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19th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,544.52803 Canada
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19/10/2014 14:23
Hope the Paypal issue gets resolve by a week.  I just requested a few hundred to my paypal via bank to buy more ad packs.  And how do increase the limit of paypal deposit to about $500?  I noticed it's cap about $100 and that just makes me have to buy the ad pack a few times paying extra fees.
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
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19/10/2014 14:25

Yeah it really makes me happy, last sunday I didn't get any ad...

But that's not the point tongue It depends on admin what we'll have. So whatever, I'll be happyangel
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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19/10/2014 14:25
send a support ticket,

it will be solved!
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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19/10/2014 14:29
Chister  after time and enough investment, the limit will raise to 500 a week.
I too went through the whole procedure of weekly limits, takes about 12 weeks. 
If you invest sunday before servertime and monday after servertime, you can bend
it a little.   
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
9 like this post 0 people
19/10/2014 14:33

Go to freelancer dot com

There are a lot of programmers there.

You should put in a new nice size project for bidding, and look for an actual programming company with a stellar reputation to bid on it  (you would prefer to have 2 or 3 different companies).

There are a couple of really bid programming companies from India in the site, and you could hire them to take over all the programming.

Any project you give a programmer should always have a deadline, or they will never complete it.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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19/10/2014 14:36
The problem with that, is that there are so many junk programmers on there.... Really tough to weed out the junk.

And interesting, this PayPal thing might be a "Sunday" bug then, where your weekly deposit limits don't seem to update on Sundays.

I've sent it to the programmers.

* And this guy is weird... I don't actually think he's cheating / defrauding us. I think he's just trying to deposit more. Like the user above; saying he had to deposit multiple times of $100... that's technically cheating our weekly deposit limit. But not in a malicious way; just trying to purchase as much as possible.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
12 like this post 0 people
19/10/2014 14:45
Right... found it!
There was an error in PHP; it was counting deposits for the weekly limit (only on Sundays) from today until next monday (not last monday). So the limit was always zero. Thats why people were able to deposit again and again.

Those 4 accounts will remain banned until the checks clear. Then we'll reopen them... And that should be that!
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
19/10/2014 14:55
That is why you should look for companies not individuals.

Then get on the plane and actually go visit their operation and make sure they are what they say they are.

You need to realize this company is no longer a 1 man operation, it is a multi million dollar a year corporation, so you need to start expanding your staff to meet the current and future demand.

I have seen many innovative projects since 1999 fail because of the owner/ceo unwillingness to delegate authority.
Traffic Value: $4,782.87809 Germany
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19/10/2014 14:57
got no fast ads today ):

Traffic Value: $4,782.87809 Germany
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19/10/2014 14:58

Pls check ticket: #27575

waiting since 30 Hours for my Skrill Deposit
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
19/10/2014 15:03
You need to have the programmers change the top earners page.

With the current way you are issuing these ads, it shows to much instability in the system, with huge day followed by very small days of earnings.

It should be last 7 days earnings, and updated only once per day.

This will show more of the true average earnings, and by updating only once per day, will lessen the strain on server.

It will also, help in promoting, as the weekend is a busier day on most sites (because of those who actually have real jobs and potentially the most amount of money), and with the current format the earnings show the least amount.
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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19/10/2014 15:06

could anybody give me the link for the earning distribution?

Jo, once explained, $1 is used for something and something...

can't find it
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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19/10/2014 15:23

$1 Ad Pack:

$0.10 is used for the daily results in MTV
$0.10 is used to create 10x 1% ads for the purchaser for the next 10 days
$0.10 is used to create 10x 1% ads, distributed at random to user of the mini/super user upgrade
$0.05 is used for the daily ad distribution in PV for the next day
$0.05 is used for the daily ad distribution in PV for the day after the next one
$0.50 is invested into shares or 250% fast track plan (in MTV), and when these investments mature, they are used in the next PV ad issue.

Is this what you were looking for?

don't have the link anymore, copied this from the forum about a month ago
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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19/10/2014 15:26
would prefer mini ad issue as earning from Saturday and Sunday are now practically same for medowner
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
4 like this post 0 people
19/10/2014 15:27
Hey Jo,
Great job finding the Paypal issues.
Like you said, might not be a fraud issue for these particular accounts, but concerning nevertheless.

When I see the PP chargebacks, I am amazed at the size of them. I was assuming they were patient and waited 12 weeks to build up their paypal purchases before they disputed them, but I though it was only available for 30 days after purchase. This little exploit might be the root of many of the past larger PP disputes.

Although you could never trust them, some of these scammers would probably make excellent programmers.cwy

I love the community helping police the operation. So many eyes keeping an eye on the prize. LOL
Traffic Value: $533.17304 Indonesia
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19/10/2014 16:15
Hey, Jo
Please take a look experimental fund angelsmile

Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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19/10/2014 16:46
$10,000 and climbing.

Over 7 hours to go excaim
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
2 like this post 9 people
19/10/2014 16:49
Group 9 and .10 cent ad wooohoooo last weekend no ad not even single again wooohooooangry
Bring the down ones up but dont take 8 days from higher groups per month atleast half or even less than half to chew onwink
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
1 like this post 3 people
19/10/2014 17:54
On weekends its better to sleep Enjoy with family <3  i will not logon again on weekends again just waste of timesad
Traffic Value: $4,031.17557 United States
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19/10/2014 18:49
Hello Jo,

I was wondering how I could possibly purchase shares without the need to buy ads through PTV first? I have tried adding funds but I do not have the option to add them through paypal or payza, the two processors that I use.

Is there any way to just purchase shares by adding funds directly?

Please let me know!


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