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Tue 7th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $244.94947 Honduras
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07/10/2014 19:39
Maybe Jo could put together Poker tournaments. I used to play a lot on Poker Stars when it opened up. There were sometimes over 10k peeps on the best priced ones!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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07/10/2014 20:41
So I wasn't even gonna mention it, as I don't really miss anything out of it..

But a while ago I was in the 20 million group, then sold all my BAP for shares and dropped to a very low group.. I kept my account active and i'm buying a few packs a day because i'm still working my way through the 1% ads that gives me like 20$ a day.. But since I'm moving up and down through a few groups daily i'm not receiving any daily ads anymore.. 

I don't care about the value of the ads, I don't want the few dollar either.. But it does point out a serious flaw in the ad system.. 
Mentioning this also makes me realize that it will probably slow the progress of the next product as well. That's a shame sad
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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07/10/2014 20:57
Marc, what value is your ad filter set to? Maybe that's the problem? :>
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
3 like this post 0 people
07/10/2014 21:03
even if poker comes in 3/6 weeks at least it will allow time for than the  MTV community grow 
after even if there is an audience for current games casino / luck 

I think there's a larger audience for poker 

I do not know too much drawpoker, but it will already good for a start, at least I think I would play more at  poker than at current games casino  
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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07/10/2014 22:42
im 10000% sure that drawpoker or holdem poker game will increase the revenue of MTV a lot smile!

keep going all the programmer smile you doing a amazing job already !
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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07/10/2014 23:10
if Texas hold'em comes wich i said already a year ago and ill say it now again!

Imma gonna beat ya all on the table thanks for the free $$$ grintongue

today i started serieus gambling for my stakes wise starting to like the casino wars very much xD 13k bap profits so far and no not just with 1 Lucky bet -_- over 270 plays grin
Traffic Value: $834.04364 Viet Nam
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08/10/2014 02:11
good luck
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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08/10/2014 05:27
damm i just sold my shares with 3% fee today whahaha xD
Traffic Value: $56.36836 India
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08/10/2014 06:34
@ Jo,I have a issue(Responded to support ticket).As you said BTC funds will be added automatically,it wont still its pending.It seems I am being charged for BTC maintenance from my loaded funds.. sad
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 06:39
Aguero 3,133 $0.1598
shaukat19 17,977 $0.1599

Sigh.. Why do people undercut so much? It's terrible for our overal progress.
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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08/10/2014 11:03
Hi all, Probably getting bored of me posting about Paidverts calculator by now. I have fixed the images issues. Now has a little more sex appeal and should look like the below. Available on Mac, Windows and Linux at my Blog. Hope all of you are well.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 11:40
if this screenshot is the way your calculator works, then you are forgetting the 5% referral commision you lose each ad.

If you receive 1000$ worth of ads, you will receive $950
1000$ consumes 2000000 BAP
2000000/3100= 645,16$ to reinvest
950-645,16=304,84$ is the pure profit
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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08/10/2014 12:15
Thanks stethoscoop for your input, I was using the calculations SlimGeld kindly advised yesterday and should include the referral commission.
"The reinvestment calculation is very simple.

$1 ad purchase -> 3100 BAP
3100 BAP -> $1.55 earnings -/- 5% = $1.4725
$1 / $1.4725 = 0.6791

You have to reinvest (at least) 67.91% of your earnings to keep the same amount of BAP."

Is this not correct?
Thanks again, all help is appreciated. I want the calculator to be accurate.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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08/10/2014 12:32
I think a nice calculator would be...

Input: BAP
Input: Cash available
Output: Adpacks to invest to stay in the group
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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08/10/2014 12:34
Actually, think i might have noticed my mistake. will rework the calculations. thanks for pointing out my stupidity Stethoscoop <3
Traffic Value: $58.93819 United Kingdom
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08/10/2014 12:35
Axiantor, that is a nice Idea, i will see about incorporating that sometime soon smile
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