00
Cut accionista (19%): $ 7,600.00
Dividendo por acción: $ 0,0002

Los dividendos han sido pagados en todo el volumen de negocios de hasta $ 160,000.00

Compra / venta de acciones en nuestro mercado:
Forum - News - Mon 30th June - Daily News
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