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13th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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14/10/2014 13:13
@slosuma normal slot machine between 20-50 spins i have to refresh page.
Moneyslots ofc the double up.

Since yesterday casino war cannot push botton then goes on itself 5 min later after i betted and they all do this.
same with roulette since yesterday so i really feel it the overall connection then a bugged code.
Or just complete sitefreeze due no data or site down...

And sure i get that it sometimes happens but if i gamble 2/3 hour and it happens 3+ times its really far to much. and costing me greatly and my patience.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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14/10/2014 13:42
I think that all the botuse gets to the games. 
And as for bugs: 
Traffic Value: $1,052.28274 Macedonia
0 like this post 2 people
14/10/2014 13:46
I'm also disgusted from whiners, but try being in our skin.

Sunday - no ads... it's OK, no hard feelings...
Monday - Still no ads, yet we expected some big daily issues and I bought both Mega and Mini SU.... hmmm
Tuesday - it has passed more than a half-day, still no daily issue...

And then you said whiners this - whiners that...

Dudeeeee... we are talking about lost money & time, and with all the mess there is currently around - I hardly believe that will get fixed and compensate as for the lost time+money.
I was planning to invest even more (some 200$) to enter the 8-th group.. but with all this happening right now - I'm hardly willing to do that.
In-fact, I may even convert all the BAPs to cash and withdraw everything.
Honestly, this is starting to smell bad...
I myself never had issues with support tickets, but with so many "whiners" (as you please to call them) - this is a well known situation from other internet business.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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14/10/2014 13:49
Actually money is not lost as long as you got your BAP. BAP will be turned into money sometime, it will just take some time.
Cron had problems, it´s nothing people can predict. It will be fixed. No reason to whine.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
6 like this post 1 people
14/10/2014 13:55
Bye Exosypher. We will not miss you.

Especially 'Tuesday - it has passed more than a half-day, still no daily issue' made me think I would not miss you. There is no fixed time for the ad issue, and it is only 13.54 server time. So more than 10 hours to receive your ads. And Jo also mentioned the ads for group 6 would be delivered today if it was not possible to sent those from monday on monday. READ. READ DAILY NEWS and you would know what is happening here.
Traffic Value: $1,052.28274 Macedonia
0 like this post 10 people
14/10/2014 14:00
I READ, I READ EVERY SINGLE F'KIN POST AND COMMENT! that's why I'm so frustrated, it was said that today we will receive the ones from yesterday - but we haven't received even the ones from today!

ANd its fkin easy for you to brag about it in the top group, high daily earnings, living on commisions or whatver, but keep in mind: IN ORDER FOR HIGH GROUPS TO BE SATISFIED - LOWER GROUPS HAVE ALSO BE SATISFIED, you are the one that actually not reads the news.

So don't make off please, because it's always harder to make a good vibe on something (i.e. make everybody love PV/MTV, be satisfied with it etc..), while bad vibe spreads like wild-fire!
Traffic Value: $3,059.81852 United States
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14/10/2014 14:03
Relax, none of the groups have received ads for today. So its not just your group. They will come, they all do. And you guys will just have an extra large ad day to make up for Monday.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 14:16
Considering what the programmers are implementing as in new stuff , everybody can be glad that the whole site isn't totally off for maintainance. 

So it is a bit a give and a take and in case you haven't noticed PV isn't that old at all so you can expect bugs and hick ups specially with unexpected growth. 
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
6 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 14:23

I understand. I was in your shoes until last month. Ok, I feel your anger. I get all that.
"Colossander(?)"'s post.... I know, what it feels like.

But, I hope you understand that whining doesn't help at all.
Nothing changes. More people leave PaidVerts or MTV by looking at this. Profits decrease.

But, I also recognize
we should stop saying "Just Wait, Just Wait, Patient" to members who whine.
I think we need to be more smarter and explain more things I guess....


We are sorry if we sounded too mean to you.
Just consider as "It will be all there for you! Don't worry smile"
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 14:30
daniel, thing is,... everything WAS explained but they keep whining
and b4 anyone says some silly thing... I am in group 6, I didnt get any ads and I do not make a living off Pv and MTV... yet.. and won´t if people don´t stop putting them down

BE PATIENT! Jo is the most present admin in all sites I´ve ever seen, he will be here soon and update us... it is not like he disappeared for a week!
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
1 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 14:33

Yeah I think it was all explained.

But, you know? There are people who has different characteristics in this world
No offense or anything like that
Some people like organized things. 
Some people like things right there for them.
Some people like to read.

I guess we need to all understand ourselves
since we all have weaknesses ourselves, too!

I'm not saying anything that your reply is bad, CATT!

Please READ or search for 5 minutes,
that's all!
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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14/10/2014 14:38
I have 3 new strange Ads. Two are broken. Every time i enter the captcha an error message appears "Error please try another one". Those ads have 15 seconds not 30 as normal. Does anyone know how to fix them? I don't want to loose BAP
Another strange think is this:
Here is the proof that Captcha doesn't work:
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 14:39
Those are the new short ads, in case you cannot see them, just swap ads... it should be all fixed soon, since it´s just beginning to be implemented today
Traffic Value: $1,975.89577 Malaysia
3 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 15:15
How about putting a message board in PV section for announcement about maintenance, cron issues etc. because not many people read news here? 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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14/10/2014 15:17
JamesRo, Are you still having problems with viewing the fast traffic ads?

* I don't think Fast Traffic Ads have a swap ad function. Or they shouldn't. As they're not like bulk ads. They're more like targeted ads.


And GroFinTags,
I've asked the programmers to checkup on Solitaire.
Traffic Value: $128.88901 India
0 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 15:33

Yes the fast traffic ads are still having same issue. you can see bellow.. thx

Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 15:37
Ok.. i've forwarded this to the programmers. They should be on it straight away.


And i've sent out a $1.48 ad to all users in group 6 for yesterdays issue there.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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14/10/2014 15:38
Got exactly that.. txs a lot for your patience Jo!
Traffic Value: $100.03615 Jordan
1 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 15:38
Got my $1.48 ad, thanks mate.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
1 like this post 0 people
14/10/2014 15:46
@paidvertjs: How long did you wait before you confirmed the captcha?
I have the same problem if i wait more than 5 minutes to finish the captcha, but if i fill it in and confirm the captcha right away there are no problems for me.
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