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Monetizing the real world traffic

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Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
29 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 14:07
We all know that visits from PTC sites is not good for SEO, we also know, that PTC’s and such sites are banned in Goolge TOS.

Well, there is a way to monetize real traffic and give it a value.


        1.Tools need to be developed:
           a. Search bar addon for Chrome/Firefox etc.
           b. Server Side API – to process user generated data


Traffic redirected trough PTC sites is not good and ruins visited site SEO and Rank.
But, if the traffic is direct? What if one just have the link and visit the site without redirections and traces? It would be a direct Hit. It is a direct and clean visit.
This way, any site paid for traffic could get it for sure eliminating the need of nonsense ads constantly popping out in the Bulk Ads section.
Of course, those who need real bulk ads for getting referrals still could do it.

Method to achieve this:

Links that should be clicked for the day can be delivered to the end user by e-mail, downloaded from user’s home page as list or any other possible way excluding redirection.
They should be added to the MTV toolbar as list of URL’s to visit.

The main thing is, that the link visit should be initiated from user’s PC, but not redirected from site.

What the link should look like:

The link should consist of two parts e.g.^1234567890abcdef^

First part is just a regular URL. The second part is a token. This token is issued by the system and is generated specifically to the user.
By adding this link to the “MyTrafficValue” bar, it does couple of things:

     1. Disassembles the URL on 2 parts
2. Sends the token to PV indicating that the ad is active and used for generating the Captcha for confirmation
3. Directs the browser to the URL
4. Constantly checking, whether the user keeps the site on focus
5. Counts the time for the visit
6. After timer expires, gives captcha, generated by MTV so the visit could be approved
7. So on with the next URL

There should also be an option to generate real visit to certain subpages of a site, putting them as sequence in the link and indicating that user interaction is needed on site. Something like simple directions. “Click the T-Shirts link on left menu” or just by placing the next inner site page in the toolbar.

Other way to interact is certain search words or URL’s to be put as Google search term, obliging the user to visit the page found for the paid time.
This should be controlled by the MTV toolbar.

This way, real world advertising and traffic campaigns can be created and directed.

Toolbar could look like this:

     - MTV logo on left combined with timer which fills the arrow sign with yellow (30 sec. or the time paid for visiting)
     - text field for URL typing
     - Go button
     - Import list Button
     - Captcha text field – for entering Captcha
     - Confirm Button

Still rough idea, but it can work. Any thoughts? Brainstorm it!
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
07/02/2015 18:56
I don't know if it is possible to build something like this, but it is a great idea. +1000000
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
0 like this post 0 people
07/02/2015 19:24
it can be done for sure!
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
07/02/2015 19:42
Then i hope it will be read by jo. Or richy wink

For selling real visits to real advertisers something like this must be done
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
0 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 01:32
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Traffic Value: $177.02241 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
09/02/2015 03:14
yes, iuts a nice idea
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
1 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 00:13

sorry Th-man  smile

i read ``dump`` grin
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
0 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 00:20
Yeah, at least it was not "dumb" grin grin
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
0 like this post 0 people
28/02/2015 17:44
Traffic Value: $283.44419 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
22/05/2015 23:30
That is one good idea !
Traffic Value: $21.84529 Bulgaria
0 like this post 0 people
22/05/2015 23:34
Jo dice.. Jo dijo... Jo ha hecho... no se que y no se tantos... NADA, se pueden leer no 1 ni 2 buenas ideas por el foro, pero vamos a hacer camisetas ueee ;p @MikeMazzone Let's do some briefs ;p 
  @Slosumo We're alredy in the hell, take a look. Thanks
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