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Feb 9th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:17
I was so looking forward to sleeping, too.sleeping
Alright, give me a few minutes, and UNDERSTAND, this is a GUESS!whistling
Traffic Value: $234.20482 Netherlands
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09/02/2015 10:17

For Big Ads
Traffic Value: $660.31166 Algeria
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09/02/2015 10:23
Damn it Paypal...Hope that it'll be fixed ASAP! Good luck!
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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09/02/2015 10:23
I wanted to mention something about the Google Authenticator app for smartphones. Sometimes the time of a device can get out of sync. This can be a big issue even if the devices time is off by just a few seconds. The way the app works is it generates a code every 30 seconds. So when everything is in sync you have 30 seconds to type the code. When trying to login from the device it can be hard to do it fast enough. When the time is out of sync it can be impossible to have enough time to input the code. I know from experience that it can be pretty tricky to login on the same device the Authenticator is installed on. You can use this site to manually set the time as close to the same minute as possible.

You need to make sure the app has the code for MTV-PV listed for it to work. If you do not have that code generating in the app then that is another issue. When you enable 2FA you can save that original image. Then if something happens to the app you can scan the same QR code again. 
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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09/02/2015 10:23
Paypal is a pain in the ass. Hard to deal with. 
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 10:25
40+ pages of people selling shares at 200 Baps...
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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09/02/2015 10:26
If you have .05 in your account, you can buy a share.
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
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09/02/2015 10:27
From Richie's facebook:

Todays $568,271.00 ad issue is rolling, but it'll likely take most of the day! Lots of ads smile)

Good luck, eveybody smile
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
3 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:28
old news...

same stuck Cron... sad
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
10 like this post 1 people
09/02/2015 10:40
[This is NOT the official posting. Only some guesswork based on Friday]

Please UNDERSTAND that these are only GUESSES based on Friday's issue.
There is no guarantee that your ad issue will look like this

Available: $ 568,271 

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User ,,, $/ad

100 to 1599 …........ 0.000 …........ 0.000 …........ 27113 …........ 0.0000 …........ 0.002/ad
1600 to 12k …........ 0.028 …........ 15911.588 …........ 13076 …........ 1.2168 …........ 0.005/ad
12000 to 24k …........ 0.020 …........ 11365.42 …........ 5605 …........ 2.0277 …........ 0.01/ad
24k to 48k …........... 0.025 …........... 14206.775 …........ 5605 …........ 2.5346 …........ 0.02/ad
48k to 96k …........ 0.037 …........ 21026.027 …........ 5162 …........ 4.0732 …........ 0.03/ad
96k to 180k …........ 0.060 …........ 34096.26 …........ 4391 …........ 7.7650 …........ 0.04/ad
180k to 360k …........ 0.094 …........ 53417.474 …........ 4228 …........ 12.6342 …........ 0.05/ad
360k to 720k …........ 0.107 …........ 60804.997 …........ 2744 …........ 22.1592 …........ 0.1/ad
720k to 1.5m …........ 0.120 …........ 68192.52 …........ 1881 …........ 36.2533 …........ 0.2/ad
1.5m to 3m …........ 0.125 …........ 71033.875 …........ 1062 …........ 66.8868 …........ 0.25/ad
3m to 6m …........ 0.105 …........ 59668.455 …........ 502 …........ 118.8614 …........ 0.5/ad
6m to 20m …........ 0.140 …........ 79557.94 …........ 357 …........ 222.8513 …........ 0.75/ad
20m+ …........... 0.066 …........ 37505.886 …........ 58 …........ 646.6532 …........ 1/ad
50m+ …........... 0.029 …........ 16479.859 …........ 10 …........ 1647.9859 …........ 2/ad
100m+ …........... 0.045 …........ 25572.195 …........ 7 …........ 3653.1707 …........ 5/ad
500m+ …........... 0.000 …........ 0 …........ 0 …........ 0.0000 …........ 50+/ad
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:44
Interesting, thanks for doing that Michael. And wow you were fast. Now go to sleep, we want a well rested mod.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
4 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:46
If I get 646 $1 ads, I'm gonna be just a little ticked...
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
3 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:48
Hopefully the $/ad will increase, not a fan of doing 180+ ads lol.
Traffic Value: $111.77814 India
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:48
Still wait for themangel
Traffic Value: $236.92954 Philippines
0 like this post 2 people
09/02/2015 10:52
Server time 09/02/2015 10:49:50 <------------------

Gonna be Tuesday soon! hmmm
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 10:52
Here are my thoughts on how I think we will get the ads and how they should be.
C/P from an earlier thread...though we will get what we get Rich has already decided.

"Honestly, I think Rich is going to do about the same ads he has been doing then, with the remaining amount per group give us higher value ads.

So, for Group 9, if it was $70:

1 x $30
2 x $10
2 x $5
40 x $0.25

This way we can go out and advertise the screenshot again.

What He really SHOULD do is more like:

1 x $10
1 x $5
1 x $2.50
10 x $1
10 x $.75

40 x $.50
60 x $.25

123 ads AND a few still big but more realistic higher valued ads...The old ads say up to $200 per ad, and that should still be the case, for the highest group, which is now 15. No more abnormally large ads."
Traffic Value: $234.20482 Netherlands
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09/02/2015 10:54
@jobenvy its only 10:49 in the morning wink
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 10:54
Still wait for them
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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09/02/2015 10:56

as it seems Cron is more stuck than usual, it`s gonna be a long waiting...
Traffic Value: $246.34525 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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09/02/2015 10:59
i know every day same story
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