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Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
2 like this post 0 people
19/07/2018 02:07
Maybe the admin is not looking for ideas at the moment, but I would like to suggest we have Bingo games.

I think it would be a nice addition to our set of games.

I'm surfing at Tezzers (a traffic exchange) and they have a Bingo game there and I thought wow, it would be great to have that on PV and MTV.

Basically, this is how it works in there (not saying we should follow it, just ideas):

*Every card can be bought with 25 credits.
*Every member can buy a max of 3 cards per game.
*Prizes are different per game but it's a minimum of 100 credits. (sometimes cash)
*A game will start only if there are 10 minimum cards bought.
*A number is drawn every 3 minutes.
*Members can buy cards in advance. The next 10 games are displayed to buy cards.
*A member doesn't have to be online to win.

My first thought is "this is a great way of eliminating BAP debt." From their example, 25 x 10 cards = 250 credits paid, with 100 credits in prizes means 150 credits deleted from the system.

Improvements I would suggest:

1. If we increase the maximum amount of cards a member can buy and also increase the minimum cards per game, I think we can make this profitable for the company and for the winner too.

The jackpot can also be progressive depending on the number of cards bought for the game. For example, 80% goes to the winner(s) and 20% of the pot is BAP deleted. (It can also be a cash game.)

2. Reduce the amount of time for drawing the numbers.

3. Chat. To make the waiting for numbers a little fun. Maybe system messages in the chat for announcing the numbers, members buying cards, and of course, the winner(s).

4. Maybe a widget like the chatbox in Facebook so we can follow it and play it even in other pages of PV or MTV.

5. Other Bingo versions. I read a lot of bingo versions in wikipedia. The one I can remember is the reverse bingo where the one who is the last to fill his card wins.

What do you think?
Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
0 like this post 3 people
19/07/2018 02:12
but there are already many games their and only coin flip and 1 or 2 others work much so i don't think we should add these new games which will take programmers time and money and will 0 chance make us profit
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
19/07/2018 02:42
An added advantage is that it can also be adopted for our casinos (PlayPerfectMoneyGames and PlayBitcoinGames), something to email the membership about and stir their interest to visit our casinos again.

This will also have an impression that our casinos are growing.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 0 people
19/07/2018 04:01
We can even sell adertising on the page.
Including a background image like the AG.

There is another TE game this reminds me of, where often:
5x5 grid you buy as many spots as you want for 25 credits each (625 to buy it all)
6 winners 1x100 2x50 3x25 (275)
Once filled, the draw happens and auto rewarded.
The site keeps 350 credits in this case.
Also, the spots can be a clickable link to the site the buyer wants to advertise. Though usually it's just an avatar image (so branding).

OFC, we can make changes, like larger grid, different costs (even possibly slight discount if buying multiple but not worth extra programming time), different reward structure (both how much and how many).
Forum - Brainstorm - Bingo
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