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FTQ Investment sales - OFFICIAL TOPIC

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Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 10:53
round 54 and 55

Best price cheaper than Investment.

200 % ROI

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $4,197.76641 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 12:18

Amount Due


Offer Price

Offer Created (d/m/y)


























Traffic Value: $934.78445 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 14:17
!!!!50%!!!! of initial investment 372% ROI 
0,50$, 1.00$ AND 1.50$ LITTLE INVERSION


ORIGINAL                AMOUNT                   SALE              ROUND
INVESTMENT            DUE                         PRICE
    $2.00                     $3.72        More        $1.00                52        About page 26
    $1.00                     $1.86        More        $0.50                53        About page 43
    $3.00                     $5.58        More        $1.50                54        About page 65
    $1.00                     $1.86        More        $0.50                54        About page 61
    $2.00                     $3.72        More        $1.00                55        About page 81
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 17:21
Massive savings, even the swap will make you profit!

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$175.00 $437.50 More $87.50 27/02/2015 Cancel
$5.00 $12.50 More $2.50 27/02/2015 Cancel
$6.00 $15.00 More $3.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$6.00 $15.00 More $3.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$8.00 $20.00 More $4.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$207.00 $517.50 More $103.50 27/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $8,892.04504 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 17:22
Round    Invested   Amount Due    Offer Price    More
55    $18.00     $45.00     $10.00    More

450% ROI, page 88
Traffic Value: $934.78445 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 18:34
!!!!50%!!!! of initial investment 372% ROI 
0,50$, 1.00$ AND 1.50$ LITTLE INVERSION


ORIGINAL                AMOUNT                   SALE              ROUND
INVESTMENT            DUE                         PRICE
    $2.00                     $3.72        More        $1.00                52        About page 26
    $1.00       SOLD     $1.86        More        $0.50   SOLD    53        About page 43   SOLD
    $3.00                     $5.58        More        $1.50                54        About page 65
    $1.00                     $1.86        More        $0.50                54        About page 61
    $2.00                     $3.72        More        $1.00                55        About page 81
Traffic Value: $1,499.07884 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 18:37
The lowest prices(rounds:53,54):

$456.00 - invest $848.16 - return $228 - offer
$268.00 - invest $498.48 - return $134 - offer
$13.00 - invest $24.18 -return $6.5 - offer
Traffic Value: $6,378.32402 Ireland
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 19:46
Invested      Amount Due    Offer Price
$2,459.00   $6,147.50        $1,500.00  Round 52   page 39
$3,383.00   $8,457.50        $2,500.00  Round 53   page 57
Traffic Value: $1,843.08727 Romania
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 19:51
Page 2
Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Round
$100.00 $250.00 More $219.00 48
Traffic Value: $69.48447 Argentina
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 20:03
 Sell my FTQ investement (186%)

Invested Amount    Due         Round        Offer Price        Offer Created (d/m/y)

  $24.00                         $44.64        51             $18.00                     15/01/2015

Buy this great offer on page 17
Traffic Value: $2,366.74609 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 21:13
Ftq for sale:

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$250.00 $425.50 More $160.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$58.00 $107.88 More $32.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$10.00 $18.60 More $6.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$15.00 $27.90 More $10.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$15.00 $27.90 More $10.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
$15.00 $27.90 More $10.00 27/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $45.63627 Mexico
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 21:16
List of your active investments

Round Invested Amount Due Created (d/m/y) More
52 $20.00 $37.20 21/01/2015 More Sell

List of your investments pending sale

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$20.00 $37.20 More $15.00 27/02/2015 Cancel

List of your investments pending admin approval
Traffic Value: $2,351.73368 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 21:30
Hey guys I have one question.....I read somewhere before that the round on my FTQ plan (51) it means weeks since 1. Jan 2014 ? An I calculated that Between 1 jan 2014 and 1. april 2015 when will the swap be is 65 weeks. So does that mean my FTQ will be over before or not....I think not but Im not quite sure ? Tnx for all your help
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 22:37
OK, so I lost my mind shock

I'm selling 3 investments super cheap. Your ROI will be between 460% to 485%

Invested  Amount Due  More Offer Price Round

$155.00 $387.50 More $80.00 53
$131.00 $327.50 More $70.00 52
$75.00 $187.50 More $40.00 50

And here are more but for a ROI above 250%

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price
$5.00 $12.50 More $4.50
$4.00 $10.00 More $4.50
$10.00 $25.00 More $9.00
$6.00 $15.00 More $5.00
$12.00 $30.00 More $10.00
$25.00 $62.50 More $24.00
$52.00 $130.00 More $50.00
$5.00 $12.50 More $4.00
$20.00 $50.00 More $18.00
$60.00 $150.00 More $55.00
$33.00 $82.50 More $30.00
$24.00 $60.00 More $22.00
$50.00 $125.00 More $58.00
$40.00 $100.00 More $38.00
$2.00 $5.00 More $1.50
$16.00 $40.00 More $14.00
$10.00 $25.00 More $8.00
$25.00 $62.50 More $22.00
$26.00 $65.00 More $22.00
$80.00 $200.00 More $75.00
$35.00 $87.50 More $32.00

I can lower these as well. If you are interested in one of these, reply to this thread and type my username, put it in bold and in size 5 like this: dan1989 and tell me in which one you are interested.
Traffic Value: $2,431.6772 Nepal
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 22:45
round 54 and 55

Best price cheaper than Investment.

200 % ROI

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$1.00 $1.86 More $0.80 24/02/2015 Cancel
$43.00 $79.98 More $40.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
$27.00 $50.22 More $25.00 24/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $639.14432 Colombia
1 like this post 0 people
27/02/2015 22:49
i remated my invests tonguetongue round 56

Invested Amount Due More Offer Price Offer Created (d/m/y)
$5.00 $8.51 More $3.75 27/02/2015 Cancel
$3.00 $5.106 More $2.25 27/02/2015 Cancel
$3.00 $5.106 More $2.25 27/02/2015 Cancel
Traffic Value: $400.67513 Philippines
1 like this post 0 people
28/02/2015 00:48

FTQ Plan investment for sale 200% ROI

Buy Plan $20 and you will get $40


Buy Plan $18.75 and you will get $37.50 


Buy Here

Please Browse page 88 - 90 and look for iworknet investment

Thank You


Traffic Value: $934.78445 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
28/02/2015 01:14
!!!!50%!!!! of initial investment 372% ROI 
0,50$, 1.00$ AND 1.50$ LITTLE INVERSION


ORIGINAL                AMOUNT                   SALE              ROUND
INVESTMENT            DUE                         PRICE
    $2.00                     $3.72        More        $1.00                52        About page 26
    $1.00       SOLD     $1.86        More        $0.50   SOLD    53        About page 43   SOLD
    $3.00                     $5.58        More        $1.50                54        About page 65
    $1.00                     $1.86        More        $0.50                54        About page 61
    $2.00       SOLD     $3.72        More        $1.00   SOLD    55        About page 81   SOLD
Traffic Value: $1,809.37984 Canada
1 like this post 0 people
28/02/2015 02:26
 invested:  $723.00     Due: $1,807.50 More        CHEAP             OFFER           $$   $400.00       

Traffic Value: $88.4351 Philippines
2 like this post 0 people
28/02/2015 05:50
some one pls buy my FTQ investment.... its just 10$  amount due is 18.... thanks
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Forum - Misc - FTQ Investment sales - OFFICIAL TOPIC
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