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21st October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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21/10/2014 21:44
Jo, can you see if their is any problem with the user: pierre75
He can't reply/ create new topics here at MTV. He is logged in and the buttons create new topic/ reply doesn't appear to him, as you can see in the image.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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21/10/2014 21:49
wow that thread has 86 pages wtf?

didn't even look at it since it's french only tongue
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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21/10/2014 21:49
Maybe his proven traffic value is lower than 1$. 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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21/10/2014 22:01
Or he has a mute.

I see mike, Brainy and Jo are buying right now.. And tomorrow Paidverts finishes their 0.195 share-block smile
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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21/10/2014 22:13
users with traffic value < $1 can't create a new topic/reply here at MTV?
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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21/10/2014 22:19
Wow, quiet some great news today. 
Keep it coming.

Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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21/10/2014 22:34
I was only able to recognize the captcha once, the answer is Gilette Subscriptions.
Traffic Value: $86.81511 Indonesia
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21/10/2014 22:35
Dear Jo

I have reported a security exploit,
see Support Ticket: #27600
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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21/10/2014 22:51

2 "L"s in Gillette if it make a difference...I've had it maybe 15 times today.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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21/10/2014 22:52
Problem solved Jo. He had a traffic value under $1, then he refreshed it and his proven trafficvalue  was over $1.
And I'm amazed by the undercutters. Shares were at $0.17 and now they are $0.155. Why are they so impatience. Last week Jo or Paidverts bought shares until $0.17 and the same happened.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
21/10/2014 23:04
Take advantage, the difference between 15cents and 17cents is like 10% profit.

Shares are probably the fastest way to earn with MTV. And even more so once the new transfer fees come into play.
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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21/10/2014 23:53

being around $10k seems to become the new normal. w00t
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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22/10/2014 00:23
Regarding the claw-back of commissions. 

NB par example holds commission from purchases in pending for 3 months in case
 there are disputes or other problems. 

There is something to say for that from the point of a site. 
It gives more spread in cashflow.
One does't need to clawback commissions from users if problems arise
or correct results.
It also gives more time to discover possible problems. 

Users won't like it of course.  
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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22/10/2014 00:59
@dan1989, IMO, it's the big players fault as to why there are undercutters. When the big players sell 5000 shares at one go,the small players had to resort to selling their shares at a lower price in order for them to get theirs sold first since they feel that 5000 shares is going to take a long time to be cleared. I've seen that happen a lot of times. If the big players want the share price to go up, they should sell their shares in small chunks of 100 - 200 shares. That way, the small players will have the patience to wait it out until their turn comes next.
Traffic Value: $68.86596 United Kingdom
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22/10/2014 01:19
Just had a $5.11 ad with 48K BAP. Love you so so so much Jo! smile
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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22/10/2014 01:36
I'm so looking forward to the instant share sale and reduced commission! Bring it on fast Jo! grin
Traffic Value: $244.45982 Philippines
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22/10/2014 03:28
Thanks for the infosmile
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
22/10/2014 10:08
Has anyone else made some profit selling/buying shares from yesterday to today? I got bonus 60 shares for free. Climbed from 968 to 1046 grin. I love undercuters  
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 2 people
22/10/2014 10:31
where are you jo, come on, approve my share transfer, I can't scalp if I wait 2+ hours for share approval
Traffic Value: $40.26175 Indonesia
0 like this post 1 people
22/10/2014 12:10
@jo this only happen to me??? i hate the new captcha system i get 300 ads and always get this -_-
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