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Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
11 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 01:50
This topic is to give you an idea what us Mods delete or edit.

The general rule in the forum is that we're allowed to speak freely. MTV is known for it's transparency, so we don't want to hamper the freedom of speech. However, there are posts/topics that needs to be edited or deleted. Here are the ground rules:

1. Ref links are not allowed. Even if the program is listed in our Monitor (and even if you're the one who paid for the monitor listing), you are not allowed to post your referral link in the forum. If you want to promote the program, then purchase a Premium upgrade in the Monitor or bid for a Banner to be shown on top or buy bulk ads in PaidVerts. In addition, use the official thread to discuss that program. Don't create another topic for it.

2. Don't create a topic or post in any of the threads about your pending ticket. No one can help you in the forum regarding your ticket anyway. Exception to this rule would be tickets regarding website exploits or account hacking.

3. Avoid excessive Racial Comments. Please respect one another.

4. Avoid excessive Swearing/Insults or Vulgar language

5. English is the main medium for communication in the forum, so use English on your posts. Other languages are allowed only in the respective threads created solely for your country/language.

6. Avoid repetitive posts. It's okay to ask "where are the ads". Just make sure you don't post it multiple times or in different threads.

7. Don't spam.

Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
2 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 10:32
Just in case you missed this post.
Traffic Value: $553.24724 India
0 like this post 0 people
07/02/2015 06:29
THANK U@yallit
Forum - Misc - Forum Guidelines
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