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Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
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09/02/2015 17:55
one of my ref who is in group 9 did not get his ads yet, it says your account is inactiv but his account is active for 21 days. Is this just a display bug or everybody got their ads in group 9 or we should keep waiting? please help.
Traffic Value: $800.3309 Lithuania
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09/02/2015 17:57
I'm in G9, there's no ads yet so relax
Traffic Value: $392.37943 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 17:58

Point noted. But, how about salutation (e.g. Line 1: This Ad is unsuitable and against the TOS. Line2: next time you will get BAP penalty, etc. etc.)

Because, if I receive this Ad in the current circumstances, it means I am directly being WARNED. At-least, I take it this way. Because, I am not a ROBOT and I read all 3 lines of each and every single Ad I click.
Traffic Value: $597.15031 France
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09/02/2015 17:59
PaidVerts is a PTC ( Paid To Click ) don't forget.
You're paid to click, so stop complain please...
Traffic Value: $32.48075 Slovenia
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09/02/2015 18:00
I'm also having the error of auto-recycling ads, i would just like to know under which category must this be reported on the support ticket.
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
3 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 18:01
Well people will finally get ads. LOTS OF ADS. So they can't complain they "didn't get any ads".
I should be receiving around 210 x 0.10  ads.
No problem. Wouldn't mind if there was even 500. I'd do my paidverts work. whatever is needed.
helps the site. 

If the savings weren't split into more days you'd only be getting twice as many ads than you get today. Do people really want that?  Careful what you want cause you might get exactly that.

Thanks Jo for pumping people's accounts with ads. 

You always have the extend time upgrade at your disposal to purchase folk.  Not enough time to click?? extend timer then.
Traffic Value: $803.1182 Turkey
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09/02/2015 18:02
had 100X0.25 yet.
Traffic Value: $377.3031 Kyrgyzstan
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09/02/2015 18:02
took two hundred instead of one hundred
Traffic Value: $516.05663 Colombia
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09/02/2015 18:03
no ads for me in group 7....anyone else??
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
28 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 18:05
We're aware of some issues - i.e. some ads being doubled and are looking into it.
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 18:05
I guess the cron is working gradually to send out higher and higher value ads. Currently I'm still receiving $ 0.10 ads so groups above 7 might get theirs afterwards, Just guessing this
Traffic Value: $392.37943 Pakistan
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09/02/2015 18:07

If you sum up, they are all right. You missed "204123" 2 times
Traffic Value: $2,520.36922 Poland
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09/02/2015 18:07

do you need tickets for each such case (with details from BAP log) or can your team and programmers take care of this globally?

it would be good to mention it a general best practice wink
Traffic Value: $377.3031 Kyrgyzstan
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09/02/2015 18:08
 slosumo - Administrator thanks! I saw it
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
61 like this post 20 people
09/02/2015 18:10
Oof more bad news...
After a tough month already, our perfect money account has been drained of just under $240,000

Given the limited access and ip restrictions on this account. There is every reason to believe Yan is behind this. We are compiling evidence at the moment. And i have every intention of going after yan with the help of iweb. We will seek legal advice as to whether iweb is culpable here also. As yan has hacked us via his intimate knowledge and access as an iweb employee. Even after we specifically worked with them to prevent this very circumstance.

We were prepared to write off his previous indiscretions. But this has gone too far. Yan is a criminal, he has betrayed us and not content with the thousands hes already taken, he's come back for more. He deserves nothing less than jail time.

In terms of the business. We can write this off from dev funds without any real bother... but we may reassess whether we continue doing business with perfect money. As they're a big liability... i think we'd be better off forcing pm users to use bitcoin.

Let's see if perfect money will help us get it back. Unlikely given the nature of their business, but you never know.
Traffic Value: $108.96522 Pakistan
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 18:10
more issues are coming .............. just wait 
Traffic Value: $1,053.10686 Serbia
5 like this post 10 people
09/02/2015 18:12
OMG this is considered huge ad issue?

For 1.5m group 16.25$? Because of BAP deduction you have to split the earnings by 3 to get the real amount earned today. So something around 5.5$ for a minimum of 1.5m BAP (you had to invest 500$ to get that kind of money).

I am so happy that I stopped clicking and converted all my shares a while ago. PV is becoming rubbish if you are not in at least 50m group.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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09/02/2015 18:13
114 ads and still running. smile 

Still wondering how group 10 got nearly a 150
people more overnight...
Traffic Value: $108.96522 Pakistan
10 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 18:16
PayPal ... PM ... Next ................ ????
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 18:17
Reduced bap but no ads 

got more of them but i cant post here , it will be too much
09-02-2015 18:14:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1392269 / 507363259 378520
09-02-2015 18:13:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1392269 / 507363259 378720
09-02-2015 18:12:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1392269 / 507363259 378920

09-02-2015 17:57:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1727308 / 507332228 380720
09-02-2015 17:56:01 -200 Ad issue: BA-1727308 / 507332228 380920
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Forum - News - Feb 9th - Daily News
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