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Traffic Value: $597.96746 Mexico
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16/01/2015 16:24
@ HELLASion   how can you tell the ads your clicking were the 1% from previous bulk purchases?????
Traffic Value: $11,208.6335 Germany
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16/01/2015 16:39
@slosumo please go also through the pending bank wire deposits!! wink would be great,its time to invest.
you are doing a great work, keep on fighting grin
Traffic Value: $107.51787 Germany
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16/01/2015 16:42
Hi Jo,

thank you very much for adding the google captcha, I really appreciate it!

For those who have problems with it: Let the timer count down to zero, and only then type your answer in smile
Traffic Value: $135.45321 Spain
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16/01/2015 16:52
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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16/01/2015 16:58
I'll try to do the pending bank wires later, if not tomorrow morning.

Make sure to provide the following:
- Amount you sent (in $ or €)
- The date you sent the money
- EXACT account holder name(or how it shows up on transfers) of the account you sent it from
Traffic Value: $150.69194 Greece
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16/01/2015 17:06
I have not buy the recycler upgrade....

For every bulk ad you purchase you will receive 1% of your purchase for 10 days... Didn;t you know it?
So again if i have no recycler upgrade, where are those 0.0005$ ads coming from?
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
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16/01/2015 17:11
For every bulk ad you purchase you will receive 1% of your purchase for 10 days... Didn;t you know it?

I didn't know it !! thanks for the info !!
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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16/01/2015 17:13
They are just some random ads issued to everyone who doesn't have an ad filter.
Traffic Value: $597.96746 Mexico
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16/01/2015 17:15
@hellasion, i know that, but how can you tell is the 1% from your purchase and not for something else??
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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16/01/2015 17:15
Receiving Payments is not allowed in Nepal.
... You can probably thank all those African bank wire scammers for that one...
Traffic Value: $150.69194 Greece
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16/01/2015 17:15
LOL.... random issue... grrrr i don't want them..... So i must buy ad filter.... Not yet. i will keep recycling.
Thanks for the info..
P.S. it is HELLAS not HELLA . i thought it was obvious.. i wish i could change it to be more clear..
Traffic Value: $150.69194 Greece
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16/01/2015 17:17
Oh now i got your question... I just remember the last days purchases.. So i can recognize the value..
Traffic Value: $157.80521 Turkey
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16/01/2015 17:27
I'm from Atlantis, we're living on Jo's money, god bless youhappy 
Traffic Value: $1,312.65076 Bulgaria
6 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 17:30
@ MichaelKline
Not sure what maps you use in US but Nepal is very far from Africa, bordering Tibet/ China and India so I don't understand your comment.

I think the reason is that the Nepalese gov doesn't allow its citizens to hold any foreign currency, so $$ payouts won't work.

@ clicksam
I think Bitcoin will be your best bet wink
Traffic Value: $380.03693 Pakistan
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16/01/2015 17:32
Anyone tell me how is your experience with advertising, do you get a lot of sign ups if you invest like 100$-200$?
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
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16/01/2015 17:33
@ slosumo

Thank for having fined some members who used adult, sexy or porn banners. Did you also fined recividists members as noted in my last sunday table, like ecopak and others? Do you think we will have soon a better table (with 5 columns) to get the information and allowing you or Jo to fine offending members easier? 

About viewing ads, what feature has been added? It is a "Report site/abuse" and the link to the advertised site like "Open in a new tab". I hope so because many members are waiting for these small features.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
18 like this post 0 people
16/01/2015 17:35
I've updated the first post... have a read!

And i'll read through the forum posts in this thread in a few hours & address any issues then.
Traffic Value: $593.00493 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/01/2015 17:38
taking money from paidverts to have for mtv?correct?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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16/01/2015 17:44
huge changes Jo.... still not sure what to think, gotta think about them since I am no genius
Traffic Value: $60.77536 Greece
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16/01/2015 17:46
fastrack swap is here i think
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