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Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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09/02/2015 19:20
I think some of the issue is you're getting two ads from the same campaign issued simultaneously. Now, this isn't an ideal situation, especially for the advertiser, but it used to happen all the time back in the PV early days when there weren't a ton of ads to go around. I think both (or three) in some cases are clickable ads.
Doesn't explain those that recycle immediately, though....
Traffic Value: $510.80695 France
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09/02/2015 19:21
Is today a good day to buy mini/mega upgrade ? angel
Many people earned a lot of money today, so a lot of packs bought maybe ? grin
What do you think guys ? 
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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09/02/2015 19:21
Still getting too many 0.05 ads....I think that some more may come with higher value if we assume that lower value ads come first....Right?
Traffic Value: $402.92393 Serbia
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09/02/2015 19:22
at curent ruff calculation before and after ad dilivery im at group 96-180k bap 
ads stop coming so im guesing thay are dilivered fully
im missing around 2k baps
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
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09/02/2015 19:22
Thanks Jo for all of these ads, I will be busy until bed time clicking away. Luckily I enjoy clicking.

Oh and I just saw the stranges thing I watched an ad and I had 63 ads it said when I was done watching the ad I clicked on view another ad and it said 61 ads, so guess one dissipated into thin air LOL
Traffic Value: $44.3401 Nicaragua
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09/02/2015 19:22
Group 4 i only recieve $3.90 and the decuction of baps was for $4.04 shocked
Traffic Value: $126.82149 India
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09/02/2015 19:24
Same as everyone is facing here...BAP is being deducted twice for the same ad, few even deducted thrice...Need an Admin to let us know if we are going to be reimbursed with BAP or ads.
Traffic Value: $481.33231 United Kingdom
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09/02/2015 19:24
If you're getting rid of Perfect Money then please lower the limit on Bitcoin, as right now it's 1BTC, lower it to 0.1 or something, to make it a bit easier to transfer funds.
Traffic Value: $2,018.34414 Lithuania
2 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 19:24
Hello everyone.
First of all I am not a big investor yet...
Thanks for giving members so waited ads, we are all thankful to you for maintaining our needs.
Now maybe some of members will be mad on what i will say, but please reconsider those big ad issues, or try to issue normal amount of ads each day, or try to issue a lot ads on weekends, because there are people like me, who work everyday in offline world and now I will not be able to view all ads, even if I buy ads extension purchase, because there will be more ads next day and still i will not be able to view them all. Even with the ad filter on its just too much ads at the time. So cud you please wait with the other ads issue part till weekend and try, if your releasing big amount of ads, try to give them on weekends, when a lot more members have free time to view them. As now I cant even think of investing bigger amounts, because I will loose even more money by missing on big amount of ads from time to time.
Please consider that.
Thanks for your great work here.
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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09/02/2015 19:25
Jo facebook does not exist anymore, what is going on? 
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 19:26
After getting many $0.10 ads group 7, also got 4 x $ 1.00 ads.
We won't be getting only the smallest ones determined for our group. 
So probably people won't get 730 ads and such in higher groups. There should be some bigger ads too
Traffic Value: $58.96575 Belgium
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09/02/2015 19:26
Richard ONeill not found facebook
Traffic Value: $384.87806 Serbia
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09/02/2015 19:26
Almost all of my 175 x $0.20 ads is twice deducted with BAP points.Please resolve this problem.
Traffic Value: $821.64844 India
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09/02/2015 19:28
I am in Group 9 and already lost around $8 worth of BAP because of the duplicate entries. Having around 130 ads of 0.25/ad having a total of $32 instead of $40 worth BAP been deducted. This is a really serious matter, specially for people at higher group levels where we are losing out too much BAP/Money. I hope this issue is at the top priority atm. 
Traffic Value: $59.33393 Slovenia
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09/02/2015 19:29
please fix the BAP problem smile
Traffic Value: $2,066.50335 Korea Republic of
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09/02/2015 19:29
Two main issues need to be fixed asap

- BAP double/triple deductions
- some ads got recycled automatically 
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 19:29
Just woke up and I am so happy.... the value is even higher than I expected and to think we will still get one more of those...

Getting to click... no Catt mod for you all until I am done with my handsome money tongue
Traffic Value: $593.70654 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 19:32
I know that slosumo already knows but I just wanna add that for some ads BAP was deducted three times not just double!! ..for some even 4 times!! 

That's all, just for the record wink 

Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 19:32
Atlast getting some bigger ads after a lot of suicidal ads..................
Same here group 9 bap reduced more than ad issued..............
Traffic Value: $96.61531 Poland
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09/02/2015 19:33
Something is realy wrong. I got only ~$4 in group 6 ($12 avg) and i've lost more then 20k BAP shocked
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Forum - News - Feb 9th - Daily News
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